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The Hissem-Montague Family ![]() |
(22) Abner Hissem (1774)
The eldest son of Thomas Hissom, Abner was born in about 1774, or 13 July 1776 depending on your source, in Lower Smithfield township, Northampton county, Pennsylvania. He was perhaps named for his uncle Abner, who was killed at the Battle of Long Island. The "History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania" indicates that he was born in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, but I think that was an assumption based on Abner's early move to and long residence in that county.
Not long after Abner's birth his father was living in the Wyoming valley of Luzerne county, just west of Lower Smithfield, on the other side of the Great Swamp. Had Thomas Hissom moved his family there in the immediate aftermath of the Revolution? Note that General Sullivan's campaign of 1779 into the heartland of the Iroquois, then allied with the British, had significantly reduced the power of the Indians who had previously threatened the valley.
The Conflict over the Wyoming Valley
In 1782 the Continental Congress upheld Pennsylvania's claim and in May 1784 Pennsylvania sent an armed force to dispossess the Conneticutt settlers. Pennsylvania had ruled that they were not citizens of the Commonwealth, could not vote, and were to give up their property claims. This kindled a third and final war. The issue was only resolved when, in 1799, Pennsylvania honored the land claims of the Connecticutt settlers and made them citizens of the state. The issue of Connecticutt's far-reaching claims had been resolved in 1786 when she ceded those territories. Wyoming is a valley of noted beauty and fertility in Pennsylvania's Luzerne county, pictured to the right. Luzerne was due west of Northampton county, on the other side of the Great Swamp. |
In a letter dated 24 April 1783, Thomas Hissam, probably Abner's father, was included in,
"Report of Commissioners to Wyoming, 1783.Abner was about 9 years old in 1783. I assume that Thomas Hissam had been settled in the area for some time previous. The Thomas Hissam above could have been his father, Thomas Hesom, but the latter seems a bit old to be pioneering, being in his 60's at the time.
. . .
A List of the Householders of the Different Settlements at Wyoming who wish to Support the Laws of Pennsylvania, 1783
. . .
Heway, John [neighbor of Thomas Hesom in Lower Smithfield]
Hissam, Thomas
. . ." - from "Pennsylvania Land Wars with Connecticut and Virginia" by Don Corbly
The issue with the residents from Connecticut who claimed the valley for their state continued for some years. Many of the Pennsylvania adherents fled the conflict, probably including Thomas and his family, who were, in 1790, back in Northampton county.
In the 1790 Federal census of Northampton county, Pennsylvania, Abner's father, Thomas Hysham Jur., was living in Lower Smithfield township, as were the families of his father, Thomas Sr., and brothers, John and David. In the household was 1 man over 16, Thomas, 3 boys under 16, Abner [he would have been 16], Thomas Jr. and ?, and 2 women, Mary and ?.
Abner's name first surfaces, as Abner Hisom, in a memorial, or petition, by the inhabitants of Luzerne county to the General Assembly of Connecticut, and dates to 1796, when he was 22 years old. The document's signers were unhappy with the administration of Pennsylvania and were trying to convince Connecticut that it should try to regain sovereignty of the region.
"To the Honorable the General Assembly of the State of Connecticut, to be holden at New Haven, the second Thursday of October next:All three of the above signed their own names, that is, they were at least marginally literate. The Swartwood's were the sons of Abner's step-grandmother, Elizabeth Brink Swartwood, the second wife of Thomas Hesom. We know that Levi Swartwood, at least, moved west to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania at the same time his step-brothers did. The only reason I can imagine for Abner's taking a contrary position to his father's, in 1783, was that Abner had an interest in Conecticutt's claim. Perhaps he purchased land from a Conneticutt settler, the rights to which he would lose if Pennsylvania prevailed.
The Memorial of the Subscribers, inhabitants of the County of Luzerne, settlers under the Claim of the State of Connecticut, Respectfully Sheweth,
That by the approbation of the State (then Colony) of Connecticut, as early as the year 1754, the inhabitants of said State made a bona fide purchase of the natives of a large tract of land, extending from the river Delaware, Westward, about one hundred and Seventy Miles, including the whole breadth of the forty-second degree of north latitude; lands fairly included in the royal grant to the Plymouth Company, in the year of our Lord 1620, and by derivative grants vested in the early settlers of Connecticut, and Confirmed to them by the Charter of Charles the second, April 23rd 1662, that large Settlements were made by the purchasers (amongst whom were your memorialists, and those they represent) on those lands, from the year 1755 to the 15th of October 1763; at which time the Settlers were dispossessed by the savages; with the loss of many lives, and their property. But the survivors, with others of the purchasers, resumed their possessions early in 1769, and continued down to the Close of the year 1782, under the Jurisdiction of the State of Connecticut; during which time the Town of Westmoreland was established, a County erected, and civil Government duly administered, under the authority of said State.
That during that term, many respectable citizens of said State, moved on to lands purchased as aforesaid; established themselves and families contiguous to each other for better defence, on Small parcels of land, calculated for immediate support, and located other lands as a future dependance; but were prevented from Settling thereon by Reason of the late War.
That in the year 1776, they furnished the Continental army with near three hundred Officers and Soldiers, which left the settlements weak and unguarded, that in July 1778, the Settlements were Cut off by the Savages aided by the arms of Great Britain but soon regained by the zeal & prowess of those who escaped the carnage of the first attempt of the Savages; that the settlements, by heavy losses of men and property, were reduced to distress; great numbers of widows and Orphan Children were left almost destitute of the necessaries of life; and the families of nearly two hundred Officers and Soldiers, (then in the federal army) became almost helpless, and needy beyond Description, but were assisted by the then returned inhabitants and relieved by the activity of that Country alone. The settlers were a most important barrier to the interior parts of the country through the war; and were continually harassed by the Savages, and those of a more Savage nature, until the war was closed, with repeated loss of lives and property.
That the State of Pennsylvania, taking advantage of the debilitated Situation of the Settlers, applied to the Congress of the United States, for the Constituting a Court for the Settlement of the Jurisdiction of the country aforesaid, claimed by them, in virtue of a Grant to William Penn, Esq. dated March 4th 1681, nearly nineteen years after the Confirmation of said territory to the Connecticut Company in 1662."[footnotes: (173) * C.S.L., Susquehannah Settlers, I, 180a-188i. The signatures which were written on seven copies of the petition, have been consolidated here."That on notice of such application, it was objected on the part of Connecticut, that great part of the deeds, evidence and papers necessary to be used on a question of title, were then in Great Britain, having been left there for that purpose; and could not at that time be obtained, the war preventing. It was moved by the agents of Connecticut, to postpone the trial, until the war was closed, and the said writings could be obtained. That the state of Pennsylvania insisted upon having a trial, the said objections notwithstanding. At the same time the agents of that State had, by some means possessed themselves of the said writings and evidences, which they secretly withheld, without the knowledge of the State of Connecticut or her agents.
Much of the wording closely parallels that of the petition by Dyer and others; no.153, ante. The present petition, however, obscures the distinction between the Susquehannah and Delaware companies, for it is merely from the inhabitants of Luzerne County, and the purchase from the Indians is described as though it had been a single purchase running westward from the Delaware River. The eastern boundary of the Susquehannah Company purchase, of course, was a line paralleling the river's meanderings ten miles east of the river.
The submission of a second petition just four months after the firsty had been rejected may have been justified by the fact that 691 signatures of actual settlers were obtained for this later effort. Only twelve men, non-residents of Luzerne County, had signed the first petition.]
That a Court was constituted; five commissioners only attended; two others who had been appointed, and who were relied on by the State of Connecticut, as disinterested and impartial characters for some reason failed and did not attend. The Cause was heard; and a decree did pass on the 30th day of December 1782, in favour of Pennsylvania, against the Claim of Connecticut. That, in Consequence thereof, the Jurisdiction aforesaid, fell to the State of Pennsylvania.
That the Settlers in January 1783, by their humble petition to the legislature of Pennsylvania put themselves under the protection and Government of that State; and prayed for a Confirmation of their Just rights and possessions. That they were at first flattered by the measures adopted by Government; but these flattering prospects soon vanished; and every measure which appeared favorable, was perverted by their enemies to seduce, disarm, ruin and destroy the settlers. That an armed force was sent by the authority of Pennsylvania; who in the month of May 1784, did actually disarm, rob, plunder, and totally dispossess the Settlers. That every mean was used by the Settlers, by their petition to the legislative executive and Judicial authority of that government for their interposition in behalf of the said Settlers, to reinstate them in their possessions; but all to no purpose. They were often flattered; but in the end, their prayers and petitions were treated with Contempt.
Roused at the injustice and abuse offered to the innocent inhabitants, some of their friends from Connecticut, and others induced by their pitiable situation, joined the emigrants from the contested country, and returned; and after many severe encounters, established themselves, and in their turn drove the adherents of Pennsylvania therefrom, and proceeded to Settling on their farms and improvements, from which they had been dispossessed; and also extended their Settlements on new Townships where they had been prevented from Settling by reason of the war with Great Britain.
That in September 1786 [in a compromise to end the war], the County of Luzerne, was established under the authority of the State of Pennsylvania and on the 28th day of March 1787, a legislative act was passed, confirming to the Connecticut Claimants all such lands in the County of Luzerne, as were Occupied or acquired by or assigned to such Claimants, who were actual Settlers in said County, prior to the decisions of Jurisdiction in December 1782. That this act being limited to the County of Luzerne, a number of Townships which had been laid out, and in Several actual Settlements made, prior to the said decree; but not being within the County of Luzerne, were not included. However, in Consequence of the said Confirming act, the laws of the State of Pennsylvania were put into full force and operation throughout the County of Luzerne. That by another act passed April 1st 1790, the aforesaid act confirming to the Connecticut claimants the lands by them claimed in the County of Luzerne, was repealed and all proceedings had under the said law were declared to be void and of none effect. That the said Confirming law has proved to be a fraud; that the Settlers are now left to contend for the title of their lands in Courts of law. That sundry suits of ejectment have been Commenced and are now depending in the Courts of the united States in the district of Pennsylvania, to be determined by a Jury of that State, whom your memorialists conceive to be more or less interested in the event; that they Cannot have that Justice done them, which they are intitled to, or might otherwise have, by a more Disinterested Jury.
Your memorialists beg leave further to represent, that by a law of the State of Pennsylvania aforesaid, passed April 11th 1795, all and every person or persons laying out, surveying, or settling on any lands under the title of Connecticut within the Jurisdiction of Pennsylvania, as decreed at Trenton in December 1782, are liable to be persecuted as criminals, and to be Subjected to heavy fines, imprisonment and hard labour by which act your memorialists in many instances are prohibited from Settling on lands which they have dearly bought, and esteem to be their Just and lawfull right; and are also debarred from prosecuting their claim and title, in that way pointed out by the Constitution and laws of the united States, where lands are claimed by Citizens of the same States under Grants from different States.
Your memorialists farther state, that it can now be proved beyond a Doubt, that the aforesaid papers and evidence relative to the title and Claim of Connecticut to the territory aforesaid, were actually in the hands of Pennsylvania agents, or others opposed to the Claim of Connecticut prior to the decision of the Jurisdiction as aforesaid; and that the same writings and evidence were Suppressed and kept from the agents of Connecticut, who had a right to the same. That if a fair and impartial trial could be had, your memorialists conceive that they might be secured in their Justly acquired lands, which will save many thousands from ruin and distress; and a large tract of land one hundred Miles in length, including the breadth of the State of Connecticut, lying west of the Susquehanna purchase, and east of the Connecticut reserves would of Course fall to the State of Connecticut.
Your memorialists therefore pray the honorable Assembly, to take the case aforesaid under your equitable Consideration; and pursue such measures as in your wisdom shall be deemed Just, to obtain a revision of the aforesaid trial between the States of Pennsylvania & Connecticut; or in some other way interpose in behalf of your memorialists, to Secure to them their Just and equitable rights. And they, as in duty bound, will ever pray, &c.
September 13th 1796
Inhabitants and actual settlers in the County of Luzerne.
. . .
Abner hisom
Levi Swartwood
gnadaius [gerardus] Swartwood
. . ." - from "The Susquenhanna Company Papers," Volume 10, by Julian Parks Boyd and Robert Joseph Taylor
Westmoreland is mentioned in the memorial above, but this does not refer to Westmoreland county, just east of Pittsburgh. This was the name given to the county by the Connecticut settlers, vice the Luzerne of the Pennsylvanians. The memorial was signed by 684 people, but not by David Heysham, Abner's uncle, who by his own testimony was living in the Wyoming valley in 1796. Perhaps he didn't agree with the appeal.
In the end, the Conneticutt legislature failed to act, but, in 1799 their settlers were made citizens of Pennsylvania with legal claim to their land.
This residence would presume that Thomas' family, or as least Abner's part of it, had returned to live in the Wyoming valley after the war with the Conneticut settlers had died down. However, the stay was short and Abner was in Westmoreland county, in western Pennnsylvania, by 1800. David, Abner's uncle, returned to Lower Smithfield in about 1798 before heading to western Pennsylvania after 1800.
Sometime between 1796 and 1800 Abner, probably in company with his parents and siblings, continued west to Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. He remained in Westmoreland county to the end of his life, unlike so many others of Thomas Hissom's family who moved on to settle in West Virginia.
In the 1800 census both Abner's father, Thomas Hissem, and his uncle, John Hissim, were living in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in the west of the state. I suspect that Abner, aged 26 and still single, was still considered part of his parent's family, and living at home. By the way, Abner's other uncle, David, was still living in Lower Smithfield at this time.
"Hesom, Abner" was listed on page 40 of "Tax Lists, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania, 1786-1810" by William H. Dumont. "Hissom, Thomas" was listed on the same page. On page 36, presumably a tax list of an earlier date, were "Hisom, Thos., Sr." and "Hison, Thos., Jr." This is a little odd since Thomas Jr. was younger than Abner. I cannot see what dates are being referenced. Where were Abner's uncles John and David? John was in Westmoreland county in 1800 and David was there in 1810.
Abner Hissem married Mary Barbara Welker in 1804. The history of Westmoreland county, cited above, gives her name as Walker. She was born on 28 January 1782 in Westmoreland county, the daughter of Michael Welker and his second wife, Elizabeth Wagoner. Michel Welker was in the "Tax Lists" cited above, on page 39, as was a Jacob Welker. See the section on the Welker family, below. The Welkers came from the Palatinate, Germany. Mary's grandfather, Hans George Welker, was born there in 1697. Her father Michael was born about 1732 in Upper Hanover Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania and died in 1799 in Hempfield Township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. Note that Abner's youngest brothers also married Welker daughters.
The 1810 Hempfield township, Westmoreland county census lists Abner Hissem as a resident - from the "History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania." I only recently found this in Ancestry.com. The surname is variously intrepreted as Hissem, Hyrim or Hysin. His brother, Thomas, was living next door to him in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. On the next page of the census, separated by just one entry from the rest of the family, is Thomas Hysim Sr. In Abner's household was 1 boy under ten, William, 1 man 26 to 44 years old, Abner, he was 36, 2 girls under 10, Elizabeth and Jane, and 2 who were 16 to 25, one of whom was Abner's wife, Mary. The other may have been a relative, a sister of either Abner or Mary. [Census: 1-x-x-1-x-2-x-2-x-x-x-x-x]
In the 1820 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Abner Hissam [Hepurn in Ancestry.com]. The writing is bad and so is the focus on this document. It could be Hessum; the initial "s" is written to look more like an "f", as in the Declaration of Independence. Next to him in the census was his father [brother?], Thomas, using the same idiosyncratic spelling. In Abner's household were 3 boys under 10, Samuel, Abner & William (just barely), one man 16 to 26, and one man 45 and over, Abner. Of the women, 2 girls was under 10, Mary and Ruth, 2 were 10-16, Jane and Elizabeth, and one was 26-45, Abner's wife. Two people in the family were engaged in Agriculture. [Census: 3-x-x-1-x-1-2-2-x-1-x-x-2]
"They [the Thomas Hissom family] lived in Westmoreland Co., Pa., owning a farm that was afterwards owned by the oldest child, Abner Hissom." - from a question posed in the "Daughters of the American Revolution Magazine" of January 1912. Since the sons of Abner, William and Samuel, later lived in the south of the township, just east of Sewickley, I'll guess that Abner probably lived in the general area as well.
At about this time the rest of Thomas Hissom's family moved to what is today West Virginia. Abner remained in Westmoreland county, as did his brothers, Levi and John, and his nephew, Joab. Levi, however, later moved to Missouri. It is possible that Levi and John lived with Abner since they both married nieces of Abner's wife. Thomas' little brother, David, Joab's father, also moved his family to West Virginia. Thomas' elder brother, John, moved his family to Pittsburgh, downriver, in nearby Allegheny county.
The 1830 Hempfield township, Westmoreland county census lists Abner as a resident - from the "History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania." This is confirmed in Ancestry.com as Abner Hissim. His household included one son under 5 [Jesse], 1 that was 5-10 [Thomas], another that was 10 to 15 [Abner], one 15-20 [Samuel] and another 20-30 [William], and one 50-60 years old [Abner]. Of the women, one was under 5 [Emily], one 5 to 10 [Anna], another 10-15 [Mary], one 15 to 20 [Ruth], two were between 20 and 30 years old [Elizabeth and Jane], and one 40 to 50 [Mary].
Abner Hissem died on 18 July 1837 in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, aged 60 years 11 months 19 days. The date of his birth per his tombstone was 13 July 1775. He had a daughter, Emily, who died on 21 November 1833 and whose tombstone is also located in this cemetery. He was buried in the Middle Presbyterian Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Abner is also found in the J.V. Thompson Journals, vol. 2, p. 192 (Middle Church Cemetery Records).
In the 1840 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Mary Hisim [Hesim in Ancestry.com, though the initial "i" is obvious]. Living in the household were 1 boy 10 to 14 years old, Jesse, 1 boy 15 to 19, Thomas, 1 man 20 to 29, Abner, 1 girl 15 to 19, Anna, 1 woman 20 to 29, Mary, and 1 woman 50 to 59, Mary Welker Hissom, who was 58. This would indicate that William and Samuel were on their own, and that the youngest, Emily, had died, which confirms other sources which say she died in 1834.
In the 1850 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Mary Hissom, 62, was living with her eldest son, William Hissom, a 41 year old farmer, and his family. Also living there was Robert Potter, a 43 year old laborer, probably (23) William Hissem's brother-in-law.
I believe that in about 1853 Mary moved west to Stark county, Ohio where she joined her daughter, Anna, and her husband, David Kintigh on their new farm in Sandy township, near the town of Waynesburg.
Stark County, Ohio
![]() ![]() Sandy Township of Stark County, Ohio Sandy township, in the Sandy valley, is in the southeastern corner of Stark county. The major town is Waynesburg. Sandyville, where many of the Hissems lived, is about 4 miles southwest of Waynesburg, in Tuscarawas county. This is the Sandy river valley. ![]() Tuscarawas County
Mary Welker died on 22 August 1858 - from "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County" by Samuel T. Wiley. Mary was buried in the Centenary Chapel cemetery in Waynesburg, Stark county, Ohio. Also buried there in later years were Anna and David Kintigh. Samuel Hissem and his wife, Mary, were buried in the nearby Sandy Valley cemetery in Waynesburg. Samuel was a son of Abner's younger brother, John. Mary's tombstone shows that,
"Mary, wife of Abner Hissem, died on August 11 1858, in the 73rd year of her age."
Well after the death of Abner and Mary Hissem a biographical sketch was made of several of the members of their family, including Abner.
"Abner Hissem, eldest son of Thomas Hissem, was born in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county [sic], Pennsylvania. He spent his entire life in the vicinity of his birthplace, giving his attention to farming and distilling. In religious faith he was a member of the Presbyterian church. He married, in 1804, Mary Walker, and had children: i. Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Fox; 2. Jane, wife of Joshua Evans; 3. Samuel, a farmer by occupation, of whom later; 4. Ruth, wife of Jonas Ruff: 5. Mary, wife of Frederick Spielman ; 6. William, married Mary Poter; 7. Abner, married Catherine Ziglar; 8. Anna, wife of David Kintigh ; 9. Thomas, married Sarah Klingsmith ; 10. Jesse, married Catherine Howenstein ; 11. Emily, died at the age of four years." - from "The History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania" of 1906
Abner and Mary had the following children,
(23) Elizabeth Hissem (1805)
(23) Jane Hissem (1807)
(23) William Hissem (1809) his male line died out in generation 25
(23) Samuel Hissem (1811) his male line died out in generation 24
(23) Ruth Hissem (1814)
(23) Mary Hissem (1816)
(23) Abner Hissem Jr. (1820) his male line survived to today
(23) Anna Hissem (1822)
(23) Thomas Hissem (1824) his male line survived to today
(23) Jesse Hissem (1827) his male line survived to today
(23) Emily Hissem (1829)
Elizabeth Hissem, the child of Abner Hissem and Mary Welker, was born on 31 May 1805 in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. She married Samuel Fox, per the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania." Based on their ages, this probably occurred around 1835. Samuel was born between 1810 and 1812.
In the 1850 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Elizabeth Fox, 45, living with her husband, Samuel, 41, and 7 children. In the 1860 census she was 7 years older than Samuel and in 1870, 5 years. In the 1880 census of Hempfield township as Elizabeth Fox, 75, living with her husband, Samuel, 69.
Elizabeth, who was born on 31 May 1805, the wife of Samuel Fox, died on 8 April 1883 in Middletown, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
(23) Jane Hissem (1807)Jane Hissem, the child of Abner Hissem and Mary Welker, was born on 8 February 1807. She married Joshua Evans, per the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania." This occurred on 23 December 1830 in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Joshua was born in 1809. In the 1850 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Joshua Evans, a 41 year old farmer, and Jane Evans, 42. They had four children, William, Walter, Eliza and Abram. The latter was actually Abner. Another child was born in 1851, Lyman.
Joshua died in 1871. Jane Evans, who was born in about 1808, the wife of Joshua Evans, died on 28 March 1890 in Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Both were buried in Saint John's Lutheran cemetery in Mount Pleasant.
The children of Joshua Evans and Jane Hissem included,
(24) Abner Hissem Evans (1844), b. 4 October 1844, d. 31 October 1936, buried St. Clair cemetery, Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. The fourth of five children, probably named for his grandfather. He was married, but I know of no children. His death certificate is confusing. His mother is shown as Jane Kentich [?]. This may be a spelling variation for Kintigh and a confusion with the wife of Jane's brother Samuel, an Elizabeth Kintigh, or of Jane's sister Anna, who married David Kintigh. A Mrs. Ruff was the informant. This may be Jane's sister Ruth, who married Jonas Ruff.
William Hissem, the child of Abner Hissem and Mary Welker, was born on 22 April 1809, per the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania," in Pennsylvania.
William Hissem married Mary Potter, a native of Pennsylvania. She was born on 15 February 1814. However, Mary's age as reflected in the census' of 1850-1880, show her born 1811-1815.
In the 1840 census . . . He seems too old to be living with his father, Abner.
In the 1850 census of Hempfield, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as William Hissom, a 41 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Mary, 37 [1813], and children, Mary J [F, I?], 2, and William, 6/12. All were born in Pennsylvania. Also living with them were William's mother, Mary Hissom, 62, and probably his brother-in-law, Robert Potter, a 43 year old laborer.
William left Pennsylvania in about 1858, after the birth of his son, James, and the death of his mother. He moved west to Ashland county, Ohio. Note that many of the Hissem family moved there at this time, including William's younger brothers, Abner and Jesse Hissem, below. The following is from the biography of James C. Hissem, youngest son of William.
". . . William and Mary [Potter] Hissem, both of whom were likewise natives of Pennsylvania, where the father was a prosperous and progressive farmer. The latter moved with his family to Ashland county, Ohio, locating on a farm near Hayesville . . ." - from the "History of the Republican Party in Ohio" Volume 2 by Joseph Patterson SmithHayesville is in Vermillion township, Ashland county, Ohio. The Vermillion Institute, which you'll read about below, is on the eastern edge of the town.
Ashland county, Ohio
In the 1860 census for Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as William Hissem, a 48 year old farmer [1811]. Living with him were his wife, Mary, 45 [c1815], and children, Mary J., 12, Margaret, 10, Adaline, 12, Marquis, 11, and James, 3. All were born in Pennsylvania. A Margaret Potter, 21, was living with them. She was, perhaps, Mary's sister. Green township is just south of Vermillion.
In the 1870 census of Green township as William Hissem [Hipem in Ancestry.com], a 61 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Mary, 59 [c1811], and children, Janine [Mary J.?], 21, Marcus, 19, James C., 13, and Adaline, 21. Now, oddly, all the children are shown as born in Ohio.
In the plat map of 1874, left, W. Hissem had 126 acres in the northeast section of Green township. His brother, Abner, had two 50 acres plots just to the south of him. The town of McKay was just below.
In the 1880 census for Loudonville, Ashland county, Ohio as William Hissem, a 71 year old retired farmer, of Pennsylvania. Living with him are his wife, Mary, 66 [c1814], James, 24, a clerk in a bank, and Jennie [Mary J?], 30. Both of his parents were listed as born in Pennsylvania, but now Mary was shown as born in Ohio.
William wrote his Will in November 1891. This document made three relevant comments. First, William left a life interest in all of his property, real and personal, to his wife, Mary. Second, upon her death William's estate was to be equally divided between his children, Jennie Hissem and James C. Hissem. Third, it was pointed out that his other living child, W. M. Hissem, had already received his inheritance in the sale to him of the family farm in Green township. James C. Hissem was made executor of the Will. The record of the Will's probate is below. I want to thank Jim Hissem for finding this document and forwarding it to me.
Mary Potter Hissem died on 6 February 1893, predeceasing her husband. William Hissem died on 25 July 1896. He was buried in the Loudonville cemetery, Ohio, as was Mary.
They had the following children,
(24) Mary J. Hissem (1848)
(24) Adaline Hissem (1848)
(24) William Marquis Hissem (1850)
(24) Margaret Hissem (1850)
(24) James C. Hissem (1856)
(24) Cyrus P. Hissem, buried at Middle Presbyterian cemetery, Inscription: "Son of W. & M. Hissem"
Of Loudonville. Mary Jane Hisssem, or also as Jennie M., perhaps to differentiate her from her mother, was born on 20 July 1848. In the 1850 census of Hempfield, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Mary J. Hissom, 2, born in Pennsylvania, living with her parents, William Hissem and Mary Potter. In the 1860 census for Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Mary J. Hissem, 12.
She attended the Vermillion Institute in Hayesville, later showing up for a meeting of alumni in 1878.
In the 1870 census of Green township as Janine Hissem [Hipem in Ancestry.com], 21, now shown as born in Ohio, living at home with her parents. A single woman, aged 30, still living at home with her father in 1880.
In the 1900 census of Loudonville village, Hanover township, Ashland county, Ohio as Jennie M. Hissem, 52 [July 1848], of Pennsylvania. She was a single woman living on her own. Her occupation is hard to make out. It looks like Blapilist.
In the 1910 census of Mount Pleasant as Jennie M. Hissem, 61, with no occupation. She was living with her cousin, Ruben Hissem, and his daughter, Ada M., 28. Jennie, 70, was still living with Reuben in 1920. Rueben died in 1928 so Jennie would have been on her own at an advanced age. I don't see her in the 1930 census.
Jennie M. Hissem, who was born on 20 July 1848, died on 4 September 1930. She was buried in the Loudonville cemetery, near her parents, William and Mary Hissem. There is no indication that she ever married.
She is not in the 1850 census with per parents, William Hissem and Mary Potter. In the 1860 census for Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Adaline Hissem, 12, born in Pennsylvania. In the 1870 census of Green township as Adaline Hissem [Hipem in Ancestry.com], 21, living at home with her parents, now, oddly, shown as born in Ohio. She disappears after this, perhaps having married. I don't find an Adaline or Ada in Ashland county or the next-door counties in 1870. She does not appear in her father's will of 1891.
(24) William Marquis [Marcus] Hissem (1850)I suspect that Marcus is the country way of pronouncing Marquis. William Marquis Hissem, the son of William Hissem and Mary Potter, was born on 12 July 1850 in Pennsylvania. In the 1850 census of Hempfield, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as William Hissom, 6/12, born in Pennsylvania, he was living with his parents, William and Mary Hissem. In the 1860 census for Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Marquis Hissem, 11, born in Pennsylvania. In the 1870 census of Green township as Marcus Hissem [Hipem in Ancestry.com], 19, living at home, but now, oddly, shown as born in Ohio.
Marcus Hissem married Junia L. Scott on 23 September 1874 - from "Ashland County Marriage Records Probate Court Volume 4 1870-1878." Junia was born on 14 February 1853 in Hayesville, Ohio, the daughter of William W. Scott and Sarah A. Hayes - from "Descendants of Richard Hayes: of Lyme, Connecticut, through his son Titus Hayes." In the 1860 census of Hayesville, Ashland county, Ohio as Junia L. Scott, 7, of Ohio. She was living at home with her father, Wm. W. Scott, a 40 year old merchant, and her mother Sarah A. Scott, 43, both of Ohio. She was also in the 1870 census of Hayesville, aged 18.
In the 1880 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Marcus Hissem, a 29 year old [1849] farmer, and his wife Junia, 27. He had no children at this time. His parents were also born in Pennsylvania. Junia and her parents were born in Ohio. I suspect that Marcus had inherited his father's farm, in the northeast of Green township, just north of the McKay Post Office. And it turns out that was correct. Sometime before 1891 was sold this property as a full part of his inheritance. I imagine if 'sale,' the term in the Will, was the right word, then the payment made was nominal.
In the 1900 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as William M[arcus]. Hissem, a 49 year old [July 1850] farmer from Pennsylvania. Living with him were his wife, Junia L., 46 [February 1853], and his son, Dwight S., 15 [October 1884]. I think Marquis name was actually William Marquis [or Marcus], but that he commonly used Marcus. Do not confuse him wife William M. Hissem who was born in Ohio in 1854. He was the son of Jesse.
Marcus was mentioned in volume 80, page 390, of the "American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGI)," as was Dwight Hissem, his son.
The 1910 Ohio Miracode Index lists Marcus Hissem, 59, still living in Ashland county with wife, Junea, 57. In the 1910 Federal census for Green township as Marcus Hissem, a 59 year old. Living with him was his wife, Junia, 57. She had had 2 children, 1 of which was still living.
Junia died on 9 March 1911 in Green township, Ashland county. The following is from the obituary of Junia's sister, Amanda. It mentions Junia's death.
9 Febraury 1916. "Scott, Miss Amanda, died Sunday at home just W of Hayesville, born Hayesville, siblings: Mrs. James Boyd, Matilda, Ella, Florence and Sidney, Horace in the west, Mrs. Marcus Hissem died 5 years ago, buried Hayesville Cemetery." - from the Ashland newspaper
In the 1919 City Directory of Ashland, Ohio as "Marcus Hissem (Scott-Hissum)." What does the parenthetical comment mean? Does it refer to the maiden name of his wife, Junia, his son, Dwight Scott, and an alternative spelling of his surname? Or does this refer to a company, perhaps established with his merchant in-laws?
In the 1920 census of Mohican township, Ashland county, Ohio as Marcus Hissem, a 69 year old widower and Agent for a Real Estate company. He was living alone.
Wm. Marcus Hissem, born on 12 July 1850, the son of William Hissem and Mary Potter, a widower and retired farmer, died of Bright's disease on 21 September 1929, at the age of 79, in Vermillion township, Ashland county, Ohio. His wife, deceased, was Junia Hissem. The informant was D.S. Hissem, his son. Marcus was buried in the Vermillion cemetery in Hayesville, Ohio.
They had two children,
(25) Infant Daughter Hissem (1875)
(25) Dwight Scott Hissem (1884)
"Infant Dau. of W. M. & J. L. Hissem Aug. 23, 1875." - from a stone near her mother's grave.
(25) Dwight Scott Hissem (1884)Dwight Hissum, the son of Marcus Hissim and Jennie Scott, was born on 30 October 1884 in Green township, Ashland county, Ohio. This information is also included in the "Descendents of Richard Hayes, of Lyme, Connecticut." Dwight is mentioned in volume 80, page 390, of the "American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGI)." In the 1900 census as Dwight S. Hissem, 15 [October 1884], the son of William.
Dwight S. Hissem, a 23 year old farmer, the son of Marcus Hissem and Junia L. Scott, married Zella Florence Obrecht, 16, the daughter of John Obrecht and Minnie Garet [Garst?], on 22 February 1908. The Reverend G. V. Walker officiated at the wedding. Zella was born on 22 February 1892 in Ashland county. In the 1900 census of Mohican township, Ashland county, Ohio as Zella F. Obrecht, 8. She was living at home with her parents, John Obrecht, a 28 year old farmer, of Germany, and Minnie B., 27, of Ohio. They had been married for 9 years, so John had emigrated no earlier than 1891.
In the 1910 census of Vermillion, Ashland county, Ohio as Dwight S. Hissem, a 25 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Zella F., 18, and daughter, Martha A., 3/12. Familysearch.org thinks this latter is Cintha. Zella had one child, still living.
Dwight Scott Hissem registered for the draft on 12 September 1918. He was born on 30 October 1884. He was 33 years old at the time, a farmer living at 3 RFD Loudonville, Ashland county, Ohio. He had a wife, Zelia Francis Hissem [garbled], and child. He was described as of medium height and stout build, with brown eyes and hair.
In the 1920 census of Vermillion township, Ashland county, Ohio as Dwight S. Hissem, a 35 year old farmer. Living with him are his wife, Zella, 27, Virginia, 10, and Helen, 5.
In the 1930 census of Vermillion township, Ashland county, Ohio as Dwight Hissem, a 45 year old farmer. His father was born in Pennsylvania. Living with him were his wife, Zella, 38, and daughter, Lue, 7.
In the 1940 census of Vermillian township, Ashland county, Ohio as Dwight S. Hissem, a 55 year old farmer, of Ohio. Living with him were his wife, Zella F., 48, and daughter, Louise M. [Lue], 16.
Dwight Hissem, noted as having no middle name [!], of Vermillion, Ohio registered for the draft in World War II. He was 57 years old.
Zella F. Hissem died on 29 September 1965 in Ashland. Dwight S. Hissem died on 22 October 1966 in Ashland county, at the age of 81. Dwight and Zella were buried at the Vermillion cemetery in Hayesville, Ohio.
He had the following childen,
(26) Martha A. Hissem (1909)
(26) Eureta Virginia Hissem (1910)
(26) Helen Leone Hissem (1914)
(26) Marjorie Louise Hissem (1923)
She must have died young.
(26) Eureta Virginia Hissem (1910)Virginia Hissem was born on 17 January 1910 in Vermillion township, Ashland county, Ohio. Eureta Virginia Hissem, 20, the daughter of Dwight Hissem and Zella Obrecht, married Patrick H. Cowen, a 23 year old farmer, the son of Philpott Cowen and Vesta Henry, on 18 January 1930. The Reverend C.C. Slater officiated at the wedding. Another source says she married Howard Shank of Ashland.
Virginia did later marry Earl E. Hassinger of Canton, Stark county, Ohio. In the 1940 census of North Canton Village, Stark county, Ohio as Virginia Hassinger, 30. She was living with her husband, Earl E., 33, and daughter, Sala E., 14.
Virginia Eureta Hissem Hassinger, a 79 year old widow, died on 7 September 1989 in Ashland, Ohio.
(26) Helen Leone Hissem (1914)Helen Hissem was born on 14 November 1914. Helen Leone Hissem, the daughter of D. S. Hissem and Zella Obrecht, died of an accidental drowning on 21 July 1928 at the age of 13 years, 8 months. Dwight was the informant.
"Helen Hissem, 13-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hissem of near Hayesville, was drowned while bathing at Odell's Lake, Saturday evening." - from the Mansfield News of 23 July 1928(26) Marjorie Louise Hissem (1923)
Marjorie Louise Hissem was born on 27 April 1923 in Loudonville, Ohio. Marjorie Louise Hissem, 18, the daughter of Dwight Hissem and Zella Obrecht, married Kenneth E. Koegler, a 23 year old employee of the Pennsylvania Rail Road, the son of Fred Koegler and Martha M. Smith, on 8 June 1941. The Reverend J. H. Kuhlman officiated at the wedding.
Marjorie Louise Hissem Koegler died on 25 December 2002 in Ashland, Ohio. She and her husband, who died in 2004, were buried in the Vermillion cemetery in Hayesville, Ohio.
(24) Margaret Hissem (1850)In the 1860 census for Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Margaret Hissem, 10, born in Pennsylvania. I lose sight of her after this. She does not appear in the 1891 will of her father.
(24) James C. Hissem (1855)James C. Hissem was born on 7 September 1855 in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania and moved to Ohio before he was three. Note however that his tombstone says 1850. In the 1860 census for Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as James Hissem, 3, born in Pennsylvania.
In the 1870 census of Green township as James C. Hissem [Hipem in Ancestry.com], 13, but now, oddly, shown as born in Ohio.
In the 1880 census of Loudonville, Ashland county, Ohio as James Hissem, a 24 year old Bank Clerk, living at home with his parents, William and Mary. Of Ohio.
James C Hissem married Mary L. Stacker on 30 September 1891 in Ashland, Ohio. The Reverend Geo. W. Pepper officiated at the wedding.
The following is James' biography from "History of the Republican Party in Ohio,"
"JAMES C. HISSEM, who at present occupies the honorable office of mayor of Loudonville, is an ardent adherent of the principles incorporated in the platform of the Republican party and has served long and faithfully in the ranks of that organization, zealously following in the footsteps of the leaders and ever evincing that intelligence, discrimination, and integrity which marks the supporters of Republicanism and maintains the high standard adopted at the inception of the party. In 1894 he was elected mayor of his home city, and re-elected in 1896, notwithstanding the fact that the district is strongly Democratic. During his term of office he has distinguished himself by his unqualified devotion to the welfare of the community and his indefatigable efforts to improve the existing condition of Loudonville.Born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, in September 1855, our subject is the son of William and Mary (Potter) Hissem, both of whom were likewise natives of Pennsylvania, where the father was a prosperous and progressive farmer. The latter moved with his family to Ashland county, Ohio, locating on a farm near Hayesville, where James C., then a lad of six years, spent his youth attaining his primary education in the district schools, supplementing the same by a course at the Hayesville Academy, where he pursued his studies for three years. In 1874 he decided to embark in business on his own account, and opened a general store in Haskellville, which he conducted for two years, at the end of that period moving to Loudonville. Here he became interested in banking and assisted in establishing the Loudonville Banking Company, his associates being James C. Larville, president; W.S. Fisher, vice-president; while he holds the position of cashier. The concern does a general banking and exchange business, and is one of the most flourishing institutions of its kind in the country.
In 1890 Mr. Hissem was married to Ms Mary L. Stocker, the eldest daughter of J. W. Stocker, a prominent merchant in Loudonville. Mayor Hissem is a man of unusual executive ability, keen discernment, broad in his views, and possessing the courage of his convictions, and is in every way a man fully qualified to fulfill the duties of the high office he at present occupies."
Mayor of Loudonville. In 1895 James C. Hissem, Republican, lost the election for the House of Representatives for Ashland county in the 72nd general assembly of Ohio. He garnered 2520 votes to George W. Brubaker's 2739. - from "Ohio Election Statistics"
James was made executor of his father's will upon the old man's death in July 1896.
James C. Hissem died on 11 February 1897 and is buried in the Loudonville, Ohio cemetery.
In the 1900 census of Hanover, Ashland county, Ohio as Mary L. Hissem, 42, a widow (twice over) born in May 1858. She was living alone at the time.
James' widow, Mary L. Hissem, bequethed $3,000 to the Ohio Soldiers and Sailors Orphans Home, of Xenia, Ohio sometime before her death in 1903 - from "Acts of the State of Ohio.
Mary died in 1903, and both she and James were buried in the Loudonville cemetery. They apparently had no children. Mary L. Hissem, 1851 - 1903, had her will executed by a J.R. Hissem, of Loudonville. This was Jesse R. Hissem, the attorney, a cousin of James.
Samuel Hissem, the fourth child and second son of Abner Hissem and Mary Welker, was born on 4 July 1811, per the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania." Or on 18 October 1811, depending on your source, in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
Samuel Hissem married Elizabeth Kintigh, the daughter of Adam and Sarah Kintigh, of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. The marriage occurred in June 1838, as reported in a newspaper of 15 June 1838. She was born 5 May 1810 in Westmoreland county, the daughter of Adam and Sarah (Ruff) Kintigh, and granddaughter of Daniel and Margaret (Fisher) Kintigh and of Anthony and Elizabeth Ruff.
In the 1840 census of . . .
In the 1850 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Samuel Hissom, a 38 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Elizabeth, 39, and children, Sarah J., 11, Reuben, 9, and Mary M., 7. Also living with him was his little brother, Jesse Hissom, a 23 year old [1827] laborer.
Unlike his brothers, William, Abner and Jesse, who moved to Ashland, Ohio, Samuel stayed in Westmoreland county, probably because he farmed his father's old place.
In the 1860 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Samuel Hissem, a 49 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Elizabeth, 41, and children, Sarah J., 20, Reuben, 18, and Mary M., 16. All of his children were born in Pennsylvania.
In the 1867 map of Hempfield township Samuel had two farms. Note that this second farm is not the one Samuel's brother, William, had left when he moved to Ohio circa 1858.
In the 1870 census of Mount Pleasant township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Samuel Hissam, a 58 year old farmer. He had real estate worth $10,000 and personal property worth $1,500. He and all members of his family were from Pennsylvania. Living with him were his wife, Elizabeth, 57, and children, Reuben K., a 27 year old farmer, and Mary M., 25.
In the 1880 census of Mount Pleasant as Samuel Hissem, a 69 year old retired farmer. Living with him were his wife, Elizabeth, 62, and his mother-in-law, Sarah Kintigh, 94. He was living next-door to his son, Reuben.
Samuel Hissem died on 30 January 1882 in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, aged 71 years. He was buried in the Middle Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County. Mrs. Elizabeth K. Hissem of Mt. Pleasant died on 6 October 1896 at the age of 78 and is also buried in the Middle Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
"Samuel Hissem, third child and eldest son [sic] of Abner and Mary (Walker) Hissem, was born July 4, 1811, in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Upon attaining the age when he should take up the practical duties of life for himself, he directed his attention to farming and distilling, abandoning the latter after several years, but continuing the former up to the time of his death which occurred January 30, 1882. He was a member of the Middle Presbyterian church for more than half a century, and a ruling elder of the same for eleven years. He was a staunch Republican in politics. Samuel Hissem married Elizabeth Kintigh, daughter of Adam and Sarah Kintigh, of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Their children are: I. Sarah J., wife of J. A. Stevenson, of Mount Pleasant. 2. Reuben K., of whom later. 3. Mary M., wife of Dr. R. E. Fulton of Mount Pleasant." - from "The History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania" of 1906The massive memorial below showed the status of this successful farmer and his wealthy son.
His children were,
(24) Sarah Jane Hissem (1839)
(24) Reuben Kintigh Hissem (1842)
(24) Mary Margaret Hissem (1843)
Sarah J. Hissem was born in about 1839. In the 1850 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Sarah J. Hissom, 11. In the 1860 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Sarah J. Hissem, 20.
She married John A. Stevenson of Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland county on 16 October 1866. He was born on 9 March 1838 and was the son of John Stevenson and Mary Sherbony.
"John A. Stevenson was one of the most prominent businessmen of Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland County. His family was descendant from Germany and settled at the village of Robstown, now West Newton, in that country in the early years. The first of the family to come to America was Mr. Stevenson's grandparents. His grandmother was never able to speak any language other than her native tongue. John's father, John Sr., was born in Westmoreland County in 1810. He was a cooper by trade and was successful in this business. During his early life he devoted most of his time to teaching in the English and German schools in the district. Toward the latter part of his life he took up farming. He was a member of the well-known 'Washington Guard', a military body in existence over 60 years in Pennsylvania."
John and Sara had three children, including Lizzie Hissem Stevenson, born in 1868. Sarah Jane Hissem Stevenson died on 9 March 1878 in Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. John A. Stevenson died in 1918.
(24) Reuben Kintigh Hissem (1842)Reuben Kintigh Hissem, the second child and only son of Samuel Hissem and Elizabeth Kintigh, was born on 30 June 1842 in Mount Pleasant township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. In the 1850 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Reuben Hissom, 9. In the 1860 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Reuben Hissem, 18. In 1870 Reuben K. Hissom, a 27 year old farmer, was still living with his father, Samuel.
He attended the Mount Pleasant Institute, though at the time he attended it was probably called the Mount Pleasant College. This school provided a classical education, including Latin and Greek language and literature, as well as mathematis and the natural sciences for the local farmers' sons. There was also a heavy German influence, including teaching the nordic sagas such as the Edda.
He married Louise Jane Andrews on 15 November 1871. She was born about 1842/4 in Westmoreland county. Her parents were John Andrews and Hannah Carnahan.
In the 1880 census of Mount Pleasant as Reuben K. Hissem [Hisrem in Ancestry.com], a 38 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Lou J., 36, and children Liza F., 6, Pearl A., 6, and Mary O., 3. Life was fine and he had 3 servants.
He was one of the prime movers in the organization of the Farmers and Merchants National Bank in 1893 and became its first president.
In the 1900 census of Mount Pleasant as Reuben Hissem [Baden Hissem in Ancestry.com], a 58 year old farmer [May 1842]. Living with him were his wife, Louisa A., 56 [October 1843], and children, Pearl A., 25 [April 1875], and Mary O., 23 [May 1877].
The following was Reubens's biography from "History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania,"
"REUBEN K. HISSEM. Among the progressive and influential citizens of Mount Pleasant, few have had a wider sphere of usefulness than Reuben K. Hissem, who was born in Hempfield township, June 30, 1842. He is a descendant in direct line from Thomas Hissem, a native of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, where he was reared, educated, and followed the quiet but useful occupation of farming throughout the active years of his career. . . .Louisa died on 21 October 1904 before the sad news that follows broke.(III) Reuben K. Hissem, second child and only son of Samuel (2) and Elizabeth (Kentigh) Hissem, was educated in the common schools of his native township and at Mount Pleasant Institute. He assisted his father in the cultivation and management of the homestead farm until he was twenty-one years of age, when he assumed entire charge of the same, continuing along these lines until 1894, in which year he leased the property and since then has directed his energies into various other channels. He was one of the prime movers in the organization of the Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Mount Pleasant, in 1893, was elected its first president, and has served in that capacity up to the present time (1900). He is a member of the directorate of the Savings and Trust Company of Scottdale, First National Bank of Jeannette, Jeannette Savings and Trust Company, and the Greensburg Finance Company, discharging his duties in these different positions with efficiency and credit. He was a prominent factor in what is known as the old rolling mill, and was a director of the same until it was merged into the present syndicate. He is a public spirited, patriotic citizen, takes great pride and pleasure in the advancement and growth of his town and community, and has assisted materially in the prosperity of various industrial enterprises. He is a Republican in politics, and exercises a potent influence in behalf of the party whose principles he advocates. For six consecutive years he served as school director. He belongs to the Middle Presbyterian church, and has been a ruling elder in that institution for almost a quarter of a century.
The "Report of the Comptroller of the Currency" showed that R.K. Hissem was president of the Mount Pleasant Farmers and Merchants Bank. C.E. Mullin was cashier. They had $454,367 in loans, discounts and overdrafts. $25,000 in United States bonds. $120,642 in other bonds, investments and real estate.
Reuben K. Hissem married, November 15, 1871, Louis J. Andrews, daughter of John and Hannah (Carnahan) Andrews, representatives of an old and highly respected family. She was reared in a home of plenty and christian culture, attended the United Presbyterian church, but on her marriage joined the Mount Pleasant Middle Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. Hissem is the senior elder. In her religious life she was active and consistent; her presence was seldom missed from regular service, and her help was much appreciated in all that pertained to God's kingdom. To her a christian profession meant a christian life--devoted, kind, cheerful. She died at her home near Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania, October 21, 1904, aged sixty-two years. The funeral services were in charge of her pastor, Rev. G. C. Fisher, of the Middle churches, who was assisted by Rev. Howard Wilson, of the United Presbyterian church, and Rev. W. H. Tussing, of the Reformed church of Mount Pleasant. The remains were interred in the Middle Church cemetery. Her life was sweet and beautiful; her death a triumph, opening the door to a glorious immortality. She lies asleep near the church she loved and almost in sight of the home where she spent her youth, and of the home her presence as a wife and mother made so happy, and her absence leaves a great vacancy in the hearts of those who knew and loved her. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Hissem: 1. Elizabeth F., wife of Frank D. Barnhart, of Mount Pleasant; 2. Pearl A., wife of Dr. N. F. Silsly, of Scottdale, Pa.; 3. Mary Olive, wife of Rev. T. A. Gibson, of Bergetstown, Washington county; and 4. Ada M., a graduate of Washington Seminary, who resides at home with her father."
The Anchor Glass Company was constructed in Mount Pleasant in 1906, using a mortgage provided by Reuben's Farmers and Mercants Bank. As a result, Reuben was named Vice President of the new company. Elnathan Steinman was the President. Anchor made fruit jars, but their timing was bad. In 1907 there was a nation-wide economic downturn, referred to as the Panic of 1907. The Farmers and Merchants Bank failed and Anchor Glass went into receivership in 1908.
Panic of 1907
The Panic of 1907 was a financial crisis that occurred in the United States when the New York Stock Exchange fell almost 50% from its peak the previous year. Panic occurred, as this was during a time of economic recession, and there were numerous runs on banks and trust companies. The 1907 panic eventually spread throughout the nation when many state and local banks and businesses entered bankruptcy. Primary causes of the run include a retraction of market liquidity by a number of New York City banks and a loss of confidence among depositors, exacerbated by unregulated side bets at bucket shops. The panic was triggered by the failed attempt in October 1907 to corner the market on stock of the United Copper Company. When this bid failed, banks that had lent money to the cornering scheme suffered runs that later spread to affiliated banks and trusts, leading a week later to the downfall of the Knickerbocker Trust Company; New York City's third-largest trust. The collapse of the Knickerbocker spread fear throughout the city's trusts as regional banks withdrew reserves from New York City banks. Panic extended across the nation as vast numbers of people withdrew deposits from their regional banks. The panic might have deepened if not for the intervention of financier J. P. Morgan, who pledged large sums of his own money, and convinced other New York bankers to do the same, to shore up the banking system. At the time, the United States did not have a central bank to inject liquidity back into the market. By November the financial contagion had largely ended, yet a further crisis emerged when a large brokerage firm borrowed heavily using the stock of Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company (TC&I) as collateral. Collapse of TC&I's stock price was averted by an emergency takeover by Morgan's U.S. Steel Corporation; a move approved by anti-monopolist president Theodore Roosevelt. The following year, Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., established and chaired a commission to investigate the crisis and propose future solutions, leading to the creation of the Federal Reserve System. - from Wikipedia |
The Panic may have involved Reuben's bank, though its fall seems to have occurred very soon after the Panic broke.
"Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Mt. Pleasant , Pa., Suspends Payment"Foreign miners had their faith in American banking institutions shattered when the Farmers and Merchants National bank of Mount Pleasant failed to open its doors. The only explanation of the suspension given by the president and cashier was the following brief notice, posted on the front door: "Because of recent heavy demands for cash this bank is closed pending the decision of the comptroller of the currency." The announcement of the suspension came as a complete surprise to depositors and banking people of Westmoreland county generally. The bank is one of the oldest in the Connellsville coke region. Its president is Reuben K. Hissem, a wealthy farmer and one of the most conservative men imaginable." - from the Indiana Evening Gazette of 31 October 1907
Reuben and Elnathan Steinman were accused of misuse of the Bank's funds.
"A warrant was issued for the arrest of R.K. Hissem, president of the Farmers and Merchants bank of Mount Pleasant, Pa. on the charge that he misapplied $50,000 of the bank's funds." - from the 21 October 1908 "Indiana Progress" of Indiana, Pennsylvania
All three were convicted; the cashier for misapplication of funds and the others for aiding and abetting him. The men argued that this was a straight-forward business deal that went bad. It also caused the bank to fail. Was this a clear-cut case of fraud on Reuben's part, or simply the vengeful act of an angry populace who had lost all their savings looking for a scape goat? Reuben's conviction was suspended because of poor health - he collapsed upon hearing the verdict. They other men asked for a retrial, and were convicted again in 1911 and sentenced to 5 years in jail."Bankers Found Guilty
President and Cashier of Defunct Institution Face Jail
Pittsburg, Nov. 28 - A verdict of guilty was returned in the case of C. E. Mullin, cashier, and R. K. Hissem, president of the defunct National Bank of Mount Pleasant, Pa., and E. H. Steinman, former president of the Acme Lumber Company [and of Anchor Glass]."
"The three defendents are liable to five to ten years in the penitentiary." - from the Edwardsville Intelligencer of 1908
In the 1910 census of Mount Pleasant as Ruben Hissem, a 68 year old, retired on his own income. Living with him were his daughter, Ada M., 28, and a cousin, Jennie M., 61, see above.
In the 1920 census of Mount Pleasant as Ruben K. Hissem, 79. Living with him was his cousin, Jennie M. Hissem, 70.
Reuben Kintigh Hissem died on 14 February 1928 in Mount Pleasant at the age of 86. He was buried in the Middle Presbyterian Church Cemetery.
Reuben had four daughters,
(25) Elizabeth Florence Hissem (1873)
(25) Pearl A. Hissem (1876)
(25) Mary Olive Hissem (1877)
(25) Ada May Hissem (1882)
She was born on 18 February [April?] 1873.
Elizabeth Hissem, the daughter of Reuben K. Hissem and Louisa Andrews, married Frank D. Barnhart, the son John Barnhart and Elizabeth Ruff, on 30 October 1894 in Westmoreland county. Frank was born on 25 February 1864.
Elizabeth Hissem Barnhart died on 14 June 1957, at the age of 83, in Mount Pleasant township, Westmoreland county. Frank died on 2 February 1958.
(26) Reuben Hissem Barnhart (1898)Of Mount Pleasant township. He was born on 27 February 1898. A member of the Senior class at Franklin and Marshall College of Lancaster, Pennsylvania in 1920 per the "Oriflamme," the yearbook of the college. He died on 2 April 1938.
(25) Pearl A. Hissem (1876)
She was born in 1876 (per her obituary) or as early as 1873 per some researchers. She attend Mount Pleasant Institute and Grove City College. She was the wife of Dr. Nathaniel Eldridge Silsley of Scottdale, Pennsylvania. He was born in 1869 and died in 1950. Pearl died in November 1951. They had a son,
(26) Eldridge Hissem Silsley
She was born on 10 May 1877 in Westmoreland county and died in 1955. She was the wife of the Reverand T.A. Gibson of Bergetstown, Washington County, Pennsylvania.
(25) Ada May Hissem (1882)She was born on 3 May 1882 and died before 1965 [perhaps as early as 1931]. She was a graduate of the Washington Seminary. She married Horace Cribbs Cope of McKeesport. He was born in 1878 and died in 1931.
(26) Jane Hissem Cope (1917)She was born in 1917.
(24) Mary Margaret Hissem (1843)Or Margaret Mary. She was born about 1843 in Westmoreland county. In the 1850 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Mary M. Hissom, 7. In the 1860 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Mary M. Hissem, 16.
The wife of Dr. Ralph E. Fulton of Mount Pleasant. He was born in 1825. Mary died on 29 December 1921 in Mount Pleasant.
"FULTON Mrs. Margaret Hissem, age 77, died Dec 29, 1921, wife of Dr. Ralph E. Fulton who died the same day, survived by three daughters, Mrs. Lillian Watson, Mrs. Elizabeth Huey and Mrs. Rumbaugh." - from The Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Ruth Hissem, the daughter of Abner Hissem and Mary Welker, was born on 8 March 1814, per the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania," in Hempfield, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. She married Jonas Ruff, the son of Anthony and Anna Ruff, in 20 March 1838 in Mount Pleasant. Jonas was born in 1815 in Mount Pleasant township, Pennsylvania.
"Jonas was reared on the homestead in Mount Pleasant township and went to school in that district. He moved to a farm about three miles north of Mount Pleasant after his marriage, where he made his home for the rest of his life. The farm consisted of 132 acres and he built a comfortable brick house on the land. He served as Assessor and was an active member and officer in the Presbyterian church. The couple had eight children."
Ruth died on 18 December 1870 in Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania and was buried in the Middle Church cemetery. Jonas died on 6 September 1872.
Mary Hissem, the daughter of Abner Hissem and Mary Welker, was born on 28 November 1816, per the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania," in Pennsylvania and died before 1880. She married George [Frederick?] Speelman [Speilman?]. He was born in 1800 and died in 1880. She appears to have lived her whole live in Hempfield township.
(23) Abner Hissem Jr. (1820)Abner Hissem Jr., the son of Abner Hissem and Mary Welker, was born on 1 February 1820, per the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania," in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. He moved to Ohio, perhaps in company with his brothers, William and Jesse, some time before 1846. There he married Catherine H. Zeigler [Ziglar, Ziegler] on 8 October 1846 in Ashland, Ohio. Catherine was born in 1826 in Pennsylvania.
In the 1850 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Adam Hisum [and it's very clearly Adam Hisum], a 30 year old farmer, of Pennsylvania. Also living with him were his wife, Catharine, 24, of Pennsylvania, and his two sons, J. Z. [John Z. Hissem], 2, and J. [Jesse R. Hissem], 3/12, both of Ohio. The 'Z' in John's name looks like a calligraphy Z, right, which looks, at least to me, more like a handwritten L.
Green Township, Ashland County, Ohio
In the 1860 census of Green township as Abner Hissem, a 41 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Catherine, 35, John, 12, Jessee [sic], 10, Mary A., 9, Clara, 7, Frank, 5, Henry, 3, and Ella M. 8/12. All the children were born in Ohio. Living with them was Emeline Zeigler, 15, probably Catherine's younger sister.
I have a reference to a Abner Hissom in the Civil War Draft Registration records, 1863-1865. This was on a,
"Consoldated list of all persons of Class II, subject to do military duty in the 14th Congressional District, consisting of the Counties of Wayne, Medina, Lorain and Ashland State of Ohio, enumerated during the month of June, 1863 . . .I have no information that he served.
. . .
Green Tp. - Hisson, Abner, 43, White, Farmer, Pennsylvania, "
In the 1870 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as A. Hissem [A. Hipson in Ancestry.com], a 50 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Catherine, 44, and a tremendous family, John Z., 22, at home farming, Jesse, 21, Clara, 16, Frank, 14, Henry Z., 12, Ella M., 10, Laura, 8, Sherman, 5, Walter, 3, and Jamie C. 7/12.
In the 1874 plat map A. Hissem has two 50 acre plots in the northeast quadrant of Green township, just below his brother, William, and just north of the McKay Post Office.
In the 1880 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Abner Hissem, a 62 year old farmer, born in 1818 in Pennsylvania. His parents are listed as both born in Virginia. Living with him were his wife, Catherine, 53, Henry, 23, Ella M., 21, Laura, 18, Sherman, 14, and Nettie, 12.
Catherine died in 1894 in Ohio. She was buried in Loudenville cemetery "w/o Abner."
In the 1900 census of Hanover township, Ashland county, Ohio as Abner Hissem, an 80 year old "capitalist" [!], born in Pennsylvania. Living with him were his chidren, Nettie M., a 32 year old [January 1868] dressmaker, and Laura, 37 [January 1863], with her husband, Daniel Stafer, a carpenter.
Abner Hissem, who was born on 1 February 1820 in Westmoreland county, the son of Jasper [!?] Hissem and Mary Welker, both of Pennsylvania, died on 3 January 1909, just shy of 89 years old, in Wooster, Wayne county, Ohio. Wooster is about 15 miles southwest of Akron. Abner was a retired farmer. The informant was a Laura Stoffer, Abner's daughter that he was living with in 1900. His obituary was published in the Wayne County Democrat on 5 January 1909. He was buried in the Loudonville cemetery, Ashland county, Ohio. This is the only reference to a Jasper Hissem I've been able to find. I'm assume it's a mistake by the clerk. It really does look like Jasper and there's no wasy I can squint and make it look like Abner. Perhaps the clerk's hearing was impaired.
Abner was reported to have had twelve children, ten of which reached maturity, four sons and six daughters. I have the following,
(24) John Ziegler Hissem (1848), his male line died out with his grandson
(24) Jesse R. Hissem (1850), he had no sons
(24) Mary A. Hissem (1851), she died young
(24) Clara M. Hissem (1853)
(24) Frank Hissem (1856), he died in his teens
(24) Dr. Henry Ziegler Hissem (1857), the only male descendents living today.
(24) Ella M. Hissem (1860)
(24) Laura Hissem (1863)
(24) Willliam Sherman Hissem (1865), his male line ended in WW I
(24) Walter Hissem (1867), he died young
(24) Nettie Hissem (1868)
(24) Jamie C. Hissem (1869), he died young
John Zeigler Hissem, the son of Abner Hissem and Catherine Zeigler, was born in Maryland, per the 1900 census of his son, or Ohio per the 1910 and 1930 census, or Pennsylvania, per the 1920 census. The census of his daughters in 1900 also has a vote for Ohio. He was, in fact, born in Ohio in about 1848.
In the 1850 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as J.Z. Hisum, 2, living with his parents, Abner and Catherine Hisum. In the 1860 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as John Hissem, the 12 year old son of Abner Hissem. In the 1870 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as John Z. Hissem, 22, "at home farming," living with his parents. The Hissem family was prominent enough that there exists a Hissem Road in Cadiz, Ohio.
John Z. Hissem married Jennie W. Downs, 16 [c1858], on 23 April 1874 in Ashland county, Ohio - from "Ashland County Marriage Records Probate Court Volume 4 1870-1878." Their son, Vonley was born 8 months later, on 17 December. Jennie was the daughter of . . . Christen W. and Mariah Downs?
John was a farmer and in 1876, at the age of 28, exhibited at the great Centennial in Philadelphia.
"Catalogue of Exhibits from the State of Ohio . . . Agricultural Hall . . . Cereals . . . John Z. Hissem, McKay, white soup beans" - from the "Final Report of the Ohio State Board of Centennial Managers of Centennial Managers" to the General Assembly of the state of Ohio, 1877.
This was a report of Ohio's contribution to the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia in 1876. Remember that McKay was just south of Abner Hissem's two 50-acre parcels in Green township in 1874.
I think John and Jennie divorced. Jennie W. Hissem then married Vinton H. Rider on 7 October 1876 in Ashland county, Ohio - from "Ashland County Marriage Records Probate Court Volume 4 1870-1878." Vinton Rider, the son of Alfred and Savilla [Civilla] Rider, was born in about 1849 in Maryland. In 1880 he married Ella O'Brine, so I assume Jennie had died.
John Hissem became a wanderer, leaving his young son, Vonley, to the care of his sister-in-law, Minnona Downs, and her parents, Christain W. and Mariah Downs. John moved to Cass county, in north central Indiana.
John Z. Hissem married Nellie Miller on 19 December 1878 in Cass county, Indiana.
In the 1880 census of Perry township, Dallas county, Iowa as John Z. Hissem, a 31 year old [1849] clerk in a store. He was born in Ohio. His parents were born in Pennsylvania. Living with him was his wife. Nellie, 21. She was born in Indiana, but there were no children.
Soon after Nellie left John for another man.
"John Hissem will soon go to Omaha." - from The Perry Chief of Perry, Iowa
"John Hissem, who formerly lived here, and whose wife eloped with A.J. De Vault, is now living in Omaha. He has since married and is doing well." - from The Perry Chief
More than one marriage was broken up. In the 1880 census of Perry township as A.J. De Vault, a 30 year old grocer. Living with him was his wife, C.A., 29, and a daughter, Maud, just 2 years old.
In the same census of 1880 there was an Eliza [Teeter] Grossman and her husband, Jerry Grossman, a farmer. They were originally from Carroll county, Illinois, and, sometime after this census, Eliza's younger sister, Ida, was to come to Dallas county for a visit. She met John Z. Hissem and, after the desertion of his wife Nellie, married him back in her parents home in Carroll county, Illinois. The Grossman's remained in Perry township.
On 23 June 1885 a John Z. Hissem, who was born in about 1851, married Ida S. Teeter in Carroll county, Illinois - per Mary Teeter. Ida was born in 1860, the daughter of Daniel Teeter of Carroll county, Illinois.
Carroll County, Illinois
John Z. and Ida Hissem moved to Nebraska before 1886. John's eldest daugther, Blanche, was born in Nebraska in 1886. This move was probably in company with Ida's eldest brother, Joseph Teeter, who had relocated to Lincoln, Nebraska before 1889. Note that John Hissem's son, Joseph Teeter Hissem, born in 1890, was most likely named in honor of Joseph Teeter.
In the Omaha, Nebraska Directories of 1889 and 1890 as John Z. Hissen, of 2525 Caldwell street. He was a "check clerk" for the local freight office of the Union Pacific Railway. On the left side of the map above, see the railroad coming into Omaha over the railroad bridge. The depot is the large barn-like building half-way up the map, labeled "13." In the Morning World Herald of Omaha, Nebraska, . . . In the 1891 City Directory of Omaha as "Hissem John Z Hissem, yard clerk U P Ry, res 2625 Caldwell." In the 1892 directory of Omaha as "Hissem John Z, clk yardmaster U P Ry, res 1517 N 21st." In 1894 as "Hissem John Z, (Hissem & Teeter), res 2826 Maple av." Just below this was "Hissem & Teeter, (J Z Hissem, W H Teeter), conf 1524 Dodge." The latter was William H. Teeter, the adopted son of John's father-in-law, Daniel Teeter.
The Union Pacific Railroad
The railroad got its start in 1862 when President Lincoln signed the Pacific Railroad Act which directed two companies, the Union Pacific, in the east, and the Central Pacific, in the west, to construct a transcontinental railroad. Because of financial difficulities it wasn't until 1865 that the first UP rail was laid in Omaha, the eastern terminus and eventual headquaters of the railroad. The road was completed in 1869 at Promontory Summit, Utah. |
I have a reference that may be our John. He had, at one time, been "of Iowa" and was a member of the Ashland county, Ohio family.
McKay, Ashland county, Ohio. "John Hissem, of Iowa, was here last week visiting relatives." - from a newspaper article of 17 September 1891
Ida died in 1895 and John left his three children, Blanche, Beth and Joseph, with his Teeter sisters-in-law to raise back in Illinois. John was real bad about leaving his children behind.
In the 1900 census of . . .
John himself died in 1903. The Carroll County, Illinois Cemeteries website lists John Z. (1851-1903) and Ida S. (1860-1895) Hissem as husband and wife. Both John and Ida are buried in the Teeter family plot in Mt. Carroll.
See the Ensign Joseph Hissem page for more about John's famiy and his famous grandson.
John's children with Jennie were,
(25) Vonley Downs Hissem (1874)
John's children with Ida were,
(25) Blanche Hissem (1886/1888)
(25) Beth [Bath] Hissem (1886/1888)
(25) Joseph T. Hissem (1890)
Vonley [Donley in familysearch.org] D. Hissem, the son of John Hissem and Jennie Downs of Green township, was born on 17 December 1874 in Loudonville, Ashland county, Ohio.
"Dec. 17 [1874], Vonley D. Hissem, Mr. and. Mrs. John Hissem, Loudonville." - from "The Pathfinder - Ashland County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society"
Vonley was born on 17 October 1873 in Ohio according to his own recollection; in 1875 according to his "mother," Minona "Minnie" Downs. Jennie had divorced John Z. Hissem and Vonley had gone to live with his grandparents, where Jennie's younger sister, Minona, became Vonley's caregiver.
Minona was in the 1870 census of Perrysville post office, Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Minnona Downs, 9, of Ohio. She was living with her parents, Christen W. Downs, a 34 year old brick mason, and Mariah Downs, 38. Siblings Worth, 13, and Wayne, 3, were also at home.
I think I've found Vonley in the 1880 census of Dallas, Texas, but under the name of Vonley Gains, 5, of Ohio. He was living with his mother, Minnie Gains, a 19 year old, widowed, dress maker, from Ohio. This is the correct citation, but where did the Gains' surname come from? Minnie soon died it seems.
I don't see Minnie's parents in the 1880 census, but by 1889 per the Dallas City Directory, "Christie" W. Downs and his son Wayne, a bricklayer, were "r. ns Greenwood bt Floride, Adair." Floride and Adair are parellel streets near Exall park, in Dallas. Did they come to Dallas because Minnie wrote such glowing accounts of the region, or because she died and they wanted to take care of her boy? I don't see Minnie Downs, Gains or Hissem in this directory.
In the Dallas, Texas Directory, 1891 we have "Hissel [sic] Vonley, appc [apprentice] Munger Mfg Co [a cotton gin], bds [boards] C. W. Downs" - on an earlier page of the Directory this proves to be Christian W. Downs (Downs & McMurray), Vonley's grandfather, who resided at 231 Greenwood road, with his son, Wayne, a bricklayer. Greenwood road no longer appears to exist. In the 1893 City Directory of Dalla as Vonley D. Hissem, a machinist working for the Munger manufacturing company, still boarding at the home of C. W. Downs. In the 1894 Directory Vonley D. Hissem was living with his grandmother, Maria Down "wid Christie W.," and Wayne Downs, at 231 Greenwood. In the directory of 1896 as Vonley D. Hissen, a machinist with the Murray Ginning System company, residing as 231 Greenwood with Maria Downs "wid C. W." and Wayne Downs. Christian Downs had been a partner with James A. Murray before his death.
In 1897 Maria and Wayne Downs were still at 231 Greenwood, but I don't see Vonley. He's back, however, in the 1898 directory as "Hissen Volney D., mchst Munger Mfg. Co., bds 231 Greenwood" with Maria and Wayne Downs.
Vonley married Teresa [Therese] Ganzer in 1899. She was born on 2 November 1879 in Washington township, Jackson county, Missouri. She was the fourth child of Karl Friedrich Ganzer and Elizabeth Bopp. Fred was an emigrant from Germany and Eliza from Switzerland. They continued to live in Jackson county, at least through 1900. How Teresa came to Dallas I don't know, but Karl Ganzer died in Dallas, Texas in 1909. Perhaps she had come to find work at the Munger cotton gin mill.
In the 1900 census of Dallas, Texas as V.D. Hissem, a 26 year old [December 1873] machinist, of Ohio, and his wife, Terresa, 20 [November 1879], of Missouri. They were living in a boarding house. Vonley's father was from unknown, his mother from Ohio. Terresa's father was from Germany and her mother from Switzerland. They had been married for a year and had no children. By the way, Wayne Downs, Minona's brother, was living in Dallas in 1900 with his widowed mother, Mariah.
Maria Downs apparently died before 1902 because she was not in that city directory, though Wayne was still residing at 231 Greenwood, in Dallas. Vonley was not in this directory.
Vonley and Teresa moved to California in 1901. A son, Teddy, was born in California on 29 October 1901, but he died on 9 September 1902. A daughter, Irene Mae, was born in Los Angeles, California on 16 July 1902.
I'm not sure what the following refers to, it may be a restraining order or a legal separation, but it does show some bad blood between Vonley and Teresa. The notice was published in the "Nazarene Messenger" of Los Angeles, of 14 January 1903.
A petition for divorce was finally filed in 1905: "Court House Notes. Petitions for divorce were filed yesterday as follows: Teresa Hissan against Vonley Hissan, . . ." - from The Los Angeles Herald of 20 June 1905. Vonley later came back to Texas, but alone.
In the 1907 City Directory of Dallas as "Hisson V D, mach, rms 558 Elm." Wayne Downs was still living on Greenwood. In the 1908 directory as Vonley D. Hisson, a porter at J.A. Kettle, rooming at 558 Elm. This was the Kettle Bar, see below. I also see a bartender from Kettle's rooming at 558 Elm. In the 1909 directory as "Hissem Volney D, porter J A Kettle, rms 558 Elm." In 1910 he was "Hissem Volney D, bartendr J. A. Kettle, rms 558. Elm" By the way, this address is on the corner of Dealey Plaza where President Kennedy was shot in 1963. It is cater-corner to the Texas School Book Depository, where Lee Harvey Oswald took his position.
In the 1910 census of Dallas, Texas as Vonley [Vanley in Ancestry.com] Hissem, a 36 year old bartender in a saloon [Kettle's?]. Living with him were two boarders, George Barth, 34, and James C. Coyle, 50. While shown to be married, Von's wife was not present. He was born in Ohio, as were his parents.
In the 1910 census of Honolulu, Hawaii as Teresa G. Hissem, a 30 year old professional nurse in general practice, a widow, of Missouri. Her parents were from Germany and Switzerland, so this seems to be the same woman from 1900. Had Vonley and Teresa divorced, with the title of widow hiding Teresa's "shame," or were they simply separated? With her was her daughter, Irene M., 7, of California. She'd had two children, one of them still living. Teresa was staying in a hotel on Bishop street. There were 38 other lodgers so it was a good sized hotel. This street leads from the Aloha Tower piers towards the mountains. This is today the financial, commercial and governmental center of the city.
Hawaiian Hotels
I don't see Von in 1911 or 1912 city directories, but he is in the 1913 directory of Dallas, Texas as Vonley D. Hissem, a yardman working and residing at the Missouri Hotel. Is a yardman the same as a gardener? He wasn't in the 1914 directory, but in the 1915 directory Vonley Hissem was a porter again at the Kettle Bar; he was residing at the rear of 5102 East Side avenue.
I don't see Vonley in Dallas after this time. Perhaps he had moved to Wichita by then.
Vonley Downs Hissem registered for the draft on 9 September 1918 in Wichita, Texas. He was born on 17 October 1873. He was 44 years old at the time, a pipe liner with the Magnolia Pipe Company. He was described as of medium height and build, with brown hair and eyes. Oddly, his nearest relative was listed as a Mrs. W. W. Ralston of Clifton, Arizona. A cousin perhaps? I cannot find anyone named Ralston in Clifton 1915-1920.
Vonley disappears after this. Teresa continued to claim she was a widow in the census, and was so described on her death certificate. Perhaps by 1920 that was true.
In the 1920 census of Los Angeles, California as Teresa G. Hissem [Hissen in Ancestry.com], a 40 year old nurse and widow, of Missouri. Living with her was her daughter, Irene M., 19, of California [sic].
In the 1930 census of Los Angeles, California as Teresa Hissem [Hissom in Ancestry.com], a 50 year old private nurse and widow, of Missouri. Living with her was her daughter, Irene, 28, of California [sic].
In the 1940 census of Los Angeles, California as Terese Hissem, 60, retired, living with her daughter, Irene, 38, a teacher.
"Teresa Ganzer Hissem" died on 12 June 1940 in Los Angeles, California and was buried in the Angelus Rosedale cemetery. She was shown as the widow of Vonley Hissem. Teresa's daughter, Irene, was the informant.
(26) Teddy Hissem (1901)Teddy, was born in California on 29 October 1901, but he died on 9 September 1902.
(26) Irene Mae Hissem (1902)Irene H. Hissem, the daughter of Vonley D. Hissem and Theresa Ganzer, was born on 16 July 1902 in Los Angeles, California. There was an Irene Hissem who was involved in the science of teaching music to children. See "A New Approach to Music For Young Children," by Irene Hissem in Child Develop., 1933. Volume 4, Number 4 : 308-317. She also wrote "Feast of the Lanterns: A Chinese Operetta in One Act" by Irene Hissem - 1931.
In the 1940 census of Los Angeles, California as Irene Hissem, 38, a teacher, living with her mother, Teresa. On 4 Janaury 1950 Irene had her birth certificate corrected. The original, of 1902, had named her Toresa Mae Hissum and her parents as V.D. Hissum and Josie Ganzer. This update may have been occassioned by her marriage to Karl Rhodenhamel. Irene M. Rhodenhamel, the daughter of a Hissem & a Ganzer, died on 26 May 1986 in Sonoma county, California.
(24) Jesse R. Hissem (1850)Jesse Hissem was born on 15 April 1850 in Ohio. In the 1850 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as J. Hisum, 3/12. In the 1860 census of Green township as Jessee [sic] Hissem, 10, born in Ohio. In the 1870 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Jesse Hissem, 21, living at home with his parents.
In the 1870 census of Hayesville township, Ashland county, Ohio there was also a Joss [Jess?] Hissem, a 19 year old student sharing a domicile with a Jennie Zeigler, 20, who was teaching school. Jennie may be a cousin [Jesse's mother was afterall a Zeigler]. This was apparently a double entry for our Jesse. He was attending the Hayesville academy, the Vermillion Institute, as a number in his family would, including Jesse's younger brother, Henry. Jesse later attended Wooster University for four years, 1872-1876. He was a member of the Alpha Lamba chapter of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity - from the "Directory of the University of Wooster." He initially became a school teacher. The "Catalogue of Beta Theta Pi" lists "Jesse R. Hissem. 1876. Lawyer. Died 1908. Loudonville, O." under the Alpha Lambda Chapter, 1872, of the University of Wooster.
Wooster University
"In the fall of 1877 Loudonville High School was organized under the direction of R.J. [sic] Hissem. The classes were held in the "Sheep Pen" then consisting of seven rooms." J. R. Hissem was superintendent of the Loudonville schools from 1877 to 1880, and from 1886 to 1888. - from the "History of North Central Ohio."
In the 1880 census for Loudonville, Ashland county, Ohio as Jesse Hissem, 30, a single school teacher, living alone. His parents were born in Pennsylvania.
There is a reference in the "History of Pottawattamie county, Iowa" to a Jesse R. Hissem of Loudonville who married Rosanna Reed. "The Lyles of Washington County, Pennsylvania" indicates this marriage occurred on 3 March 1881. Rosannah was born on 3 December 1848, the daughter of William Reed and Rosanna Lyle, of Ashland county, Ohio. Rose's brother, James R. Reed, was a school teacher and may have introduced Jesse and Rose to each other.
Interestingly, Rosanna Reed's other brother, Joseph R. Reed, was a judge of the district court of Iowa, living in Dallas county, Iowa circa 1880; he also attended Hayesville Academy. Jesse's elder brother, John Z. Hissem, was living in Perry township, Dallas county circa 1880. This is another route for Jesse and Rose to have met.
Did Judge Reed influence Jesse to take up the law? Jesse studied under H. L. McCrary, Esq., of Loudonville, and, in 1888, was admitted to the bar.
In the 1900 census of Hanover township, Ashland county, Ohio as Jesse R. Hissom, a 50 year old lawier [lawyer]. Living with him was his wife, Rosanne M., 50 [December 1849]. They had been married for 19 years [1881], but Rosanne was noted as having had no children. Also living with Jesse was his sister-in-law, Sarah J. Reed, 66. Note that Jesse's father, Abner, was living in Hanover at the same time.
The following is Jesse's biography from "History of the Republican Party in Ohio," of 1900,
"Jesse R. Hissem, attorney at law, at Loudonville, and one of the prominent members of the Ashland county bar, was born on a farm in that county, April 15, 1850. His father, Abner Hissem, was a native of Pennsylvania and married Catherine Ziegler, a native of Maryland. His maternal grandfather, Henry Ziegler, was of German ancestry. Of twelve children in his father's family, ten attained majority-four sons and six daughters. One of the sons, Henry Z., is a successful physician in Ellsworth, Kansas.Mr. Hissem, who is the subject proper of this sketch, is the second in order of birth in the above family. He passed his youth on the parental farm and attended school during the winters, and subsequently Hayesville Academy, and attended Wooster University four years. Soon after that he began teaching and in a short time became superintendent of the public schools of Loudonville, which position he filled with great credit. Next he took up the study of law, under the preceptorship of H. L. McCrary, Esq., of Loudonville, and in 1888 was admitted to the bar. He at once commenced the practice of his chosen profession at Loudonville, forming a partnership with F. N. Patterson, under the firm name of Hissem & Patterson. They did a large and successful business, and the partnership relation continued until 1893, when Mr. Patterson was elected prosecuting attorney for Ashland county, on the Republican ticket, and moved to Ashland in order to discharge the duties of his office, and since that time Mr. Hissem has conducted his practice alone. He is well established in his profession and is a close student and a hard worker in the cause of his clients.
In his political principles he is a believer in the principles of the Republican party, with which he has been in sympathy ever since he became a voter. He has served as clerk of the city council, but he has never sought office, preferring always to give his attention to his legal practice.
In society relations he is a member of Hanover Lodge, No. 115, F.&A.M., of which he is past master.
March 3, 1881 he married Miss Rose A. Reed, a sister of Judge Joseph Reed, United States chief justice of private land claims, with headquarters at Council Bluffs, Iowa. Her father, William Reed, was an old, respected citizen of Ashland county."
Rose was born in 1849.
Rose died, without issue, on 19 May 1906 and was buried in the Loudenville cemetery.
Jesse R. Hissem, 57, the son of Abner Hissem and ___ Zeigler, married Josephine Black, 52, the daughter of Philip J. Black and ___ Reinhart, on 3 August 1907 in Ashland county, Ohio. The Reverend G. L. Schaul officiated at the wedding.
Jesse R. Hissem, 58, the son of Abner Hissem and Catherine Zigler, died on 28 October 1908 in Ashland, Ohio and was buried in the Loudonville cemetery near his father, Abner. His obituary:
1908 "Hissem, Jesse R., born 15 Apr 1850 on farm of his father near McKay, s/o Abner who survives, married Rose Reed who died previously, he died 28 Oct, married 3 Aug 1907 Josephine Black, brothers and sister survive." - from Ancestry.com
Jesse and Rosannah are buried under the tombstone below. They had no children.
She was born in about 1851. Her only appearance was in the census of 1860.
(24) Clara M. Hissem (1853)She was born on 5 September 1853 in Green township, Ashland county, Ohio, the daugher of Abner Hissem and Catherine H. Zeigler. In the 1860 and 1870 census of Green township as Clara, 7 and 16 respectively, living at home with her parents, Abner and Catherine Hissem.
Clara M. Hissem married Emery Aaron Porter on 13 March 1879 in Ashland county, Ohio. Emery had been born in 1848 in Ashland county, Ohio, the son of John S. Porter and Mary "Molly" Myers. Emery and Clara soon moved to Boone county, Iowa, where their two daughters, Clara and Kate, were born in 1880 and 1885.
Clara M. Porter, the daughter of Abner Hissem and Catherine Ziegler, died on 4 April 1915 in Rippey, Union township, Boone county, Iowa. In 1920 Emery was living in Washington township, Green county, Iowa.
(24) Frank Hissem (1856)He was born in Ohio in 1856. In the 1860 census of Green township, Ashland county as Frank Hissem, 5. In the 1870 census of Green township as Frank Hissem, 14. Frank Hissem, the son of A. & K.A. Hissem, died on 27 March 1875, aged 19 years, 7 months, and 19 days. He was buried in the McKay cemetery in Hayesville, Ohio.
Henry Zeigler Hissem was born on 10 September 1857 in Ashland county, Ohio. In the 1860 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Henry Hissem, 3. In the 1870 census of Green township as Henry Z. Hissem, 12. In the 1880 census of Green township as Henry Hissem, 22, living at home. His parents were both born in Pennsylvania.
He attended the Vermillion Institute of Hayesville, Ohio from 1876 to 1880.
Henry married Ella R. Kinninger. H.Z. Hissem and Ella Hissem, his wife, of McKay, Ashland county, Ohio attended the reunion of the Vermillion Institute, in Hayesville, Ashland county, Ohio on 21 August 1879. Note that Henry's cousin, Jennie Hissem, of Loudonville, above, also attended this get-together.
The Vermillion Institute
![]() Also known as the Hayesville Academy, its cornerstone was laid on 4 July 1845. According to A. J. Baughman in his 1900 history, the school was first organized by the Baptists and within five years passed to the control of the Wooster Presbytery. Enrollment fell during the Civil War and never regained its former prestige. By the late 1880's Wooster College had been established and the classes at the Institute were over. In 1886 it opened as Hayesville High School and remained so until 1929. |
H.Z. Hissem graduated from the Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1883 - from "Transactions of the Annual Meeting" of the Ohio State Medical Society and the "General Alumini Catalogue of New York University." On another list of college graduates of the school he was listed as "Henry Zeigler Hissem." The college was founded in 1861 and in 1898 consolidated with the New York University Medical College. Today it is known as the New York University School of Medicine.
Henry moved to Kansas to practice. In the 1895 state census of Ellsworth, Kansas as H. Z. Hissem, 39, of Ohio. Living with him were his wife, Ella, 36, of Ohio, and children, Ralph, 8, Jessie, 5, and Frank, 3, all of Kansas.
He was a visiting surgeon at the Ellsworth Hospital from 1897 and lectured in the Practice of Medicine and obstetrics at the Tr. School for Nurses [?].
"In 1897 Dr. Henry O'Donnell and Dr. H. Z. Hissem opened medical offices on the second floor of the Insurance Building [at 115 N. Douglas Avenue, Ellsworth, Kansas, see the photograph to the left]. Drs. O'Donnell and Hissem established the Ellsworth Hospital Association in 1897 and later established the Ellsworth County Hospital. Both doctors were prominent physicians and surgeons in Ellsworth; the two moved their practice from the Insurance Building in 1902." - from the 2006 application for National Registry listing
In the 1900 census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Henry [garbled] Hissam, a 42 year old physician [September 1857]. Living with him were his wife, Ella R., 40 [July 1859], and children, Ralph, 12 [September 1887], Jessie, 10 [November 1889], and Frank, 8 [January 1892].
"Henry Z. Hissem" joined the Kansas National Guard and was "1 lt asst. surg" as of 4 June 1902. He made Captain on 4 Jun3 1907, Major-Surgeon on 11 July 1910 and retired on 7 July 1914." - from the "Roster and Directory of the Commissioned Officers of the Kansas National Guard."
"A movement is underway to organize a provisional company of National Guardsmen at Ellsworth of which Major Hissem of Salina is the instigator." - from "The National Guard Magazine."
Was this H.Z. Hissem?
In the 1905 state census of Ellsworth, Kansas as H.Z. Hissem, 47. Living with him were his wife, Ella, 45, and children, Ralph, 18, Jessie, 16, and Frank, 13. They had two servants, Mary Knalty, 16, and Ernest Lord, 21.
Henry Z. Hissem was a Master of the Elsworth council of the Masons.
In 1907 Henry's Medical school provided the following biography.
"Henry Zeigler Hissem,
b. Ashland Co., Ohio, Sep. 10, 1857; Vermilion Inst., Hayesville, O., 76-80; vis. surg. Ellsworth Hosp., 97-; lect. practice of med. and obstet. Tr. Sch. for Nurses; asst. surg. 2d Regt. Inf., Kan. Natl. Guard; mem. U.S. Pension Exam Bd., 87-; Kan. Med. Soc.; Mo. Valley Med. Soc.; Am. Med. Assn.; Assn. Mil. Surgs.
Ellsworth, Kan." - from the "General Alumni Catalogue of New York University, 1833-1907"
In the 1910 census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Henry Z. Hissem, a 51 year old physician, born in Ohio. Living with him were his wife, Ella R., 50, and children, Ralph, a 23 year old student, Jessie M., a 20 year old music teacher, and Frank E., an 18 year old student, all born in Kansas.
In 1912 he was listed as "Major Henry Z. Hissem, Medical Officer" in the Kansas National Guard.
In the 1915 state census of Ellsworth, Kansas as H. Z. Hissem, 57. Living with him were his wife, Ella R., 55, and son, Frank E., 23.
Assistant Surgeon 2d Regiment Infantry Kansas National Guard. From the "Finding Aid to the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States Biographical Sketch Collection," c.1901-1941
Hissem, Henry Ziegler - Lieutenant, N.G. [National Guard] Kansas (1857- )
The Finding Aid was based on forms filled out by the members of the Association and were collected c1901-c1909.
The Association of Military Surgeons
The Association of Military Surgeons of the United States grew out of the Association of Military Surgeons of the National Guard of the United States. Conceived by U.S. military surgeon Nicholas Senn (1844-1908), it was formed at a meeting of 50 U.S. National Guard surgeons in Chicago on September 17, 1891. The association's stated purpose was "for the advancement of military and accidental surgery and all things pertaining to the health and welfare of the civilian soldier." To this end the Association initiated a journal entitled The Military Surgeon. During its first decade the Association broadened its membership to include members of the Army and Navy medical corps as well as the Public Health Service's and the Veterans Administration's officers. Upon incorporation on January 30, 1903, the association adopted the title of Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. The Association continues to this day. |
In the "Compendious History of Ellsworth County Kansas," by Charles J. Lyon, is a reference to a Dr. H.Z. Hissem, on page 50.
Member U.S. Pension Examination Board 1887-; Kansas Medical Society; Missouri Valley Medical Society; American Medical Association; Association of Military Surgeons.
From the "Standard Atlas of Ellsworth county, Kansas," 1918, is a plat book of the villages, cities and townships of the county. Clear Creek township, which is bordered by Garfield Township to the north, Carneiro Township to the east, Empire Township to the south and Ellsworth Township on the west, has the following annotation:
Section 24
HZ Hissem
Mary E Droegsmeier
F Veatch
Sunny Knoll Dairy Farm
Lottie Spurgeon
In the 1920 census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Henry Hissem [Ancestry.com has it as Hinena!], a 62 year old doctor of medicine. Living with him was his wife, Ella, 60.
The Mansfield News, Mansfield, Ohio, of July 1928 had the following notice:
"Dr. H.Z. Hissem, of Ellsworth, Kan., and son, Dr. Ralph Hissem of Wichita, spent the day visiting the homes of various Loudonville friends and relatives."
Henry would have been 71 years old at the time.
In the 1930 census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Henry Hissem [Ancestry.com has it as Hirsem!], a 72 year old doctor of medicine. Living with him was his wife, Ella R., 70. Henry died in 1933 in Ellsworth, Kansas.
From a biography of Kansas notables:
"Henry Z. Hissem, M.D.In the subject of this review we have one who has attained distinction in the line of his profession, who has been an earnest and discriminating student and who holds a position of due relative precedence among the medical practitioners of Kansas. He is also mayor of Ellsworth and is honored in social circles and in professional and public life.
Dr. Hissem is a native of the state of Ohio, his birth having occurred in Ashland county on the 10th of September, 1857, his parents being Abner and Katherine A. (Zeigler) Hissem. The father was a native of Pennsylvania and followed agricultural pursuits. In early life he married and removed to the Buckeye state, becoming one of the pioneer residents there. He was very prominent in Christian work and for many years served as an elder in the Presbyterian church. He is now living retired in Loudonville at the age of eightv-five years, but his wife passed away in 1897. Dr. Hissem, subject of this review, was the sixth in order of birth in a family of twelve children. He pursued his education in Vermilion Institute, in Hayesville, Ohio, taking a course in languages on account of the benefit it would be to him in his professional career as a representative of the medical fraternity for in his boyhood he had determined to engage in the practice of the healing art as a life work. The family were in quite moderate circumstances and it became necessary that he should provide the means necessary to continue his studies. He aided in the farm work during the summer months and in the winter season engaged in teaching school. In the meantime he read medical text-books under the direction of a local physician and later he entered Bellevue Hospital Medical College, in New York city, where he was graduated with the class of 1883. He had excellent opportunities in the hospital to see and assist in all kinds of operations and thus gained practical experience as well as theoretical knowledge. He had to borrow money in order to complete his college course, and was thus somewhat handicapped financially when he entered upon his professional career; but true merit always wins success, and such has been the case with Dr. Hissem. He first located at Chicago Junction, Ohio, where he remained for three years, and during that time he was surgeon for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company.
In July, 1886, the Doctor came to Ellsworth, where he opened an office and soon built up a fine practice, for his success in the care of several difficult cases, established his reputation as a skilled physician. In May, 1896, he entered into partnership with his brother-in-law, Dr. H. O'Donnell, and since that time they have been located in their fine suite of rooms over the Central National Bank. They have a large and lucrative practice,' extending all over the county and to some distance along the line to build a hospital of their own, and in 1900 they opened a hospital at the Bigerdyke Home, but as their practice began to exceed their accommodations there they decided to build a hospital of their own, and in 1900 began the erection and equipment of their present hospital, in which Dr. Perkins, of Kansas City, is also interested. It is a fine building" containing seventeen rooms and is thoroughly fitted up for the treatment of medical and surgical cases. The operating room is one of the finest in the state, the entire roof being of glass, while the room is finished in white enamel, and patients from all parts of the state come here for treatment, some of the most difficult surgical operations known to the science having been successfully performed. In 1889 Dr. Hissem went to New York to pursue a post-graduate course in the New York Polyclinic, giving special attention to surgery and the diseases of the throat, nose and ear. In 1898 he took a course in the same line in a Chicago post-graduate school.
On the 27th of March, 1884, the Doctor was married, in Toledo, Ohio, to Ella R., daughter of Joseph Kininger, a merchant of that city and they now have three children : Ralph W., Jessie and Frank. The Doctor has a beautiful residence, the home being one of the most pleasant in the city of Ellsworth. Politicaly he has always been a Republican, stanch in his advocacy of the principles of the party. In former years he took a very active interest in its work, but at the present time his professional duties claim too much of his time to allow him to remain an active factor in political circles. In 1896 he was chairman of the county central committee, and he has served as county coroner and countv physician. He has also been a member of the board of pension examiners since 1887, and has been surgeon for the Union Pacific Railroad Company since 1894. In 1900 he was elected mayor of the city, was reelected in 1901 and 1902, and in his rulings has established an economical yet progressive policy. Socially he is identified with Ellsworth Lodge, No. 146, F. & A. JM., in which he has filled all the offices; Ellsworth Council. No. 9, R. & S. M. ; St. Akleniar Commandery No. tt,, K. T. ; and Isis Temple of the Mystic Shrine in Salina. In the line of his profession he is examiner for nearly all the old-line insurance companies, is a member of the Missouri Valley Medical Society, the Kansas State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. The success which attends his efforts is but in natural sequence, for his position soon became assured as an able physician, a man of sterling integritv and one devoted to his profession and to the interest and welfare of those to whom he ministered. He possesses marked judgment and discernment in the diagnosing of disease and is peculiarly successful in anticipating the issue of complications, seldom making a mistake and never exaggerating or minifying the disease in rendering his decisions in regard thereto. He is a physician of great fraternal delicacy, and no man ever observed more closely the ethics of the unwritten professional code or showed more careful courtesy to his fellow practitioners, than does Dr. Hissem." - from "A Biographical History of Central Kansas"
There is a photgraph of Henry in the book cited above. He looks like a young Grover Cleveland.
The followinng is from a "where are they now?" compendium from the Kansas State Medical Board, post-1930:
"Dr. Hissem, another member, died, it was said, from a broken heart, following the death of his only son, a prominent Wichita surgeon, whose automobile ran into a cement bridge." - from "Charlaton: America's most Dangerous Huckster" by Pope Brock
This must be for H.Z. Hissem, whose son Ralph died in 1933 as well. "Only son!" What about Frank? Was there such bad blood between father and son that Frank wasn't aknowledged as Henry's boy? Ella died in 1939.
His children were,
(25) Dr. Ralph Waldo Hissem (1887)
(25) Jessie M. Hissem (1889)
(25) Frank Edgar Hissem (1892)
Ralph Waldo Hissem was born in September 1887, probably in Ellsworth, Kansas, and named, I assume, after the poet. In the 1900 census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Ralph Hissam, 12 [September 1887], living at home with his parents, Henry and Ella R. Hissem.
He attended the University of Kansas. "The Sigma Chi Fraternity Manual and Directory" of 1908 and 1909 listed a "Ralph Waldo Hissem, Student, Ellsworth, Kan."
In the 1910 census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Ralph Hissem, a 23 year old student, born in Kansas, living at home with his parents.
Ralph went to West Point, Highland Falls [the town in New York just south of West Point on the banks of the Hudson], the University of Kansas, and John Hopkins. He was a member of the Nu Sigma Nu fraternity, graduating from the University of Kansas School of Medicine in 1911. He was cited as "Hissem, R.W., '11, Beta Theta, Schweiter Bldg., Wichita, Kans." in "The Catalog of Nug Sigma Nu." This apparently was his date of graduation and his current business address.
In a notice in the Washington Post of 3 June 1917, Captain Ralph W. Hissem was listed amongst medical officers of the reserve corps who were assigned to active duty. He is on a roster of the 89th Division as,
Hissem, Ralph W., Major. MC. [Medical Corps] 314th San. Tr. [Sanitation Troop?] - from "History of the 89th Division, U. S. A." by George H. English
In "The Letters of Peter Wilson," Captain Hissem was said to be a urologist. The 89th fought in the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives, and were part of the occupation forces. Ralph retired as a Major, US Army. He was a Sigma Chi, a T. N. E. [?], and later a Kiwanis and member of the American Legion. He was also a member of the Wichita Country Club.
Ralph married Nellie Huntoon Sim, the daughter of Coler Sim and Nellie Huntoon of Topeka, Kansas. Coler was an oil and land entrepeneur and speculator. Nellie attend the Gardner School and was a member of the Lambda Alpha Lambda sorority.
In the 1920 census of Wichita, Sedgwick county, Kansas as Ralph W. Hissam [Ancestry.com has him as Rudolph], a 33 year old physician in general practice. He was born in Kansas. His parents are shown only as born in the United States. Living with him were his wife, Nellie S., 24, Ralph, 2 1/2, and Susanne, 1. Nellie's parents were from Illinois.
"Dr. Ralph W. Hissem, m '11, has moved from Ellsworth, to 510 Schweiter Building, Wichita" - from "The Graduate Magazine of the University of Kansas" Volumes 18-19, May 1921
In the Wichita Social Register of 1921 as Dr. R.W. Hissem, living at 1301 North Emporia Avenue. In 1922 he built a home, right, at 321 North Roosevelt street, valued at $25,000. He was listed in the 1919 and 1929 "Who's Who" of Wichita, Kansas.
In the 1930 census of Wichita, Kansas as Ralph W. Hissem [Hissen in Ancestry.com], a 43 year old physician. Living with him were his wife, Nellie S., 25, and children, Ralph W. Jr., 12, Susanne, 11, and Coler S. [a son], 4/12.
On 6 April 1932 Ralph W. Hissem, 45, of Ellesworth, Wisconsin [sic], left from Cherbourg onboard the S.S. BREMEN, arriving in New York City on 11 April. With him was his wife, Nellie, 37, of Wichita, Kansas. Their address was 321 No. Roosevelt, Wichita, Kansas. The SS Bremen of 1929 was one of a pair of ocean liners built for the Norddeutsche Lloyd line (NDL) for the transatlantic passenger service.
Dr. Hissem died in 1933 and was buried on 1 March 1933 in the Highland cemetary, Wichita. He was only 47 years old. His tombstone shows dates of 1886 - 1933. He was referred to as Ralph Waldo Hissem in the "List of Fellows Deceased" of the American College of Surgeons, 1934.
In the "Compendious History of Ellsworth County Kansas," by Charles J. Lyon, there is a reference to Dr. Hissem, pg 44 & 47. I have not seen this document. In the obituary for Ralph's mother-in-law, Mrs. Coler L. Sim, it mentions three children for Ralph and Nellie: Ralph, Suzanne and Coler.
The followinng is from a "where are they now?" compendium from the Kansas State Medical Board, post-1930, and indicates that Ralph died in an automobile accident:
"Dr. [H.Z.] Hissem, another member, died, it was said, from a broken heart, following the death of his only son, a prominent Wichita surgeon, whose automobile ran into a cement bridge." - from "Charlaton: America's most Dangerous Huckster" by Pope Brock. I don't think this latter reference infers that Pope Brock though Ralph and H.Z. were hucksters.
Both H.Z. and Ralph died in 1933.
Nellie then married John E. O'Donnell.
In the 1940 census of Wichita, Sedgewick county, Kansas as Nellie S. O'Donnell, 45. She was living with John E., a 44 year old dentist, and her children, Ralph, 22, Suzanne, 21, and Coler, 14.
Ralph's children were,
(26) Ralph W. Hissem Jr. (1917)
(26) Suzanne Hissem (1918)
(26) Nellie Hissem (1923), she died young
(26) Coler S. Hissem (1925)
He was born on 13 June 1917 in Kansas. In the 1920 census of Wichita, Sedgwick county, Kansas as Ralph Hissam, 2 1/2. In the 1930 census of Wichita, Kansas as Ralph W. Hissem [Hissen in Ancestry.com] Jr., 12, living at home with his parents.
Ralph Waldo Hissem Jr., of the Schweiter building, Wichita, Kansas, earned an A.B. degree from Williams College in 1939. - from "Official Register" by Harvard College. Williams College is a private, liberal arts school in Williamstown, Massachusetts.
In the 1940 census of Wichita, Sedgewick county, Kansas as Ralph Hissem, 22. He was living with John E. and Nellie S. O'Donnnell, as were his siblings, Suzanne, 21, and Coler, 14. Since Ralph was listed a John and Nellie's son, I assume Nellie was the widow of Ralph Sr. John was a dentist.
The Schweiter Building, below, where Ralph presumably had his office, was located at the northeast corner of Douglas and Main. Ralph Sr. also had his offices there.
Ralph earned an MBA from Harvard.
"Hissem, Ralph Waldo Jr., 1511 Hillcrest Drive, Bartlesville, Okla. [Oil, gb39-41 MBA]" - from "Harvard Alumni Directory" of 1975
The address listed is where Ralph lived in later life.
Ralph married Elizabeth Ann Sullivan, the daughter of John Edward Sullivan and Marian Daley.
Ralph W. Hissem Jr. died on 16 July 1975 in Bartlesville, Washington county, Oklahoma and was buried on 21 July 1975 in the Highland cemetary, Wichita, Kansas. His obituary:
"RALPH W. HISSEM JR., 58, Bartlesville, Okla., senior compensation representative of the employees relations branch of the administration division of the petroleum products group for Phillips Petroleum and former Wichita resident, died Wednesday of natural causes. Services will be at 11 a.m. Friday in St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Bartlesville, burial will be in Wichita. Survivors include his widow, Elizabeth Ann; a son, Ralph W. III, at home; a daughter, Mrs. Robert Varner, Tulsa, and his stepfather, Dr. J.E. O'Donnell, and a brother, Coler, both of Wichita. Neekamp Funeral Home, Bartlesville, has charge, Cochran Mortuary has charge in Wichita. " - from the Wichita Eagle of 17 July 1975
"With deep regret we have learned of the death of Ralph W. Hissem Jr, on July 16, 1975, in Bartlesville, OK. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, a son, and one granddaughter. Ralph had been with Phillips Petroleum as asst. director of the Sale Employee Relations Dept." - from the "Harvard Business School" bulletin of 1975
Ralph's wife then married Gordon E. Gerhardt. There is a March 2006 document dealing with the Wichita Children's Home. A Memorial Gift was provided in the name of Ralph W. Hissem. The gift was made by his widow, Mrs. Elizabeth S. Gerhardt.
Elizabeeth Ann Sullivan Hissem Gerhardt died on 4 March 2012. Her obituary,
"Elizabeth Ann "Sully" Hissem Gerhardt was born January 7, 1922 in Hutchinson, Kansas the daughter of John Edward and Marian (Daley) Sullivan. She completed this life on Sunday, March 4, 2012 in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the age of 90 years. Upon graduation from Altus High School in 1939, Sully attended the University of Oklahoma where she was a member of Alpha Chi Omega Sorority. She married Ralph W. Hissem, Jr. who preceded her in death in 1975. They made their home in Wichita, KS where she was in the Junior League. They moved to Bartlesville where she was a member of Service League and a volunteer at the Jane Phillips Hospital. She is survived by her husband, Gordon E. Gerhardt; her daughter, Nancy Varner and her husband Robert of Tulsa; her son, Ralph W. Hissem, III and his wife Colli of Angel Fire, NM; step-daughter Suzanne Carswell and her husband Jim of Chapin, SC; her step-son, Jim Gerhardt and his wife Kelley of Owasso; 5 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. In addition to her parents and husband , she was preceded in death by her grandson, Robert P. Varner, IV; and her sisters, Mary Jane Hunter and Margaret Jewel Soest." - from the "Tulsa World" of 8 March 2012.
His children were,
(27) Ralph Hissem III (1949)
(27) Nancy Hissem, who married Robert Varner of Tulsa.
Ralph W. Hissem was born on 25 June 1949.
Ralph W. Hissem Jr. resided in Okay, Oklahoma circa 1993.
Ralph W. Hissem III lived in Angel Fire, New Mexico circa 1998. As of the year 2004, he was 54 or 55 years old. He appears to have been living with an C.S. [Coler Sims] Hissem, his uncle, aged 82 [1922]. Coler Sims Hissem, born in 1925, did live in Colorado from at least 1979 to 1999.
Ralph was the Fire Chief of the Village of Eagle Nest, New Mexico. They call him Mr. Pyro! He retired in 2010 after 30 years of service.
He appears to have a child, Zac. Ralph may also have a son, Ralph. His wife is Colli, a ski school director at Angel Fire. A ski race record of 2005/6 indicates she is 55-59 years old. His son is,
(28) Zachary S. Hissem (c1982)
24 Jackson Hole road, Angel Fire, New Mexico. He attended Cimarron High School. He is ski instructor. A ski race record of 2001/2 shows he is 17-19 years old. He is also the manager of the Radio Shack in Avon, Colorado. Also of Edwards, Colorado and Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico. There now appears to be a company, called Hissem & Hissem, owned by Zac and his wife, Laura R. Chacon, of Taos, New Mexico. Laura is the daughter of Edward A. and Yolanda P. Chacon [I think], of Arroyo Hondo, New Mexico. I also see a Dolli, Carle E. and Amanda Hissem associated with him.
I don't know if this fits here, but there is a Zac Hissem associated with the Air Force, circa 2011.
(26) Suzanne Hissem (1918)She was born in 1918. In the 1920 census of Wichita, Kansas she is just over 1 year old. In the 1930 census of Wichita, Kansas as Susanne Hissem, 11. I've also seen her name cited in the "Annual Register" of Stanford University, 1892, and "Stanford Alumni, 1891-1955."
Suzanne Hissem, aged 17, sailed from Honolulu on 4 July 1936, arriving in Los Angeles on 9 July onboard the MALOLO. There were a number of teenage girls onboard so this might have been a school-sponsored trip.
She was a Matson Liner built in 1926 and operated on the Hawaii route. When built she was the largest, technically advanced for her time, and was considered the most luxurious cruise liner to have been built in the United States. As the Malolo departed Honolulu during her maiden return voyage, Matson initiated the custom of passengers throwing their leis into the sea as the ship passed Diamond Head. The lei floating away would signify that the passenger would return again to the shores of Hawaii. In 1937 she was rebuilt as the MATSONIA. ![]() |
In the 1940 census of Wichita, Sedgewick county, Kansas as Suzanne, 21. She was living with John E. and Nellie S. O'Donnnell, as were her siblings, Ralph Hissem, 22, and Coler, 14. Since Suzanne was listed a John and Nellie's daughter, I assume Nellie was the widow of Ralph Sr. John was a dentist.
She married David W. Johnson.
She died on 12 December 1963 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. There were four notices of the death of Mrs. Suzanne Hissem Johnson listed in the Wichita Eagle and Beacon newspapers dated from 15 to 18 December 1963. She was buried in Highland Cemetary in Wichta on the 18th.
(26) Nellie Hissem (1923)I assume she's the daughter of Dr. Hissem. She was born on 22 April 1923 and died the same day. She was buried in the Highland cemetary in Wichita.
(26) Coler S. Hissem (1925)He was born on 8 August 1925. In the 1930 census of Wichita, Kansas as Coler S. Hissem [a son], 4/12. His interesting first name come from his grandfather, L. Sim. S is for Sim. In the 1940 census of Wichita, Sedgewick county, Kansas as Coler Hissem, 14. He was living with John E. and Nellie S. O'Donnnell, as were his siblings, Ralph Hissem, 22, and Suzanne, 21. Since Coler was listed a John and Nellie's daughter, I assume Nellie was the widow of Ralph Sr. John was a dentist.
Coler S. Hissem of Sedgwick, Kansas enlisted in the Army as a Private on 1 December 1943 at Fort Levenworth, Kansas. He was single and a High School graduate. He served in the 10th Armored Division.
10th Armored Division
The 10th Armored "Tiger" Division was activated at Fort Benning, Georgia on 15 July 1942. It remained in training in the United States until 1944. After arrival at Cherbourg on 23 September 1944 it spent approximately a month in the vicinity of Teurtheville, France training and readying its equipment for combat.
Crossing the Moselle to the north in a wide encircling sweep, it attacked northeast and southeast in a two-pronged drive, reached the Saar River, and on 19 November, crossed into Germany at Eft. When the Ardennes offensive was launched, it rushed north to help stem the German tide, and, while CCB blocked the northern and eastern approaches to Bastogne by organizing defenses at Noville, Longvilly and Bras, and joined the 101st Airborne Division later in holding Bastogne, the remainder of the 10th Armored "Tigers" rammed into the enemy along the southern hinge of the Bulge in the vicinity of Berdorf and Echternach. Following a rest after the Battle of the Bulge, the Division returned to the front on 20 February 1945 and helped to clear the Saar-Moselle Triangle. It then swung north and captured the historic city of Trier on 2 March, after which, on the 20th, took Landau on the 22nd, and reached the Rhine that same day. It crossed the river at Worms on the 28th, passed through the 44th Infantry Division at Mannheim on the 30th, and on the 31st, drove into Heidelberg which had been declared an open city. Racing east to Assamstadt and bypassing Heilbronn enroute, it veered south and seized Crailsheim on 7 April. Isolated at this location deep in the enemy's rear and faced with daily increasing pressure and mounting casualties, it withdrew a short distance to the north on the 11th, then attacked back to the west, seizing Ohringen on 13 April. Launching a new drive to the south at this point, in rapid order it captured Schwabisch Hall on the 18th, Gaildorf on the 19th, Kercheim on the 20th, and reached the Danube at Ehingen on the 22nd. It then swung east toward Ulm, taking the cathedral city on the 25th. At Ulm, it turned south once more and, attacking into the rugged Alps on two parallel routes, it had reached Mittenwald on one route and had captured Imst in Austria after crossing the border at Fussen on the other when the war ended. Following VE Day, the Division performed occupation duty in the Garmish-Partenkirchen area until it departed on 12 September for Marseilles, France, from which it sailed for home. Upon debarkation in the United States, the 10th Armored Division was inactivated at Camp Patrick Henry, Virginia on 15 October 1945. |
After the war Coler attended the University of Kansas, earning a degree in architecture. Coler Hissem of Wichita was a member of the Pi Epsilon Pi fraternity, a pep organization.
Coler married Peggy Robinson of Wichita in 1946. She was born on 18 November 1924.
An architect, of Robinson & Hissem of Wichita, Kansas. He retired in 1979 and moved to Colorado where he lived for the next 20 years. He lived in Nathrop, Colorado from 1993 to 2001. Since 2002 he has lived in Marana, Arizona, north of Tucson. Actually I think this is in the planned community of Sunflower, between Marana and Tucson, of which he was the resident architect.
Coler S. Hissem of Kansas has a patent, U.S. Pat. No. 3,745,328, which I believe is for a portable lantern, that is, for backpackers.
Coler S. Hissem, 82, architect, died on 20 January 2008 at Desert Sunset [this may be the name of the funeral home in Tucson]. He was buried in Wichita. His obituary:
"Coler Sim Hissem, 82 of Tucson, Ariz., died Jan. 20, 2008, at home. He was born in 1925 to Dr. Ralph and Nellie Hissem. He was a graduate of Wichita East High School and Kansas University school of architecture. He married Peggy Robinson in 1946 in Wichita. Mr. Hissem was a U.S. Army World War II veteran serving in the 10th armored division in Europe. He received a purple heart and three bronze stars. Upon retiring in 1979 from his architectural business, he and his wife moved to Colorado where they operated a Salida sandwich shop. They enjoyed four-wheeling in their vintage 1946 Willy's Jeep. After 20 years in Colorado, they moved to Tucson. He was a grandson of Coler L. Sim who donated Sim Park to the city of Wichita, Kan. Survivors include his wife of 61 years, Peggy; son, Greg of Wichita and five nieces and nephews in Oklahoma."
Another obituary has,
"Hissem, Coler Sim, 82, retired architect and grandson of Coler L. Sim, who donated Sim Park to the City of Wichita, passed away, Sunday, January 20, 2008 at home in Tucson, AZ. He was born in 1925 to Dr. Ralph and Nellie Hissem and married Peggy Robinson in Wichita in 1946. Coler graduated from Wichita East High School and the Kansas University, School of Architecture. He was a U.S. Army, WWII veteran, serving in the 10th armored division in Europe, earning a purple heart and three bronze service stars. After retiring from his Architectural business in 1979, he and Peggy moved to Colorado, where they operated a sandwich shop in Salida for several years. They both enjoyed Jeeping in the high country in their vintage 1946 Willys Jeep. They lived in Colorado for about 20 years before moving to Tucson. Survivors include his wife of 61 years, Peggy of the home; son, Greg of Wichita; 5 nieces & nephews from Oklahoma, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming and Washington. A memorial service will be 1:00 p.m. Friday, at the Cochran Mortuary, 1411 N. Broadway. In lieu of flowers, a memorial has been established with Botanica, The Wichita Gardens, 701 N. Amidon, Wichita, KS 67203." - from the Wichita Eagle of 31 Janaury 2008
Peggy Louise Robinson Hissem died on 2 July 2010 and was buried in the Highland cemetery. I don't have a photograph of her marker.
His children were,
(27) Greg Arthur Hissem (1951)
(27) Gary Sim Hissem (1953)
(27) Clarence Robinson Hissem (1957)
(27) John O'Donnell Hissem (1957)
Greg A. Hissem was born on 1 June 1951. There is a Greg Hissem living in Rose Hill, Kansas today who shows up on a number of trap shooting related web sites. "Greg Hissem started shooting at turkey shoots and the Beech Aircraft trapshooting leagues in 1980 with the help and encouragement from his friend, Jim Finley. He registered his first targets at the 1981 Kansas State Shoot." Greg Hissem Stockworks is located at 1604 East Sand Pointe Circle, Wichita, Kansas. Email: ghissem@onemain.com. ghissem@feist.com is a Sim descendent.
Greg's father died in January 2008 which was my first confirmation that his father was Coler S. Hissem.
"Just got a call from my friend, Greg Hissem -- the Stock Guy, that he had just gotten a call that his father passed away in his sleep last night. Greg's dad had been ill for several months, so this isn't unexpected, but you can never fully prepare. Please put Greg and his Mom in your prayers." - from Trapshooters.com, 20 January 2008
Greg is not married.
He was born in 1953 and died in 1976, at the age of 23. His middle name was in honor of his great-grandfather, Coler Sim.
In the January 1965 issue of Boys' Life was a joke contributed by Gary Hissem of Wichita, Kansas. Okay, here's the joke:
"Did you hear about the glassmaker who inhaled? Now he has a pane in his side."
Well, Gary was only 12 at the time.
Gary was killed in a fire at the Sedgwick County Zoo's rare animal breeding farm near Hutchinson, Kansas. Gary was buried on 11 September 1976 in the Highland cemetary in Wichita.
"Hissem, Gary Sim, age 23 of Route 4, Hutchinson, Kansas, beloved son of Mr. & Mrs. Coler S. Hissem, Wichita, & beloved brother of Gregory A. Hissem of Rose Hill, Kansas. Funeral services will be conducted Saturday at 10am in the Highland Cemetery, 9th at Hillside."
Twin of John O'Donnell, below, he was born and died on 31 January 1957. They were buried at the Highland cemetary in Wichita. Their obituary:
"Hissem Twins
Graveside services were held at 4:30 p.m. Friday at Highland Cemetery for John O'Donnell and Clarence Robinson Hissem, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Coler Hissem, 611 S. Bleckley Dr., who died at birth Thursday at Wesley Hospital. Downing Mortuary was in charge. Besides the parents, the infant twins are survived by two brothers, Gregory Arthur and Garry Sim. both of the home, and grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. J. E. O'Donnell. 130 N. Crestway, Mr and Mrs. C. C. Robinson. 823 N. Terrace, and Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Turner. 619 N. Fountain." - from the "Wichita Evening Eagle" of 2 February 1957
Twin of Clarence Robinson, above, he was born and died on 31 January 1957. They were buried at the Highland cemetary in Wichita.
(25) Jessie M. Hissem (1889)In the 1900 census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Jessie Hissam, 10 [November 1889]. In the 1910 census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Jessie M. Hissem, a 20 year old music teacher, born in Kansas. She married Arthur L. McLaurin [MacLaurin]. He was born in 1881 and died in 1944 in Menlo Park, California. I don't know of any children.
(25) Frank Edgar Hissem (1892)Frank Hissem was born on 26 January 1892 in Ellsworth, Kansas. He was probably named for Henry's elder brother, Frank. In the 1895 state census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Frank Hissem, 3, of Kansas. He was living with his parents, H. Z., 39, and Ella, 36, both of Ohio. In the 1900 census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Frank Hissam, 8 [January 1892]. In the 1905 state census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Frank Hissem, 13.
At the age of 17 Frank went on a road-trip to Abilene Texas.
"March 25, 1909. Morris Arnold was up from Wichita last Friday. Saturday, he and Frank Hissem went to Abilene in Morris' automobile. They had bad luck, and were fifteen hours on the road." - from the "Independent Reporter" of Ellsworth County, Kansas
In the 1910 census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Frank E. Hissem, an 18 year old student, born in Kansas, living at home with his parents, Henry Z. and Ella R. Hissem. It was at about this time that Frank finished a course of study at the Staunton Military Academy. Was he a wayward youth that needed the discipline of a military school or was he thinking of a military career?
Staunton Military Academy
Frank went to the University of Kansas. A "Frank Hissem, Ellsworth, Kansas" was listed in the Sigma Chi Quarterly. This was the fraternity of his brother, Dr. Ralph W. Hissem. From another list of members of the Sigma Chi fraternity: "Freshman: . . . Frank E. Hissem, Ellsworth" - from the University of Kansas Jayhawker Yearbook, Class of 1912. Frank then must have been in the Class of 1916.
In the 1915 state census of Ellsworth, Kansas as Frank E. Hissem, 23. He was back home living with his parents, H. Z., 57, and Ella R., 55. Does this indicate that Frank didn't finish his degree? That he subsequently became a car salesman seems to underwrite that conclusion.
Frank Edgar Hissem, 25, the son of Henry Z. Hissem and Ella R. Kinneger, married Alice Madaline Hubbard, 21, the daughter of Owen Lovejoy Hubbard and Rose Madaline Kast, on 8 November 1915 in Ontario, Canada. He was an Auto Salesman, of Walkerville, Canada. She was of Marshall, Michigan. What was Frank doing in Canada? Frank was a salesman for Studebaker and there was a Studebaker auto plant in Walkerville, just across from Detroit, pictured below.
This marriage didn't last.
In the City Directory of Detroit, Michigan of 1916 as Frank Hissem, salesman, living at 347 W GD Blvd.
Frank E. Hissem married Florence Evelyn Greeves on 23 February 1917 in Germantown, Philadelphia county, Pennsylvania. She was born on 24 August 1893, the daughter of Walter Duffiled Greeves and Margaret Gibon. If she came from Philadelphia, I wonder how Frank came to meet her?
Frank E. Hissem registered for the draft on 4 June 1917 in Topeka, Kansas. He was born on 26 January 1891 in Ellsworth, Kansas. He was 26 years old at the time, a travelling salesman for the Studebaker Corporation of Detroit, Michigan. He was living at 1715 Linwood Blvd, Kansas City, Missouri. He was described as of medium height and stout build, with blue eyes and brown hair. He claimed 3 years of military service as a 1st Sergeant and 2nd Sergeant at the Staunton Military Academy. He requested a deferment based on his wife and mother-in-law. I believe 1st Sergeant was the rank of a Senior at Staunton.
The Studebaker Company
Studebaker was an American wagon and autombobile manufacturer. They began making cars in 1902 and built an enviable record for quality and reliability. See Studebaker for the complete story of the company. Below is an advertisement for the 1916 Studebaker. ![]() |
Frank left Kansas, moving south to Oklahoma.
In the 1920 census of Oklahoma county, Oklahoma as Frank Hissem, a 27 year old traveling salesman, of Kansas. His parents were from Ohio. Living with him were his wife, Florence, 26, of Pennsylvania, and daughter, Margaret, 1 9/12. His mother-in-law, Margaret Greeves, 46, was also living with them.
In the City Directory of Wichita, Kansas of 1925 as Frank E. Hissem, salesman, with his wife, Evelyn, was living at 4203 E. Douglas avenue.
Frank later moved to California. Frank E. Hissem was in the voter registration lists for Glendate City Precinct No. 26, Los Angeles county, California for 1928. He was living at "729 1/2 S Porter st, slsmn [salesman], R." His wife, Florence hswf [housewife], was also present.
In the 1930 census . . .
In the City Directory of Portland, Oregon of 1931 as Frank E. Hissem, salesman, with his wife, Evelyn F., were living at 750 E. 39th N. However, Frank kept moving. In the City Directory of San Francisco in 1933 as Frank Hissem, with his wife, Evelyn, were living at 44 Agua way.
Frank's father, Henry Z. Hissem, died in 1933. The Kansas Medical Society noted that Henry had only one son, Doctor Ralph W. Hissem, Frank's elder brother. Was that simply an oversight or had there been some rupture between Henry and Frank? There was that military school thing . . .
In 1934 Frank E. Hissem was in the voter registrations lists for precinct 64, San Francisco county, California, "Hissem, Frank E., 1385-14th Av., Salesman- Rep." I don't see Florence here.
By 1936 Frank was back in Los Angeles county, appearing in the voter registrations of South Pasadena, with Florence, at 1141 Huntington drive. Frank was still listed as a salesman. In 1940 he was in Los Angeles, living at 6731 Reseda boulevard. This time he was called a "mgr representative." In addition to his wife, Florence, his daughter, "Miss Margarette Hissem," a secretary, was listed. In 1942 Frank and Florence were in Alhambra, living at 209 North Fremont avenue. Margaret was not there. In 1944 Frank, a service engineer, and Florence were at 2701 W. Grand avenue, Alhambra.
In the 1940 census of Pasadena, Los Angeles county, California as Frank E. Hissem, a 48 year old manufacturer's sales representative, of Kansas. Living with him were his wife, Florence, 46, and daughter, Margaret, 22, also of Kansas.
Frank Edgar Hissem, 50, self-employed, registered for the draft in 1942 while living in Reseda, Los Angeles county, California. He listed his wife, Florence Evelyn, as his next of kin.
They later moved back to the Bay area, where there were living by at least 1944. Here's a short reference to Frank showing that he worked for the Clayton Manufacturing company in 1955 as a sales engineer.
"Dynamometer Story for Bay AreaThe Bay Area Maintenance Council was privileged to hear Mr. George R. Mackay, Special Technician of the Dynamometer Division of Clayton Manufacturing Company, at their meeting at the Leopard Cafe, San Francisco, on May 17. Assisted by Mr. Frank E. Hissem, Clayton Sales Engineer, the "Clayton Dynamometer" was described to the group as being to an engine what X-ray is to the human body . . ." - from "Caltrux: Official Publication of California Trucking Association" of 1955
The Clayton Manufacturing Company, based in El Monte, California, was founded in 1930. The Leopard Cafe was in Chinatown. The Clayton Dynamometer, below.
Florence Evelyn Hissem died on 16 December 1955 in Marin county, California.
"Mrs. Hissem, formerly of San Francisco, lived with her husband, Frank E. Hissem, at 8 Diane lane, Larkspur. She was a member of the Redwoods Presbyterian . . ." - from the "Daily Independent Journal" of San Rafael, California of 17 December 1955
"Drunken Driving Fine Frank Edgar Hissem, 68, of 36 Ross Avenue, San Anselmo, was fined $287 and placed on six months probation yesterday in Marin . . ." - from the Daily Independent Journal of San Rafael, California of 1 November 1966
Frank E. Hissem died on 9 October 1975 in Novato, Marin county, California.
"Frank E Hissem of Novato died . . ." - from the "Daily Independent Journal" of San Rafael, California of 10 October 1975
Both are buried in the Mount Tamalpais cemetery in San Rafael, Marin county, California.
His children were,
(26) Margaret Evelyn Hissem (1918)
Margaret was born in March 1918. She married Jack Arthur Smith.
(24) Ella M. Hissem (1860)Ella May Hissem was born in Ohio in about 1860. In the 1860 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Ella M. Hissem, 8/12, born in Ohio. In the 1870 census of Green township as Ella M. Hissem, 10. In the 1880 census of Green township as Ella M. Hissem, 21, still living at home with her father.
Ella M. Hissem married John Sherrick Stouffer, probably the son of Theodore and Margaret Stouffer. One of Ella's children was Theodore Hissem Stouffer.
(24) Laura Hissem (1863)She was born in January 1863. In the 1870 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Laura Hissem, 8. In the 1880 census of Green township as Laura Hissem, 18.
Laura Hissem, the daughter of Abner Hissem and Kate Zigler, married Daniel Albert Stoffer, the son of Gibson Stouffer and Sarah Hoffman, on 15 May 1900 in Ashland county, Ohio.
In the 1900 census of Hanover township, Ashland county, Ohio as Laura Stafer, 37, living in the house of her father with her husband, Daniel Stafer, a carpenter, and her sister Nellie [Nettie].
(24) William Sherman Hissem (1865)William Sherman Hissem, the son of Abner Hissem and Katie Zigler, was born on 20 December 1865 in McKay, Ashland county, Ohio - from his death certificate. Could he have been named after the Union General, William Tecumseh Sherman? The General was born in Lancaster, Ohio, about 50 miles south of Ashland county. In the 1870 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Sherman Hissem, 5. In the 1880 census of Green township as Sherman Hissem, 14, living at home with his father.
Sherman married Ida C. [Cora] Long, the daughter of John B. Long and Maria Sislinge, before 1895. She was born on 10 November 1865.
In the 1895 City Directory of Canton, Ohio as "Hissem W Sherman [Ida C], secy Stark County Reporting Assn, res 231 S Market."
In the 1900 census of Hanover township, Ashland county, Ohio as Sherman Hissem, a 34 year old [December 1865] post master. Living with him were his wife, Ida C., 32 [March 1867], and son, Harold, 4 [September 1895]. Note that his father, Abner, had moved to Hanover at the same time. Sherman's position of post master was renewed,
"W. Sherman Hissem, at Loudonville, in the county of Ashland and State of Ohio, in place of W. Sherman Hissem. Incumbent's commision expires February 18, 1902." - from the "Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States"
And renewed again,
"W. Sherman Hissem, at Loudonville, in the county of Ashland and State of Ohio, in place of W. Sherman Hissem. Incumbent's commision expired February 13, 1906." - from the "Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States"
In 1905 W.S. Hissem was a member of the local Board of Education.
Sherman gave up his government job and took a chance on a new Loudonville company. In 1909 the Ohio Grease Lubricant company of Loudonville, Ohio had an exhibit at the National Engineers' Convention in Columbus, Ohio for which a W.S. Hissem was one of the company representatives. They handed out souvenirs, "cigars with company's own band." Another document indicates that
"The lubricators are automatic ; heating, feeding, atomizing and spraying the grease with no attention except filling. Two of these instruments were in operation at the exhibit and attracted considerable attention. Messrs. F.W. Rogers, W.S. Hissem and J.C. Ross were in charge of the display." - from "The National Engineer" of 1909
I assume this referred to a display of the company's patented lubricating system.
In the 1910 census of Hanover township, Ashland county, Ohio as William S. Hissem, of Ohio, a 44 year old "commercial traveler" in a grease factory. I suppose this means he was a salesman. His mother and father had both been born in Pennsylvania. Living with him was his wife, Ida C., 42, and son, Harold L., 14, both of Ohio. Ida had been 16 when she married and Harold was her only child.
However, three years later W. S. Hissem was the cashier of the Citizens Savings Bank Company at Loudonville, Ohio, B. Strauss, President - from Executive Documents, by the State of Ohio, 1913. The Grease company remained in business until at least 1919, so perhaps Sherman simply became tired of being a salesman. Below is the main street of Loudonville with the Citizen's Savings Bank on the right.
Ohio state documents published in 1917 showed W.S. Hissem to be the cashier of the Citizens Savings Bank Company. In 1918 the bank's name was changed to The First & Savings Bank and they absorbed the First National Bank of Loudonville. In the 1917 & 1919 City directories of Ashland, Ohio as "Hissem W Sherman (Ida C) cashr First & Savings Bk h 309 e Main."
Sherman's son, Harold, died of diptheria in 1919 while at Camp Sherman, Ohio.
In the 1920 census of Hanover township, Ashland county, Ohio as Sherman Hissem, a 53 year old cashier in a bank. Living with him was his wife, Ida C., 51. In 1920 the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Banks, put out a listing of banks in which W. S. Hissem was shown as cashier (does that mean head cashier?) of the First and Savings Bank of Loudonville.
I have a W.S. Hissem of Loudonville, noted in an article in the 1 August 1928 Mansfield Ohio News who was the brother of Dr. Henry Hissem, above.
In the 1921 City Directory of Ashland, Ohio as "Hissem W Sherman (Ida C), cashr First & Savgs Bank h 309 e Main." In the 1927 City Directory of Ashland as "Hissem W Sherman (Ida C), cashr First & Savings Bank, h 309 e Main."
"W.S. Hissem, executor to a will" - from the Mansfield Ohio News, 24 February 1923.
"The Farmers Bank and the First & Savings Bank consolidated July 1, 1930, capital stock $150,000; reserve $30,000. Judge D. Homer Graven is chairman of the board of directors; . . . W.S. Hissem . . . directors. - from the "History of North Central Ohio."
In the 1930 census of Loudonville, Ashland county, Ohio as William S. Hissem, a 64 year old cashier in a Savings Bank. Living with him was his wife, Ida C., 62. "The Farmers Bank and the First & Savings Bank consolidated July 1, 1930, capital stock $150,000; reserve $30,000. Judge D. Homer Graven is chairman of the . . ."
In the Ohio Division of Banks reports of 1933 & 1934, W.S. Hissem was listed as Vice President of a bank, but I can't see the banks name.
William Sherman Hissem, a 69 year old bank cashier, who was born on 20 December 1865, the son of Abner Hissem and Katie Zigler, and the husband of Ida Long, died of a nasal carcinoma [?] on 21 September 1935 in Hanover township, Ashland county, Ohio. The informant was Walter Long, presumably Ida's relation.
Cora Ida Long Hissem, the 69 year old widow of Sherman Hissem, died of hypertension on 16 April 1937 in Loudonville, Ashland county, Ohio.
There is a W. Sherman Hissem buried in Loudonville cemetary.
His son was,
(25) Harold Long Hissem (1895)
Harold L. Hissem was born in September 1895. In the 1900 census of Hanover township, Ashland county, Ohio as Harold Hissem, 4. In the 1910 census of Hanover township, Ashland county, Ohio as Harold L. Hissem, 14, of Ohio, living with his parents.
Harold Long Hissem of Loudonville was a student at Ohio State University, in the Class of 1920. He was an Electrical Engineering major and in the Sigma Pi fraternity - from the 1917 Year Book, the Universtiy Catalogue of 1916, and the History of the Ohio State University.
He enlisted in the National Guard as Harold L. Hissem on 11 May 1917 in Columbus, Ohio at the age of 21 8/12. He was shown as born in Canton and then residing in Loudonville, Ohio.
"Hissem, Harold L.
1540355, White
Loudonville, O.
NG Columbus, O. May 11/17. Br Canton, O. 21 8/12 yrs." - from "The Official Roster of O[hio] Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the World War 1917-18"
He was assigned to the Second Field Hospital Company and later in Ambulance Company 147 of the 112th Sanitary Train, assigned to the 37th Division, II Corps, with the American Expeditionary Force.
"2 F Hosp Co ONG to June 1/17; State Adm Staff to July 14/17; Amb Co 3 ONG (147 AM Co 112 Sn Tn) to death. Pvt; Pvt 1c1 Feb 21/18; Corp Mch 31/18; Sgt June 1/18. Defensive Sector." - from "The Official Roster of O[hio] Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the World War 1917-18"
The 37th
The 37th, enlisted from Ohio and West Virginia and trained at Camp Sheridan in Montgomery, Alabama. Its shoulder insignia was a red circle with a white border. It was composed of the following units, The 73d Infantry Brigade, comprised ofThe division arrived in France between 18 June and 21 July 1918. All elements, with the exception of the artillery, were immediately dispatched to the Bourmont (Haute-Marne) area for preliminary training. For the same purpose the artillery was sent to Camp de Souge, near Bordeaux. It never rejoined the division during the period of hostilities, but participated in the Meuse-Argonne operation. The division remained in the Bourmont area until the latter part of July at which time it entrained for the quiet Baccarat sector, in the Vosges. On 4 August front-line trenches were occupied for the first time [where Harold Hissem was first wounded]. The division was relieved in this sector September 16. From Baccarat it moved to the area around the town of Robert-Espagne and, after a rest of four days, proceeded to Recicourt, Department of the Meuse. Two days later the first elements of the division moved north to join in the Meuse-Argonne operation, soon to be launched; division headquarters was established at Verrieres-en-Hesse Farm, 4 km. (2.4 miles) south of Avocourt. The sanitary train joined the division in the Bourmont training area and moved with it to the Baccarat sector. Here the ambulance triage was established at Merviller, with advance dressing stations at Vaxainville, Ste. Pole, and Pexonne, from which points "cab stands," or ambulance posts, were established in various towns, ambulances for these stands being sent out by the nearest ambulance company. These four ambulance dressing stations were maintained by each ambulance company in turn so each became familiar with the duties of a triage and dressing station. The field hospitals functioned as follows: Field Hospital No. 145 was established in the woods between Merviller and Brouville for skin and venereal diseases, except scabies; No. 146 on the Meurthe, near Baccarat. This hospital had excellent bathing facilities for the treatment of skin diseases; No. 147 was established in semipermanent barracks in the chateau grounds at Baccarat and cared for all minor and emergency surgical work. No. 148 occupied permanent barracks near Baccarat and cared for all cases not included in the foregoing classification. See Ohio's 37th Division for more about this unit and a set of battlefield sketches. |
Harold was severely wounded twice.
"WIA severely Aug 23/18; also WIA severely Nov 16/18. AEF June 28/18 to Dec 24/18. Died of diphtheria June 8/19. Notified W.S. Hissem, father, 309 E. Main St., Loudonville, O." - from "The Official Roster of O[hio] Soldiers, Sailors and Marines in the World War 1917-18"
Harold was first wounded, then, on the last day of the Battle of Albert. On 21-23 August 1918 the 37th Division was involved in the Battle of Albert, the opening phase of the Second Battle of the Somme. The main attack was launched by the British Third Army, with the United States II Corps attached, and resulted in an advance which pushed the German 2nd Army back along a 50-mile front. On August 22, the Australian Corps took Albert, with the British and Americans advancing on Arras.
Harold was wounded again during the 37th's advance on the Scheldt river. In October the 37th Division was dispatched to the French Army of Belgium to give impetus to a drive to cross the Scheldt estuary southwest of Ghent. A general attack began on 31 October and continued intermittently until the Armistice on 11 November. American casualties totaled about 2,600. Perhaps 16 November was a misprint for 6 November?
Harold died of diptheria on 9 June 1919 - the Treaty of Versailles was signed the same month.
". . . were notified yesterday of the death of Sergeant Harold L. Hissem at Camp Sherman, Ohio, June 8, 1919. Sergeant Hissem was a member of the Cincinnati ambulance unit which was part of the Thirty-seventh Division. He was the first soldier in the One Hundred and Twelfth Sanitary Train and among the first in the division to be wounded. Sergeant Hissem's hip was fractured August 21, 1918, during an enemy air raid on Baccarat, France. He arrived in this country December 24, 1918, and was removed to the Camp Dix Base Hospital for treatment. He was transferred to Camp Sherman May 1st [?] and the following day contracted diphtheria, from the effects of which he died. Sergeant Hissem was buried at Loudonville, Ohio, June 11, with full military honors." - from "The Cincinnati Enquirer" of 22 June 1919
In the 1919 City directory of Ashland, Ohio as "Hissem Harold L U S A h 309 e Main." According to the "History of North Central Ohio," Harold made "the supreme sacrifice." He was buried in the Loudonville cemetary.
"Harold Long Hissem, Engr. '20, Loudonville, 0.
Sgt., 147th Amb. Co., 112th Bn. Tn., 37 Div., France.
Born Canton, 0., Sept. 8, 1895. Loudonville, 0., High School, 1913; College of Engineering. Sigma Pi.
O.N.G. May 11, 1917. Pvt. 2nd F. Hosp. Co., O.N.G., to June 1, 1917; State Adm. Staff to July 14, 1917; Amb. Co. 3, O.N.G. (147th Amb. Co., 112th Sn. Tn.), to death. Pvt. Icl., Feb. 21, 1918; Corp., Mch. 31, 1918; Sgt., June 1, 1918. Cp. Perry, O.; Cp. Sheridan, Ala. 37th Div. A.E.F., June 28, 1918 to Dec. 24, 1918. Defensive Sector. Severely wounded in action Aug. 23, 1918 and in Nov., 1918. Died of disease June 8, 1919 at Cp. Sherman, 0."
- from the "History of Ohio State University," Volume IV, The University in the Great War by Wilbur H. Siebert
While he was in the 1870 census, aged 3, he was not shown in 1880 census with his parents. I assume he died young.
(24) Nettie Hissem (1868)She was born in 1868. Living at home with her father in 1880, aged 12. She married Jacob S. Humm, who was born on 16 May 1858 in Ashland county, Ohio. She died on 27 July 1928 of a cerebral embolism in Loudenville, Ohio. Nettie was buried at the County Line cemetery, Green township, Ashland county, Ohio.
(24) Jamie C. Hissem (1869)In the 1870 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Jamie C. Hissem, 7/12. He was not listed in the 1880 census.
There is a James C. Hissem in the McKay cemetary in Green township, Ashland county, Ohio who died on 1 June 1877 at the age of 7. His tombstone is shown to the right. He was listed as the son of A. & H.A. 'A.' is easy, that's Abner, but who was 'H.A?' James' mother should have been Catherine. Could the "H" in the tombstone to the right be a "K," that is for Katherine? In 1874 James' supposed father, Abner, had two 50-acre farms just north of McKay.
(23) Anna Hissem (1822)Anna, or Anne, Hissem, the daughter of Abner Hissem and Mary Welker, was born on 15 May 1822, per the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania," in Huntingdon township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
Anne married David Ruff Kintigh on 19 October 1847 in Westmoreland county, by Reverend Porter. David was born 8 March 1822 in (Canton?) Stark county, Ohio. The son of Adam Kintigh (Kenteigh) and Sarah Ruff and grandson of Daniel Kintigh and Margaret Fisher and of Anthony and Elizabeth Ruff. These were close families and the Ruff's, Kintigh's and Hissem's intermarried several times.
David and Ann Kintigh left Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania in the spring of 1848 and traveled to Stark county, Ohio, in a covered wagon. They lived with the Swan family south of Canton for a few months until they moved onto a small farm in Pike Township.
In the 1850 census of Pike township, Stark county, Ohio as Anna Kindigh, 28. She was living with her husband, David, 28, and child, Alice, 1. There was also an 8 year old boy, Jno Faulk, living with them.
David bought a farm in Sandy township on 1 June 1853 and they remained there for the rest of their lives. David and Ann Kintigh were devout Christians and members of the Methodist Centenary Chapel Church that David helped to build.
David's will was probated 5 December 1866. He was buried in the Methodist Central Chapel cemetery, Waynesburg, Sandy township, Stark county, Ohio. Ann Kintigh, 84, who was born in 1822 in Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Abner Hissem and Mary Weker [sic], died on 22 December 1906, at the age of 84, in Waynesburg, Sandy township, Stark county, Ohio. She was a "farmer's widow." Anna Kintigh was buried in the Centenary Chapel cemetery, next to David R. Kintigh.
(23) Thomas Hissem (1824)Thomas Hissem, the son of Abner Hissem and Mary Welker, per the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania," was born on 15 June 1824 in Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. The LDS database claims Northampton county, though that doesn't make much sense to me. A farmer, he was noted in the 1870 census to be "well established with property."
He married Susannah Magdalena Klingensmith on 12 March 1846 in Hempfield township, in Westmoreland county. The Reverend Sheck officiated at the wedding. Susannah, the daughter of David Klingensmith [Klingenschmidt] and Maria McKinney, of Penn township, was born 27 January 1827 in Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, and baptized on 24 May 1827 in the First Lutheran Church of Greensburg.
The 1850 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania lists a Thomas Hissam, a 25 year old blacksmith. Living with him were Susanna, 24, Jesse, 3, and David, 1/12. Note that Thomas did not go to Ohio as did his three brothers.
The 1860 census of Salem township has a Thomas Hissem, a 35 year old farmer. Living with him were Susannah, 34, David, 10, Brohelia, 8, Maria, 5, and Melissa, 1. All the children were born in Pennsylvania.
"Thomas Hissem is one of the respected citizens and substantial farmers of Salem township. He is the fourth son and eighth child of Abner and Mary (Welker) Hissem and was born in Hempfield township, Westmoreland County, Pa., June 15, 1824.
. . .
Thomas Hissem was reared in agricultural pursuits and received his education in the subscription schools of the neighborhood. At nineteen years of age he left school and learned the blacksmith trade. After serving the usual apprenticeship of three years at that trade he opened a shop for himselff which he conducted for four years. In 1850 Mr. Hissem removed to Salem township where he has been engaged in blacksmithing and farming.
. . .
Thomas Hissem owns a well cultivated and valuable farm in Salem township. He is a member of the New Salem Presbyterian Church and Good Intent Grange, No 862, Patrons of Husbandry of Salem Township. Mr. Hissem is a quiet, peaceable citizen, an excellent neighbor and honest man and an exemplary church member. In politics he is a republican." - Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. John M. Gresham & Co. 1890. Page 671-672.
From the Pennsylvania Archives, Civil War Veteran's Card File, 1861-1866: Thomas Hissam, enrolled 13 September 1862 at New Salem, Pennsylvania as a Private. His age was 38. He was discharged on 28 September 1862. I suspect he was discharged so quickly because of his age, family status, and/or health.
The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry
Good Intent was the name of the Greensburg, Pennsylvania lodge #862 of the Grange. |
In the 1870 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Thomas Hissam, a 46 year old farmer. He had real estate worth $8,400 and personal property worth $3,000. Living with him are his wife, Susan, 44, David, 19, who worked on the farm, Brohelia, 18, Ann M., 14, Melissa, 11, Lyman, 8, William E., 6, and Schuyler C., 2.
In the 1880 census of Salem township as Thomas Hissem, a 55 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Susan, 50, Lyman, 19, William Evans, 16, Schuyler Colfax, 12, and Charles Ira, 10. His Father was shown as as born in Massachusetts (!), but I suspect a typo here.
"On February 12, 1887, Leah Row presented her petition setting forth that David Klingensmith died on October 4, 1870, seised of a certain tract of land containing 98 acres, and leaving a will under which said land passed, as was averred in the petition, to his chidren, viz.: Leah and Maria Row, Lewis, S. P. and A. G. Klingensmith, Susan Hissam and Margaret Peddicord; that some of the said children had aliened [sic] their shares, and the parties at present interested in said land were Maria Row, Susan Hissam, Thomas Hissam, Michael Row and the petitioner; praying for an inquest to make partition of the land among said parties. Inquest awarded as prayed for." - from "Pennsylvania State Reports"
Thomas' great grand daughter, Beth Steiner, has a sale deed dated 19 September 1895 - Susan, after her death, left a house on Walnut Street in Greensburg to her husband, Thomas, their children and the children's spouses. This property was originally left to Susan by Edward Culbertson on 28 April 1887. The property sold for $1300.
Thomas and Susanna were members of the New Salem Presbyterina Church in Delmont, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, where they were buried.
Susanna died rather horribly in 1894.
"Was Burned to Death.Greensburg, Pa. Nov. 15.--Last evening Mrs. Susanna, wife of Thomas Hissem of near Delmont, was burned to death by her clothes catching fire from a grate. She was burned to a crisp and lived only a few minutes. She was aged about 68 years and was the mother of Lyman Hissem, a contractor of East End, Pittsburgh." - from the "Pittsburgh Post-Gazette" of 15 November 1894
Thomas died on 2 November 1898 at the age of 75. Below is a photograph of Thomas and Susanna's tombstone in the Delmont United Presbyterian church cemetery in Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
There is a J. Hissem house in Salem township on the Pennsylvania historic register. It was built in the colonial style by Thomas Hissem between 1840 and 1859. It is located at Beaver Run road and on Beechwood drive [I assume that means at the corner of the two roads]. There are a number of homes near this rural location.
"Mr. and Mrs. Hissem have had nine children: Jesse, who died at five years of age; David K., Brohelia, wife of Amos J. Shutt; Ann Marria, who married J. F. Walton; Melissa J., wife of W. H. Johnson; Lyman; William E., Schuyler C., and Ira C."
(24) Jesse Hissem (1847)
(24) David K. Hissem (1850)
(24) Brohelia Hissem (1852)
(24) Anna Maria Hissem (1855)
(24) Melissa J. Hissem (1859)
(24) Lyman Hissem (1861)
(24) William Evans Hissem (1864)
(24) Schuyler Colfax Hissem (1868)
(24) Charles Ira Hissem (1870)
He was born in 1847. In the 1850 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Jesse, 3. He was not listed in the 1860 census. According to the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania," John M. Gresham & Co., 1890, pages 671-672, "Jesse Hissem, the child of Thomas and Susan (Klingensmith), died at the age of 5."
Jesse, "Son of Thomas Hissem and Susanna Magdalena Klingensmith," was buried in the Delmont Presbyterian cemetery, in Westmoreland county.
I assume his middle name was Klingensmith. He was born on 27 June 1850 in Westmoreland county. In the 1850 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as David Hissam, 1/12, living with his parents, Thomas and Susannah Hissem, both of Pennsylvania. In the 1860 census of Salem township as David Hissem, 10. In the 1870 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as David Hissam, a 19 year old who worked on his father's farm.
"D. K. Hissem was married October 3, 1876, to Lizzie M. [Mary] Johnston, a daughter of William and Melinda C. [Fink] Johnston, of Salem township, who was born November 12, 1854." - "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania" by John M. Gresham, 1890
In the 1880 census of Salem township as D.K. Hissem, a 30 year old blacksmith. Living with him were his wife, Lizzie, 36, and children, Birdie Maud, 3, Maggie Fink, 2, and Linnie F., 6/12.
In 1890 David was the subject of a biography,
"David K Hissem, a man of strong intellectual force and a leading citizen of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pa., was born there June 27, 1850, and is a son of Thomas and Susan (Klingensmith) Hissem. David K. Hissem left the common schools at the age of sixteen years and learned the blacksmith trade with his father. On March 4, 1875, he went to Grapeville, this county, where he worked some time as a journeyman and then returned home where he worked until September 16, 1876, when he purchased a farm near Beaver Run school house in what is now the famous Grapeville Gas Belt. On this farm the Philadelphia Gas company is now operating and has one well an excellent producer. Since buying and removing upon his farm, which contains all modern improvements, Mr. Hissem has steadily worked at his trade in which he does a large and paying business. He is a member of Good Intent Grange, No 862, P. of H., in which he held the important office of Lecturer and is now Worthy Master. Recognizing the fact that the farmers as a class have been imposed upon and deprived of those "equal rights" to which they are entitled under the great organic law of our republic, he takes an active interest in this organization [Patron of Husbandry] and is a vigorous champion of the interest of the tiller of the soil, whose cause is just and whose righteous demands have been necessitated by the oppression of corporate and monopolistic power. Mr. Hissem possesses native ability of a high order, is a forcible speaker, a logical reasoner and a man of sound common sense."
- "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania" by John M. Gresham, 1890
The following is for David K. Hissem, his father Thomas, and brother Schuyler Colfax Hissem.
"Westmoreland County
Salem Township
. . .
Hissam D K, f, Delmont, r 1438, 1539 . . .
Hissam Thos, f, Delmont, r 4710, p 5010 . . .
Hissam S C, 1, Delmont, p 79" - from "Wiggins' Directory of Greensburg and Westmoreland County for 1890-1891"
In the 1900 census of Salem Township as David K. Hissem [Daniel in both Ancestry.com and Familysearch.org], a 49 year old with no occupation shown [June 1850]. Living with him were his wife, Mary E. [reversing her name of Elizabeth Mary], 45 [November 1854], and children, Birdie M., 22 [August 1877], Margaret F., 21 [August 1878], Melinda, 20 [November 1879], Earle D., 12 [August 1888], and Edna J., 6 [June 1893], and grand-daughter [?], Hazel G., 3 [March 1897].
David moved to Pittsburgh. In the 1902 City Directory of Pittsburgh as "Hissem David K grocery 700 Rebecca av h 315 Kelly av." "Burd Hissem," i.e. daughter Birdie, was living at the same address. This seems a rather large change, from blacksmith/farmer to city grocer.
In the 1910 census of Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as David Hissem, a 59 year old blacksmith - general work. Perhaps the grocery didn't work out. Living with him were his wife, Elizabeth, 55, and children, Edna J., 15, and Hazel, 13.
David died in [1 April] 1915.
". . . [David K.] Hissem, [65] years old, died yesterday in his home, 7405 Idlewild street. He was born in Westmoreland county and came to Pittsburgh 12 years ago. He was a . . . " - from the "Pittsburgh Daily Post" of 2 April 1915
He was buried under the name David I. Hissem in the Woodlawn cemetary, in Wilkinsburg, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. I suspect the "I" is a mistranscription.
In the 1915 City Directory of Pittsburgh as "Hissem Elizh wid David K 7405 Idlewild [street]."
In the 1920 census of Pittsburgh as Elizabeth Hissem, a 65 year old widow. She was living with her daughter, Melinda, 39, and her husband, Elisha Walter.
In the 1930 census of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as Elizabeth Hissem, a 75 year old mother-in-law of Joseph Hugus, 58, and Margaret, 50, his wife. This looks like Maggie Fink Hissem.
Per her tombstone, Elizabeth M. Hissem, born in 1854, died in 1932. Apparently she shares a stone in the Woodlawn cemetery with her husband, David I. Hissem, though there is no photograph on the web.
"They have had six children: Birdie M., born August 6, 1877; Maggie F., August 191878; Linne P., November 29, 1879; Earle D., August 12, 1888; Susan A. and Lizzie M., who died in infancy." - from the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania" by John M. Gresham, 1890. Two more children were born after the date of this book.
(25) Birdie Maud Hissem (1877)
(25) Maggie Fink Hissem (1878)
(25) Melinda F. Hissem (1879)
(25) Earl D. Hissem (1888)
(25) Susan A. Hissem (1890)
(25) Lizzie M. Hissem (1891)
(25) Edna J. Hissem (1895)
(25) Hazel C. Hissem (1897)
Burd Hissem was born on 6 August 1877 in Westmoreland. In the 1880 census of Salem township as Birdie Maud Hissem, 3. In the 1900 census of Salem Township as Birdie M. Hissem, 22 [August 1877].
She moved to Pittsburgh with her parents. In the 1902 City Directory of Pittsburgh as "Hissem Burd M tchr 3d wd sch [Third Ward School] h 315 Kelly av." She was living with her parents at the time.
Burd M. Hissem married Valentine J. Yorty on 13 October 1905 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Valentine was born on 29 August 1877. The marriage license indicates Burd was born in 1878.
(25) Maggie Fink Hissem (1878)Margaret Hissem was born on 19 August 1878 in Westmoreland. In the 1880 census of Salem township as Maggie Fink Hissem, 2. In the 1900 census of Salem Township as Margaret F. Hissem, 21 [August 1878].
Margaret Fink Hissem married Joseph Walton Hugus, a 31 year old laborer, on 24 December 1902. Joseph Hugus, the son of William and Sarah Hugus, was born in 1871 in the Salem borough. In the 1910 census of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and Joseph W. and Margaret F. Hugus. They had a son, William H., 2. Joseph was now an electrical engineer at a Power House.
In the 1930 census of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania they were hosting Maggie's mother, Elizabeth, 75. They had a son, John, 13.
Margaret Hugus died in 1952.
(25) Melinda F. Hissem (1879)Melinda Pearl Hissem was born on 29 November 1879 in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. In the 1880 census of Salem township as Linnie F. Hissem, 6/12. In the 1900 census of Salem Township as Melinda Hissem, 20 [November 1879].
Malinda Hissem, who was born in Westmoreland county on 29 November 1879, married E. W. Rupert, an engineer, on 25 June 1904. Elisha was the son of Adam and Mary J. Rupert of Burrell, Armstrong county, Pennsylvania.
In the 1910 census of Salem township, Westmoreland count, Pennsylvania as Malinda P. Rupert, 30, living with her husband, Elisha W. Rupert, 33, a farmer. They had been married 5 years and had no children, living or dead. I wonder why Elisha took up farming? Melinda's younger brother, Schuyler C. Hissem, was listed on the same page of the census.
In 1917 when Elisha Walter Rupert, a stationary engineer for the Board of Public Education, registered for the draft, he and his wife, Melinda Pearl Rupert, were living with his in-laws at 7405 Idlewild, in Pittsburgh.
In the 1920 census of Pittsburgh as Melinda, 39, living with her husband, Elisha Walter, 43, an engineer at a school. Her mother, Elizabeth Hissem, a 65 year old widow, lived with them, as well as her daughter, Mary J. Walter, 7. This census is a mistake, giving Elisha's middle name as his surname.
Elisha W. Rupert died in 1924. Melinda died . . .
(25) Earl David Hissem (1888)Earl David Hissem was born on 12 August 1888 in Salem, Pennsylvania. In the 1900 census of Salem Township as Earle D. Hissem, 12 [August 1888], living with his parents, Daniel K. and Mary E. Hissem.
Earl David Hissem married Mae Etta Livingston on 3 September 1908 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
In the 1910 census of Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as Earl D. Hissem, a 21 year old merchant working on commission. Living with him was his wife, May, 19. They were living in the house of Annie O'Brien.
Earl David Hissem registered for the draft on 5 June 1917. He was born on 12 August 1888 in Salem township, Pennsylvania. He was 28 years old at the time, a steward at a Rural Club on Brushton avenue in Pittsburgh. This appears to be a bar. He was described as short and stout, with brown eyes and dark brown hair. He asked for a deferment based on his wife and "children underage."
Earl died in 1918 and was buried in the Woodlawn cemetary in Pittsburgh. It is tempting to say he died in World War I, but I have nothing that indicates that. His sister Hazel, who died in 1917, apparently shares this stone. By the way, there was a influenza pandemic that killed millions around the globe between 1918 and 1920. It swept through Pittsburgh in the fall of 1918. A newspaper article says,
"No other big city in the nation had a higher death rate from the 1918 flu than Pittsburgh. More than one in every 100 people -- twice the national mortality rate -- died that year, according the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. During the worst days here, a new person caught the flu every 70 seconds and someone died of it every 10 minutes."
In the 1920 census of Pittsburgh May Hissem was a 29 year old widow. Living with her are her children, Frances [a daughter], 8, Ruth, 6, Delores, 4 2/12, and Viola, 2 3/12. In the 1930 census of Pittsburgh as Mae E. Hissem, 39, with no occupation. Living with her were her daughters, Frances M., an 18 year old stenographer at a plumbing company, Ruth G., a 16 year old compress maker at a safety appliance company, Delores M., 14, and Viola J., 12.
Earl's children were,
(26) Frances Hissem (1912)
(26) Ruth Hissem (1914)
(26) Delores Hissem (1916)
(26) Viola Hissem (1918)
(26) Ruth Hissem (1914)
She was born in 1890 (?) and died in infancy.
(25) Lizzie M. Hissem (1891)She was born in 1891 and died in infancy.
(25) Edna J. Hissem (1895)In the 1900 census of Salem Township as Edna J. Hissem, 6 [June 1893]. In the 1910 census of Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as Edna J. Hissem, 15. An Edna Hissem McConnell, who was born in 1894, died in 1926.
(25) Hazel C. Hissem (1897)In the 1900 census of Salem Township as a grand-daughter [?], Hazel G. Hissem, 3 [March 1897], but its not clear who her mother would have been. In the 1910 census of Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as a daughter, Hazel Hissem, 13. She died in 1917 and was buried in the Woodlawn cemetary in Pittsburgh, near her brother, Earl D. Hissem.
(24) Brohelia Hissem (1852)She was born on 1 June 1852 in Salem township, Westmoreland county. She married Amos J. Schutt. He was born on 8 May 1849. In 1910 a grandchild, Eva, was living with Brohelia and Amos. She died in 1915 [7 April 1912?]. Amos died on 19 May 1926. Both were both buried in the Eastview cemetery, Delmont, Westmoreland county.
(24) Anna Maria Hissem (1855)She was born on 18 August 1855 in Salem township, Westmoreland county. She married Jesse Franklin Walton. He was born on 1 November 1846, the son of Jesse Walton and Mary Magdalene Ament of Penn township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. In 1935 they were living in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. They had six children. Anna died on 28 June 1904.
(24) Melissa J. Hissem (1859)She was born in 1859 in Salem township, Westmoreland county. Melissa J. Hissem married William Henry Johnston, a farmer. Melissa was noted to be the "daughter of Thomas and Susan (Klingensmith) Hissem and granddaughter of Abner and Mary (Welker) Hissem of Westmoreland county." - from "History of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania."
Melissa Hissem married William Henry Johnston, the son of William Johnston and Melinda C. Fink. William Henry Johnston, a farmer, was born in Peoria county, Illinois. They had four children, William Roscoe, C. Arthur, I. Wilber, and J. Ethel.
(24) Lyman Hissem (1861)Lyman Hissem was born on 21 September 1861 in Salem, Pennsylvania. In the 1870 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Lyman Hissam, 8. In the 1880 census of Salem township as Lyman Hissem, 19, living at home with his parents, Thomas and Susan Hissem.
Lyman married Ada Virginia Rowe in 1885. She was born 15 August 1862, the daughter of Isaac Rowe and Catherine Keck.
In the 1900 census of Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as Lyman Hissem, a 39 year old janitor in a school house. Living with him were his wife, Ada V., 37 [August 1862], and children, Orpha D., 14 [August 1885], Thomas R., 13 [May 1887], Charles I., 10 [June 1890], Alice I., 4 [August 1895],and Mary E., 2 [August 1897].
In the 1909 City Directory of Pittsbugh as "Hissem Lyman janitor 312 Hale."
In the 1910 census of Pittsburgh as Lyman Hissem, a 48 year old janitor in a school house. Living with him were his wife, Ada V., 47, and children, Thomas R., a 22 year old carpenter for a building contractor, and his wife, Pauline, 20, with their son, Thomas P., 3/12, Charles I., a 20 year old machinist at a switch company, Alice I., 15, and Mary E., 13.
In the 1915 "Pittsburgh Dispatch" city directory as "Hissem Lyman janitor j 316 Hale." Today this is an empty lot.
Ada died on 17 February 1916 in Pittsburgh. Her obituary,
"Mrs. Ada Rowe Hissem, 53 vears old, wife of Lyman Hissem, died yesterday in her home, 316 Hale street. She was born in Delmont, Westmoreland county, and lived in Pittsburgh more than 30 years. She was a member of the Lutheran Church. 'Besides her husband Mrs. Hissem leaves the following children: Mrs. James G. Jeffries, Miss Mary Hissem, Thomas Hissem and Charles Hissem, all of Pittsburg; two brothers. Amos Rowe of Greenaburg. and Howard Rowe of Cincinnati, O., and four sisters, Mrs. John Maxwell, Braddock; Mrs. Joseph Shuster, . . ." - from the "Pittsburgh Daily Post" of 18 February 1916
After Ada's death Lyman lived with his daughter Mary and Sam Travis.
In the 1920 census of Pittsburgh as Lyman Hissem, a 57 year old public school janitor. He was a widower living with his daugther, Mary E., 23, and her husband, Samuel A. Travis, 23.
In the 1930 census of Pittsburgh as Lyman Hissem, a 67 year old public school custodian. He was a widower living with daugther, Mary, 33, and her husband, Samuel Travis, 33.
Lyman Hissem died on 15 September 1933 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania of myocarditis at the age of 71. He and Ada were buried in the Woodlawn cemetery in Pittsburgh.
Their children were,
(25) Orpha D. Hissem (1885)
(25) Thomas R. Hissem (1887)
(25) Charles Isaac Hissem (1890)
(25) Alice I. Hissem (1895)
(25) Mary E. Hissem (1896)
Woodlawn Cemetary Tombstones
The following are burials at Woodlawn cemetary in Pittsburgh. Members not yet accounted for are annotated with an asterick.
Also known as Opha. She was born on 24 August 1885. In the 1900 census of Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as Orpha D. Hissem, 14 [August 1885], living with her parents, Lyman and Ida V. Hissem.
Orpha D. Hissem, 18, the daughter of Lyman Hissem and Addy Rowen, married James G. Jeffries, 22, the son of R.B. Jeffries and Mary M. Miller, on 8 August 1904. She died before 1910.
(25) Thomas Ralph Hissem (1887)Thomas R. Hissem was born on 23 May 1887 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. In the 1900 census of Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as Thomas R. Hissem, 13 [May 1887], living with his parents, Lyman and Ida V. Hissem.
He married Pauline C. Friend in 1908. She was born on 16 November 1888 and died in January 1973 in Pittsburgh.
In the 1910 census of Pittsburgh as Thomas R. Hissem, a 22 year old carpenter for a building contractor. He was living in his father's house. With him were his wife, Pauline, 20, and their son, Thomas P. Jr., 3/12.
Thomas Ralph Hissem registered for the draft on 5 June 1917. He was born on 23 May 1887 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. He was 30 years old at the time, a carpenter working for Lambert & Close at 514 Ross Avenue in Williamsburg [?]. He was living at 545 Everett, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He requested a deferment based on his wife and child. He was described as of medium height and stout build, with blue eyes and dark brown hair.
In the 1920 census of Wilkinsburg, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as Thomas R. Hissem, a 32 year old carpenter. Living with him were his wife, Pauline C., 31, and son, Thomas P., 10. Also living with him were Adam, 65, and Emma C., 62, Friend, his in-laws.
In the 1930 census . . .
In the 1940 census of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as Thomas R. Hissem, a 53 year old carpenter. Living with him were his wife, Pauline R., 42, and daughter, Mildred, 18. His son, Thomas P., was living next door with his wife, Elizabeth C.
Thomas Ralph Hissem registered for the draft again on 27 April 1942. He worked for J.G. Fulman of Glenshaw, Pennsylvania. He was 5'10'' and 155 pounds, with gray hair and gray eyes.
Pauline Hissem died in January 1973 in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. Thomas Ralph Hissem, an 88 year old carpenter and widower, who was born on 23 May 1887, the son of Lemin Hissem, died of a cardio-respiratory arrest on 16 August 1975 in Houston, Harris county, Texas. He had been in the town 17 months. The informant was Mildred Graham, who undoubtedly did not know how to spell Lyman. His children were,
(26) Thomas P. Hissem (1910)
(26) Mildred Hissem (1922), I don't see her after the 1940 census. Why 12 years between children?
Thomas P. Hissem was born on 17 January 1910 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. In the 1920 census of Wilkinsburg, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as Thomas P. Hissem, 10, living at home with his parents.
In the 1930 census . . .
He married Elizabeth C. "those attending the wedding from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Henry, maternal grandfather and grandmother; and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Hissem." - from "The Blizzard" of Oil City, Pennsylvania of 1 June 1948.
In the 1940 census of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as Thomas P. Hissem, a 29 year old laborer in the steel mills. Living with him was his wife, Elizabeth C., 29. Next door were his parents, Thomas R. and Pauline R. Hissem.
They divorced in March 1962 in Dade county, Florida. Thomas died on 5 December 1997 in Port Charlotte, Charlotte county, Florida at the age of 87. He was buried in the Royal Palm Memorial Garden, Punta Gorda, Florida. I don't know of any children.
Charles Isaac Hissem was born on 22 January 1890. In the 1900 census of Pittsburgh, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as Charles I. Hissem, 10 [June 1890], living with his parents Lyman and Ida V. Hissem. In the 1910 census of Pittsburgh as Charles I. Hissem, a 20 year old machinist at a switch company.
An accident report,
"Newfoundland, January 27th [1910]--Brakeman Isaac Hissem attempted to alight from engine 120 while in motion, struck express truck and fell back against train, hit on head and bruise over eye." - from "Annual Statements of the Railroad and Canal Companies" by the New Jersey Comptroller
A brakeman rode on top of the freight cars, applying a mechanical brake in accordance with signals from the locomotive engineer.
Charles married Clara Iva [Ida] Rollhaus on 9 April 1914 in Pittsburgh. She was born 23 June 1891 in Pennsylvania. Also known as Iva C.
Charles Isaac Hissem, 27, registered for the draft in 1917. He was born on 22 January 1890 in Greensburg [?], Pennsylvania. He was a machinist working at Westinghouse. He was living at 7870 Susquehannah street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania [this is close by Hale street, mentioned above]. He was described as of medium height and build, with gray eyes and black hair. He asked for a deferment based on his bad eyes, and his wife and child.
In the 1920 census . . .
In the 1930 census of Forest Hills, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as Charles I. Hissem [Hissam in Ancestry.com], a 40 year old working at [or owning?] a gas filling station. He owned a $6,000 house. Living with him were his wife, Iva C., 38, and children, Charles L., 14, and Alice I., 2.
Charles died from a strep throat infection at the age of 44, on 13 February 1934 in Pittsburgh. His grave is probably the one in the Woodlawn cemetary for Charles T. Hissem, the middle initial being a transciption error for I.
In the 1940 census of Forest Hills, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as Iva Hissem, a 46 year old widow working as a department store clerk. Living with her were children Alice, 11, Charles, a 24 year old truck driver for a steam railroad, and his wife, Mary Jane, 24.
Clara died of sepsis on 18 July 1985 in Oakmont, Pennsylvania at the age of 94. She was buried in the Woodlawn cemetary in Pittsburgh.
"Hissem. On Thur, July 18, 1985, Iva C, at the Oakmont Presbyterian Home, formerly of Forest Hills; mother of Charles L. Hissem and Alice Steiner; also two grandchildren; one great-grandchild." - from "The Pittsburgh Press" of 21 July 1985
His children were,
(26) Charles Lyman Hissem (1915)
(26) Alice Iva Hissem (1928)
Charles L. Hissem was born on 11 August 1915 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Another researcher says he was born in St. Louis, Missouri, but I don't know what that is based upon. In the 1920 census . . . In the 1930 census of Forest Hills borough, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as Charles L. Hissem [Hissam in Ancestry.com], 14, of Pennsylvania, living with his parents, Charles I. and Iva C. Hissem.
Charles L. Hissem, a 23 year old truck driver, born on 11 August 1915 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the son of Charles I. Hissem, deceased, and Ida C. Rolhaus, married Mary Jane Barnes, a 23 year old stenographer, born on 5 October 1915 in Kansas City, Missouri, the daughter of Welden F. Barnes, an electrical engineer, and Mary J. Gill, deceased, on 7 January 1939 in Wilkinsburg, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania.
". . . Wilkinsburg, has announced the marriage of her niece, Miss Mary Jane Barnes, to Charles L. Hissem, son of Mrs. Iva Hissem of Forest Hill Rd., Wilkinsburg." - from "The Pittsburgh Press" of 9 January 1939
In the 1940 census of Forest Hills, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania as Charles, a 24 year old truck driver for a steam railroad, of Pennsylvania. He was living with his mother, Iva, a 46 year old widow working as a department store clerk, his sister, Alice, 11, and his wife, Mary Jane [Barnes], 24, of Missouri.
I don't know what became of Mary Jane, whether she died or they divorced, but Charles married again. His second marriage was to Marian V. Gowing in 1960. Marian was born 4 April 1903.
Marian V. Hissem died on 13 October 1995 and was buried in the Woodlawn cemetary in Pittsburgh. Charles died on 10 October 1999 in Tucson, Pima county, Arizona and was buried in the Woodlawn cemetary in Pittsburgh. They were both amateur photographers.
Alice Iva Hissem, the daughter of Charles I. Hissem and Iva C. Rollhaus, married William Burpee Brigham, the son of William B. Brigham and Rena M. Mason, on 29 September 1949 in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania.
Alice later married George Edwin Steiner.
(27) Beth SteinerShe married Terence Michael Hennessey and moved to Sydney, Australia (hi Beth!).
(25) Alice I. Hissem (1895)She was born in August 1895 and died on 18 April 1915 in Pittsburgh of influenza, aged 20. She was buried at the Woodlawn cemetary in Pittsburgh.
(25) Mary E. Hissem (1896)Mary E. Hissem, the daughter of Lyman and Ada V. Hissem, was born on 29 December 1896. She married Samuel R. Travis before 1913. He was born on 1 July 1894. She died on 16 June 1932 in Pittsburgh from a throat infection. Samuel died in November 1962 in Pennsylvania.
(24) William Evans Hissem (1864)William Evans Hissem was born in 1864 in Salem township, Westmoreland county. Known as Evan. In the 1870 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as William E. Hissam, 6, living at home with his parents, Thomas and Susan Hissem. In the 1880 census of Salem township as William Evans Hissem, 16, living at home with his parents.
W. E. Hissem, the son of Thomas and Susan Hissem, married Mary Pool, the daughter of William Pool, on 13 November 1888 in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
A William H. [sic] Hissem of Salem township, "the son of Thomas Hissem," died on 23 October 1895 at the age of 32. William Evans Hissem, who died on 23 October 1895, was buried in the Mount Lebanon United Methodist Church cemetery in Tarrs, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
In the 1900 census of Ruffs Dale [which is in Salem township], Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Mary Hissem, a 37 year old widow [June 1862]. Living with her were her children, Winfield, 9, Susanna, 7 [December 1892], and Harry T., 5 [January 1894]. Mary had married her husband in about 1888. They were all from Pennsylvania.
In the 1910 census of East Huntingdon township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Mary Ann Hissem, a 49 year old widow. She had three children, all still living. Living with her were her children Susannah, 17, and Harry, 15.
In the 1920 census of East Huntingdon township as Marry [sic] Ann Hissem, a 59 year old widow. Living with her was Harry T., a 25 year old laborer on a steam railroad.
In the 1930 census of East Huntingdon as Mary A. Hissem [Hissey in Ancestry.com], a 70 year old widow, was living with her son, Harry T., and his wife, Margaret C.
In the 1940 census of East Huntingdon, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Mary Ann Hissem, 80. She was living with her youngest son, Harry.
Mary Ann [Pool] Hissem, an 81 year old widow, born on 18 June 1859, the daughter of Wm. Pool and Hannah Husband, died of a cerebral hemorhage on 5 January 1942 and buried in the Mount Lebanon United Methodist Church cemetery with her husband, William.
"Mrs. Mary A. Hissem
Mount Pleasant, Jan. 7.--
Mrs. Mary A. Hissem, 82 years old, widow of William Hissem of Ruffsdale, died at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon in Frick Memorial Hospital. Win Hissem, her son, was the informant. She was a charter member of the Ruffsdale Christ Reformed Church.
There are three chidren, Mrs. Anna Eslinger of Smock, Winifred [sic] Hissem of New Alexandria and Harry Hissem of Ruffsdale. She was a sister of Mrs. Israel Painter of New Newton, R.D. 1. There are 11 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren." - from the 7 January 1942 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania.
William's children were,
(25) Winfield Charles Hissem (1890)
(25) Susanna Hissem (1892)
(25) Harry Thomas Hissem (1895)
Winfield Charles Hissem, the son of William Hissem and Molly Pool, was born on 26 November 1890 in Ruffsdale, East Huntingdon township, Pennsylvania. In the 1900 census of Ruffs Dale [or Ruffsdale], Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Winfield Hissem, 9, living with his widowed mother, Mary, 37 [June 1862]. They were all from Pennsylvania. Ruffs Dale is about 4 miles west northwest of Mount Pleasant. Pittsburgh is another 20 miles northwest.
In the 1910 census . . . he would have been 19.
Winfield C. Hissem, a fireman, married Edna M. [Mae] Loughner, the daughter of Sara Ellen Reeger [her mother was a Klingensmith] and William S. Loughner of Jeannette, on 31 October 1912 in Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Edna was born on 8 November 1895 in Pennsylvania.
Winfield was a coal miner, circa 1916, working for the Jamison Coal Company, at the No. 3 Mine & Coke works on Forbes road in Salem township, Westmoreland county.
The Jamison No. 3 Mine
At right is the Company Store at Jamison No. 3 Mine. |
Winfield Charles Hissem, 26, registered for the draft on 15 June 1917. He was described as tall, with a medium build, green eyes and brown hair. Note that his brother, Harry, also had green eyes. He requested a deferment based on his wife and chidren. He was a general foreman at the Jameson coal company at the time, living on Forbes road, in Ruffsdale, Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
In the 1920 census . . .
In the 1930 census of Penn township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Windfield [sic] C. Hissem, a 39 year old farmer. He owned a home worth $15,000. Living with him were his wife, Edna M., 35, and children, Clyde W., 16, Grace O., 14, Amos J., 13, Virginia, 12, and Merle W. [Walton], 4 1/12. All were born in Pennsylvania and all their parents were born in Pennsylvania.
"Ruffsdale. June 30 [1932]. A birthday surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Hissem of New Alexandria in honor of the former's mother, Mrs. Mary Hissem of this place." - from the Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsyvania
In the 1940 census of Unity township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as W.C. Hissem, a 49 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Edna, 46, and children, Merle, 14, and Dorothy, 9.
Winfield Charles Hissem of Unity township registered for the draft again on 27 April 1942. He was a self-employed farmer. He was 5'6'' and 150 pounds, with blue eyes and gray hair.
Winfield died in September 1967, at the age of 76, in Blairsville, Indiana county, Pennsylvania. He was buried in the Union cemetery in New Alexandria, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
"Winfield C. Hissem, 76, of Blairsville, R.D. 2, died Thursday morning in Indiana, Pa., hospital. He was born Nov. 26, 1890, at Ruffsdale, a son of the late William and Molly Pool Hissem. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Edna Loughner Hissem; three sons, Clyde of Conway, Jay of Normalville, and Merle of Botsford, Conn.; two daughters, Mrs. Andrew (Grace) Klingensmith of Crooked Creek and Mrs. Paul (Dorothy) Sheffler of Blairsville; 28 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren." - from The Daily Courier of 29 September 1967
Note, Peggy Hissem Hildenbrand is a granddaughter of Winfield. Edna died in July 1970. Her obituary,
"Mrs. Edna M. Hissem, 74 of Blairsville RD 2, Derry Twp., died Thursday morning, July 2, 1970, in the Indiana Hospital. She was born Nov. 8, 1895, in Penn Twp., daughter of the late William S. and Sara Reeger Loughner and was the widow of Winfield C. Hissem ... She is survived by ... two brothers: Lawrence Loughner, Irwin; Ralph Loughner, Jeannette RD 1; five sisters: Mrs. Susan Weisbecker, and Mrs. Leo J. (Vernie) Clemens, both of Jeannette; Mrs. William L. (Hazel) Frye, Mrs. Raymond (Sara) Earhart and Mrs. William L. (Lila) Klingensmith, all of Jeanette RD 1." - from "The Indiana Gazette" from Indiana, Pennsylvania of 3 July 3 1970
Their children were,
(26) Clyde W. Hissem (1913)
(26) Grace O. Hissem (c1914)
(26) Amos Jay Hissem (1916)
(26) Virginia Mae Hissem (1918)
(26) Merle Walton Hissem (1925)
(26) Dorothy Jean Hissem (1930)
Of Conway. He was born on 9 September 1913 in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. In the 1920 census . . . In the 1930 census of Penn township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Clyde W. Hissem, 16, living at home with his parents, Windfield C. and Edna M. Hissem.
In the 1940 census of North Huntingdon township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Cline Hissem, a 27 year old laborer in a Feed Mill. Living with him was his wife, Florence, 32. Both were of Pennsylvania.
Clyde Hissem died in November 1987 in Jeannette, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. I know nothing more about his life.
(26) Grace O. Hissem (c1914)Grace Hissem was born circa 1914. In the 1920 census . . . In the 1930 census of Penn township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Grace Hissem O., 14, living at home with her parents, Windfield C. and Edna M. Hissem.
Grace Hissem, 21, married Andrew Klingensmith, 22, both of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, on 6 November 1934 in Wellsburg, Brooke county, West Virginia. The Reverend J.E. Billings officiated at the wedding. I wonder why residents of Pennsylvania married in West Virginia. An elopement? Note that Grace should have been 18 years old. Was she fudging her age so she wouldn't have to get her parents' consent? Wellsburg is about 40 mile due west of Greensburg. Andrew Klingensmith, born circa 1913 in Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, was the son of W.J. and Edna Klingensmith.
Later of Crooked Creek.
Andrew Klingensmith, born on 7 May 1912 and died on 1 July 1973, is buried in the Eagle Bend cemetery in Eagle Bend, Todd county, Minnesota. So is his wife, Grace Klingensmith, born on 1 May 1914 and died on 6 October 2005.
(26) Amos Jay Hissem (1916)Known as A. Jay, Jay or Kay. Amos Jay Hissem was born on 29 September 1916 at Forbes road, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Of Stahlstown; also of Normalville. In the 1920 census . . . In the 1930 census of Penn township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Amos J. Hissem, 13, living at home with his parents, Windfield C. and Edna M. Hissem. In the 1940 census . . .
Jay Hissem first married Martha Baker.
He enlisted in the Navy on 31 December 1943 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. On 31 March 1944 S2c Amos Jay Hissem of the SV6 Division mustered onboard USS TEXAS, BB-35.
"Seaman A. Jay Hissem, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hissem of New Alexandria, R.D.1, and husband of Mrs. Martha Baker Hissem of Stahlstown, is alive and well after taking part in the invasion of France. He is stationed on a battleship in the Atlantic." - from the 14 July 1944 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania
He remained onboard through 1 January 1946, when he was an S1c.
In 1943 and 1944 operated as a convoy escort in the Atlantic. However, in April she remained in the Clyde estuary in Scotland and began training for the invasion of Normandy. General Eisenhower came aboard on 19 May to speak to the crew. For the invasion the ship was designated the Bombardment Force Flagship for Omaha Beach. The invasion began in June. She later supported the invasion of southern France. She returned to New York in September. After a refit she entered the Pacific ocean through the Panama canal and spent Christmas in Pearl Harbor. She later supported landings on Iwo Jima and Okinawa. After the Armistice the crossed the Pacific ocean several times bringing American troops home. On 21 January 1946 TEXAS left San Pedro, California and returned to Norfolk, Virginia and was placed in reserve. |
After the war Jay leased the Stahl farm.
Jay was a bull-dozer operator in 1948 and steam-shovel operator in 1949.
"Jay Hissem, 32, of Stahlstown was admitted Wednesday to the Latrobe Hospital after being seriously injured when struck by a bulldozer while engaged in moving logs down a steep hill on the Clarence Stahl farm at Latrobe, R.D. 4." - from The Daily Courier of 2 Octber 1948
"Two workmen were painfully burned Tuesday morning when fire broke out in a steam shovel being overhauled at the site of the Green Mountain stripping operation at Weaver's Mill. Admitted to the McGinnis Hospital at 9:25 was Jay Hissem, 32, of Stahlstown, operator of the shovel. Hissem suffered first and second degree burns of the right hand and right leg." - from The Daily Courier of 27 October 1949
Circa 1950 Amos Jay Hissem was residing in Stahlstown, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania with his wife, Martha.
A. Jay Hissem married Beatrice Jayne Stahl on 4 August 1953 in Winchester, Frederick county, West Virginia. They lived in Normalville, Pennsylvania.
He died on 26 October 1991.
29 September 1916 - 26 October 1991. With Beatrice Hissem, 14 April 1928 - ____. WWII and War Veterans markers, the Snowball cemetary, Rector, Cook township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
His children were,
(27) Delmar Clair Trustwell [Robert Delmar Hissem] (1951)
(27) Joyce Renee Hissem (1954)
(27) James Jay Hissem (1954)
(27) Patty Jean Hissem (1956)
(27) Linda Sue Hissem (1957)
(27) Beatice Jayne Hissem (1958)
(27) Beverly Kaye Hissem (1961)
(27) Winfield Charles Hissem (1963)
(27) Carol Hissem (1967)
Delmar Clair Trustwell was born on 2 March 1951. At the age of two he was adopted after Jay Hissem married Beatrice Jayne Stahl, his mother, on 4 August 1953. Delmar was then renamed Robert Delmar Hissem. Known as "Redeye," he had a lively youth, which I assume he overcame. He joined the Army on 7 March 1969 and served in Vietnam.
"Normalville Area GI Assigned In VietnamPvt. Robert D. Hissem, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos J Hissem, Normalville, R.D. 1 has been assigned to the 20th . . ." - from "The Evening Standard" of Uniontown, Pennsylvania of 6 September 1969
Apparently Robert didn't like the Army and went AWOL, Absent With Out Leave.
1971. "Robert Hissem of Normalville, R.D. near Pittsburgh is being held by police for military authorities after being taken into custody in Clearfield. The serviceman was reported AWOL from Ft. George Meade, Md. He is suspected, state police said, of having stolen a 1968 Chevrolet truck belonging to Rodney Reese Saturday near Port Matilda." - from the 23 August 1971 "Progress" of Clearfield, Pennsylvania
He was discharged from the Army on 30 January 1972.
1972. ". . . According to State Police from the Uniontown substation, Robert D. Hissem, 21, of Normalville, R.D.1, was driving north on Township Road 832--about 2.7 miles west of White--when the youngster reportedly darted onto the road and into the path of his car . . . Hissem was taken to Uniontown by troopers. He underwent a breathalizer test. Charged with driving under the influence of alcohol, he later was arraigned before Magistrate Grant Nicholson of Breackneck who set bond at $1,000. Hissem was lodged in the Fayette County Jail, Uniontown in lieu of bail. He was still there this morning." - from the 8 March 1972 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania
1975. "State Police at Troop A Headquarters, Greensburg, said Robert Delmar Hisem, 23, of Normalville, R.D.1, and Michael E. Snyder, 20, of Donegal, were picked up by Michigan authorities for violation of the Uniform Firearms Act." - from the 17 February 1975 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Robert married Sheila [and I suspect settled down]. Robert D. Hissem had a daughter in July 1976, and another in June 1977.
"[594.] Robert D. Hissem Born March 2, 1951. Married Shiela Nicholson.
Two children:
603. Jennifer Lynn Hissem
Born July 11, 1976.
604. Bobby Marie Hissem
Born June 26, 1977."
- from "The Craigs of Fayette and Westmoreland Counties of Pennsylvania" by Edward Robert Craig
Robert second married Cynthia Skelton sometime between 1987 and 1989. Cynthia was the sister of Gloria Skelton, the wife of Robert's brother, Winfield Charles Hissem, below.
Robert died on 30 May 1999.
"2 Mar 1951 - 30 May 1999, US Army Veteran" - the Snowball cemetary, Rector, Cook township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
I recently received the following email,
"Hello Steve,
My name is Michelle, I am the daughter of Robert Delmar Hissem. I am beyond excited to have found your page. I don't know a ton about my dad, my grandma was very hush-hush. My mom, Cynthia Skelton, was on and off [in a relationship with with Robert] for many years, 1982-ish til 1991-ish, they have 4 kids,
Michelle Lynn Hissem (Rachocki) Sept 13 1983
Danyell Annette Hissem (Bompiani) Oct 5 1984
Samantha Mae Hissem (Wannamaker) Jan 21, 1987
Robert Delmar Hissem Jr July 13 1989
My mom and dad were married for a short time, between 1987 - 1989, not positive of date just know it was between Samantha and Robert being born.
My dad and Winfield (brothers) were a actually married to sisters, Gloria and Cynthia Skelton
I am would love to know more about my dad or if you would be able to point me in the right direction. I didn’t know my dad was discharged from army he had a full military service at funeral.
Also I am reluctant to tell you this, my dad actually wasn't born a Hissem, he was born Delmar Clair Trustwell. My grandfather, Kay Hissem adopted my dad when he married my grandmother. They had his name changed to Robert Delmar Hissem. I believe my dad was around 2. My grandma didnt tell me this until I went to get my marriage license in 2009.
I am looking forward to hearing from you
Thank you
Michelle Rachocki"
Robert's children are,
(28) Jennifer Lynn Hissem (1976)
(28) Bobby Marie Hissem (1977)
(28) Michelle Lynn Hissem (Rachocki) (1983)
(28) Danyell Annette Hissem (Bompiani) (1984)
(28) Samantha Mae Hissem (Wannamaker) (1987)
(28) Robert Delmar Hissem Jr (1989)
Joyce Renee Hissem was born on 25 June 1954. She married Timothy A. Frederick, of Glenmore, Pa., the son of Robert T. Frederick of Acme, Pennsylvania.
"595. Joyce Renee Hissem (twin)(27) James Jay Hissem (1954)
Born June 25, 1954. Married Timothy Frederick. Born September 1, 1954.
Four children:
605. Timothy Frederick Jr.
606. . . ."
- from "The Craigs of Fayette and Westmoreland Counties of Pennsylvania" by Edward Robert Craig
James Jay Hissem was born on 25 June 1954. He married Verna D., of Normalville, on 12 December 1981. She was born on 7 June 1957. He is in the trucking business, and appears to have three trucks and crews.
"596. James Jay Hissem (twin)(27) Patty Jean Hissem (1956)
Born June 25, 1954.
- from "The Craigs of Fayette and Westmoreland Counties of Pennsylvania" by Edward Robert Craig
She married Bert Lander, of Glen Rock, Pa.
"597. Patty Jean Hissem(27) Linda Sue Hissem (1957)
Born September 30, 1956. Married Bert C. Lender. Born January 11, 1955.
Three children:
611. Bert C. Lander Jr.
612. . . .
- from "The Craigs of Fayette and Westmoreland Counties of Pennsylvania" by Edward Robert Craig
She married Ray "Pete" Richter, of Normalville.
598. Linda Sue Hissem(27) Beatrice Jayne Hissem (1958)
Born August 17, 1957. Married Ray "Pete" Richter. Born October 11, 1947.
One child:
614. Glenn Richter
- from "The Craigs of Fayette and Westmoreland Counties of Pennsylvania" by Edward Robert Craig
Jayne married Gary Smith, of Georgia
599. Beatrice Jayne Hissem(27) Beverly Kaye Hissem (1961)
Born September 14, 1958. Married Gary Smith. Born April 25, 1950.
- from "The Craigs of Fayette and Westmoreland Counties of Pennsylvania" by Edward Robert Craig
Beverly married Larry Keyser, of Scottdale
600. Beverly Kaye Hissem(27) Winfield Charles Hissem (1963)
Born August 29, 1961. Married Jason Keyser Born November l1, 1979.
- from "The Craigs of Fayette and Westmoreland Counties of Pennsylvania" by Edward Robert Craig
He married Gloria Skelton. However, the document below says Amy Lynn Kunkle; a second marriage?
601. Winfield Charles Hissem
Born September 4, 1963. Married Amy Lynn Kunkle. Born April 26, 1964.
Two children:
616. Mark Charles Hissem
Born April 19, 1982.
617. Brianna Mae Hissem
Born January 12, 1985.
- from "The Craigs of Fayette and Westmoreland Counties of Pennsylvania" by Edward Robert Craig
A Winfield Charles Hissem died, the victim of a drunk driver, on 20 August 2000 in Fayette county.
"Killed in an accident Sunday in Fayette County was Winfield Hissem, 36, of Normalville. Hissem, who was not wearing a seat belt, was a passenger in a car driven by Douglas Geary, 36, also of Normalville, when the car struck a tree." - from the Post-Gazette
He was memorialized in the Pennsylvania DUI Victims' Memorial Park, in Harrisburg. His obituary:
"Winfield C. Hissem, Normalville. Winfield C. Hissem, 36, of Normalville, died Sunday, Aug. 20, 2000 as a result of an automobile accident. He was born Sept. 4, 1963, in Connellsville, a son of Beatrice Stahl Hissem of Normalville and the late A. Jay Hissem. He was a graduate of Connellsville Area High School. He was employed by the P.J. Dick Corporation as a construction worker, currently working at the Somerset Correctional Institution. He was a member of the Laborers Union Local No. 419 and he was a veteran of the U.S. Army. In addition to his father, he was predeceased by a brother, Robert Delmar "Redeye" Hissem. In addition to his mother, he is survived by his wife, Gloria Skelton Hissem ; two sons, Amos, at home, and Mark of Donegal ; three daughters, Wendy and Sarah, at home, and Brianna of Donegal ; one brother, James Hissem and his wife, Verna, of Normalville ; six sisters, Joyce Frederick and her husband, Timothy, of Glenmore, Pa., Patty Lander and her husband, Bert, of Glen Rock, Pa., Linda Richter and her husband, Ray "Pete," of Normalville, Carol Shreve and her husband, Scott, of Normalville, Jayne Smith and her husband, Gary, of the state of Georgia and Beverly Keyser and her husband, Larry, of Scottdale ; his mother-in-law, Dottie Upton of Scottdale ; his father-in-law, Paul Skelton of Clinton ; two brothers-in-law, Paul Skelton Jr. and his wife, Dorothy, of Owensdale and Kenneth Skelton and his wife, Ann, of Scottdale ; one sister-in-law, Cindy Skelton of New Derry, Pa. ; and a special first cousin, Dave Hissem of Spencer, Mass. Friends will be received in the CLYDE BROOKS FUNERAL HOME, INC., Route 711, Melcroft, today from 7 to 9 p.m. and on Wednesday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 11 a.m. in the funeral home with Pastor William Nicholson officiating. Interment will follow in the Snowball Cemetery, Cook Township.
His children were,
(28) Mark Charles Hissem (1982)
(28) Brianna Hissem, of Donegal
(28) Amos Hissem (1992)
(28) Wendy Hissem
(28) Sarah Hissem
Of Donegal.
"An elderly man was killed this morning in a three-alarm house fire in Westmoreland County, county emergency officials said.
Roy "RJ" Kunkle, 82, died in the fire, which occurred about 7 a.m. at a farmhouse in the 200 block of Schoolhouse Lane in Donegal Township, according to county Coroner Kenneth Bacha.
Mr. Kunkle lived in the house with his girlfriend, Elaine Durstine, 80, and grandson Mark Hissem, 34, state police Trooper Stephen Limani said." - from the "Pittsburgh Post-Gazette" of 10 May 2015
Currently of Stahlstown, apparently living with Patricia Kunkle.
(28) Amos Hissem (1992)Amos Jay Hissem was born on 9 March 1992. "AJ Hissem. 17 / Male; NORMALVILLE, Pennsylvania."
(27) Carol Hissem (1967)Carol married Scott Shreve, of Normalville.
602. Carol Ann Hissem(26) Virginia Mae Hissem (1918)
Born August 16, 1967.
- from "The Craigs of Fayette and Westmoreland Counties of Pennsylvania" by Edward Robert Craig
She married Arthur F. McNaughton of New Alexandria. She died suddenly in June 1951, only 33 years old.
"Mrs. Virginia Mae McNaughton, 33, died suddenly Saturday morning at her home at New Alexandria, R.D. 1. She leaves her husband, Arthur F.; two children, Nancy and Charles at home; her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Hissem of Latrobe, R.D.; her maternal grandmother, Mrs. William Loughner; Jeannette, R.D., and five brothers and sisters, Clyde Hissem of Larimer, Merle and Jay Hissem of Stahlstown, Mrs. Grace Klingensmith of Greensburg, R.D. 4, and Mrs. Dorothy Sheffler of New Alexandria, RD. 1." - from The Daily Courier of 25 June 1951(26) Merle Walton Hissem (1926)
Merle Walton Hissem was born on 3 February 1926 in Jeannette, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. In the 1930 census of Unity township, Westmoreland county as Merle W. Hissem, 4. In the 1940 census of Penn township, Westmoreland county as Merle Hissem, 14.
Merle W. Hissem of New Alexandria entered the Navy on 6 January 1944. On 11 April 1945 S2c(GM) Merle Walton Hissem mustered onboard USS LIVERMORE DD 429. She was on convory escort duty in the North Atlantic. Merle remained onboard through at least 1 June 1946. He was discharged on 26 May 1960.
He married Laura Piper Hissem Cole. Their children were N. Maxine Upholster and Randy Hissem, both deceased. Still living in 2004 are Merle W. Jr., Larry, Jeffrey [he may actually live in Columbus, Ohio], all of Latrobe, Dennis, of Bensalem, Pennsylvania, Richard, of Greensburg, Charles, of Florida [he is a member of a BMW club], and David, of North Carolina. Daughters were Peggy Hildenbrand, of Latrobe, Cynthia Berry, of Colorado, Dorothy Quinn, of Maine, and Diane Hissem, of Florida.
Merle and Laura divorced in the 1960's. Merle moved to Massachusetts and married Shirl Pronto in Newtown, Fairfield county, Connecticut on 31 December 1965. They had several children, names unknown. They later lived in Botsford, Connecticutt. He died of cancer at the age of 47, on 15 August 1974 in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Merle's children with Laura Piper were,
(27) Larry Jay Hissem (1947)
(27) Nila Maxine Hissem (1948)
(27) Peggy Ann Hissem (1949)
(27) Merle Walton Hissem Jr. (1949)
(27) Dennis A. Hissem (1950)
(27) Charles W. Hissem (1953)
(27) Randy Neil Hissem (1955)
(27) Richard L. Hissem (1957)
(27) David R. Hissem (1960)
(27) Diane Hissem (1960)
(27) Jeffrey L. Hissem (1962)
(27) Cynthia Hissem
- (28) Carrie Anne (c1975), the daughter of Cynthia. She died of leukemia on October 19, 1987, about 12 years old
(27) Dorothy Hissem
Larry Jay Hissem, the son of Merle W. Hissem and Laura Piper, was born on 20 March 1947. Larry J. Hissem was part of the Class of 1966 at the Scotland School for Veterans' Children. This was a residential school designed to educate and care for the children of Pennsylvania military service veterans, originally orphans only. The school closed in 2009.
There was a Larry Hissem living in Loyalhanna, Pennsylvania in 1968. This town in near Latrobe, in Westmoreland county. This information was pulled from the website of Golf Company, 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, which served in Vietnam. There was a Larry J. Hissem living in Loyalhanna, on 215 Derry Latrobe road from at least 1994 to 2002. In 2002 a Larry J. Hissem Jr. had his own address in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, on 949 Main street.
There is a Mary Hissem living in Loyalhanna, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. There is a Larry Hissem of Loyalhanna, aged 61 in 2008 [1947], with a birth date of 23 March.
Larry Jay Hissem Sr., 66, died on 26 October 2013 and buried in the Unity cemetery in Latrobe, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. His wife was Mary. His obituary,
"Larry Jay Hissem was born March 20, 1947, in Latrobe, a son of Merle W. Hissem and Laura Piper Cole.
Larry served in the U.S. Marine Corps.
He married Mary K. Nolan, and they became the parents of two sons.
Larry worked for Latrobe Brewing Co. and retired after 28 years of service as a bottler.
He was a member of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Latrobe.
At the age of 66, Larry Jay Hissem, Sr., of Mount Pleasant passed away Saturday, Oct. 26, 2013, at home.
In addition to his father, he was preceded in death by a sister, Nila Maxine Upholster, and a brother, Randy Neil Hissem.
Besides his mother, Laura Piper Cole, he was survived by his wife, Mary K. Nolan Hissem; two sons, Larry Hissem Jr. of Latrobe and Shane D. Hissem of Mount Pleasant; six grandchildren, Brad R., Nick T., Kennadie L., Eve M., Carissa M. and Claire I. Hissem; six brothers, Merle W. Hissem, Dennis Hissem, Charles Hissem, Richard Hissem, Jeffery Hissem and David Hissem, and four sisters, Peggy Hildenbrand, Cynthia Berry, Diana Hissem and Dorothy Quinn."
Larry's children with Mary K. Nolan were,
(28) Larry Jay Hissem Jr. (c1977), I believe he is a fireman in Bradenville.
(28) Shane Hissem (c1979), he married Kari and has a Home Inspection company.
Of Latrobe. She was born on 3 March 1948 in Ligonier. She married an Upholster. She died on 19 January 2004, aged 55.
(27) Peggy Ann Hissem (1949)Of Latrobe. She was born on 27 February 1949. She married a Hildenbrand.
(27) Merle Walton Hissem Jr. (1949)Of Latrobe. He was born on 1 September 1949. That seems kinda soon after Peggy . . .
(28) Merle Hissem III "Butch" (c1972)
There is a Merle Hissem III living in Pennsylvania. He attended Derry High School, in Derry, Pennsylvania from 1986 to 1989. He lives in Latrobe. The following is a news article about the bankruptcy of the LeNature company, a glass making firm. "Merle Hissem, of Latrobe, worked in LeNature's shipping department for eight years. "I hope they send all the white shirts to jail," he said, referring to company executives. "I hope Podlucky goes to jail for a while." - from the Tribune Review of 1 December 2006.
(27) Dennis A. Hissem (1950)Of Bensalem, Pennsylvania. Dennis A. Hissem was born on 17 February 1950. A Licensed Practical Nurse.
(27) Charles W. Hissem (1953)Of Pompano Beach, Florida. Charles W. Hissem was born on 28 March 1953.
(27) Randy Neil Hissem (1955)Of Stahlstown, R.D.1. He was born on 4 August 1955. He died in a house fire at the age of 35 on July 17, 1991.
"Randy N. Hissem, 35, of Route 30, Unity Township, died Wednesday, July 17, 1991, in a fire at his home. He was born Aug. 5, 1955, in Cook Township, a son of Laura A. Piper Hissem Cole of Latrobe and the late Merle W. Hissem Sr. He was an employee of Master-Lee Energy Services Corp. of Unity Township. He graduated from Derry Area Senior High School in 1973.
In addition to his mother, he is survived by seven brothers, Larry J. of Loyalhanna, Merle W. Jr. and Jeffery L., both of Latrobe, Dennis A. of Philadelphia, Charles W. of Boca Raton, Fla., Richard L. of South Greensburg, and David R. Hissem of Grapeville; five sisters, Nila Maxine Upholster of Greensburg, Pegg y A. Hildenbrand of Bradenville, Mrs. Richard (Cynthia) Barchesky of Derry, Di ane F. Hissem of Latrobe, and Mrs. Robert (Dorothy) Quinn of California, Md.; and several nieces and nephews. "
He had no children.
(27) Richard L. Hissem (1957)Of Greensburg, Pennsylvania. He was born on 22 August 1957. Richard was on the Dean's List at Seton Hill University of Greensburg in 2005. This is a Catholic Liberal Arts College. From the school's website:
"Richard Hissem, Greensburg, Pa.--Richard is a senior sales analyst with the Elliot Company. He obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in business from Seton Hill University in 2006."
"Richard Hissem, M.B.A., Business Administration" - the 2008/2009 graduating class at Seton Hill.
"Hi Steve,My name is Jamie Hissem, I am the daughter of Richard L. Hissem. I live in Greensburg, PA. My father is the grandson of Winfield Charles Hissem and the son of Merle Walton Hissem & Laura Piper Hissem Cole. My dad told me about your website and I wanted to thank you for all the neat history you provided. I enjoyed looking through the information and appreciate how much time you put into it. Most of the information was correct (my dad was born in 1957, went to Seton Hill College, and he does have four kids). Richard is the oldest then Matthew, myself and Ashley is the youngest). I just thought I would inform you of a few things:
Alec Hissem is my son, not my brother
Carrie Anne Hissem was not Merle Walton Hissems daughter, she was his grandaughter. Carrie was the daughter of Cynthia Hissem.(and you are correct, she did pass of leukemia)
Maxine Hissem-Upholster had two children named Alan & Amy (they both had children)
Larry Hissem has two sons, LJ & Shane. (they have children as well)
Peggy Hissem-Hildenbrand has two children named Chris & Jenny (Jenny has 2 kids)
Diane Hissem has two sons, Tom &Nathan (I believe Nathan has a child?)
Dorothy Hissem-Quinn had three children. Two girls and a boy. Her son passed away awhile back.
I just thought I would pass this information along incase you wanted to add it. Again, I thank you for the much enjoyed reading about my family.
Sincerely, Jamie Hissem"
His children are,
(28) Richard A. Hissem (c1979)
(28) Matthew Hissem
(28) Jamie Hissem
- (29) Alec, Jamie's son.
(28) Ashley Hissem, a Junior at West Chester University
Of Burlington, North Carolina. David R. Hissem was born on 15 June 1960. He may now live in West Brookfield and/or Spencer, Massachusetts, where his father settled. His wife may be Deborah J. They may have daughters,
(28) Angela J. Hissem
(28) Shirley L. Hissem
(28) Heather A. Hissem
David's twin, Diane Hissem was born on 15 June 1960. Of Cape Coral, Florida. A realtor or insurance agent. She married on 25 October 2013.
(27) Jeffrey L. Hissem (1962)Of Latrobe. He was born on 3 December 1962.
(27) Cynthia HissemOf Colorado. She married Richard Barchesky and had two boys and one girl. Their names are Joseph, Andrew and Carrie Ann.
(27) Dorothy Hissem (c1965)Of Maine. Dorothy Hissem attended Derry High School, in Derry, Pennsylvania from 1979 to 1983. She married a Quinn. A registered nurse. She might have been in the Army, the 133rd?
(26) Dorothy Jean Hissem (1930)She was born on 18 December 1930. She married Paul Harold Sheffler of New Alexandria; later of Blairsville.
I recently received the following email.
"Hello Steve -I stumbled upon your website this afternoon and was fascinated. I would fall into (28) generation.
Winfield Charles Hissem, married to Edna Mae Loughner, would be my great-grandfather. Edna died about one or two weeks after I was born (July 1970). They had both lived their final years under the care of their youngest daughter, my grandmother, Dorothy Jean Hissem, aka Mrs. Paul Harold Sheffler. Dorothy, still living, was born on Dec 18, 1930, not 1925 as stated on website.
Dorothy and Paul Sheffler (1929-1996) have two daughters:
(27) Rhonda K. Huffman (March 23, 1949), widow of Kenneth L. Huffman 1947-2010
(27) Kimberly D. (Mrs. Gary) Griffith, July 31 1959.Dorothy lives with daughter, Rhonda, my mother, in Rock Hill, SC, having left Blairsville in the early 1990s for retirement.
Rhonda and Ken Huffman had three children:
(28) Kenneth P. Huffman (April 11, 1967). 1st wife Kimberly Huffman; Current wife Jennison (Shields), living in Fayetteville, NC. No children.
(28) Brent Alan Huffman (June 24, 1970). Domestic Partner Aquiles Castro. Living in New York, NY and Cocoa, FL. No children.
(28) Shannon D. (Mrs. DJ) Doak (Dec 12, 1974) living in Blairsville, PA. Shannon and DJ Doak have three children:
- (29) Andrew "Drew" Douglas Doak, Feb 18, 1997
- (29) Cameron Elizabeth Doak, July 3, 1999
- (29) Ezekiel Doak 2009
Kimberly and Gary Griffith of Bowling Green, MO married in 2008, and have no children.I know this branches away from the Hissem tree, but thought it might be of interest to someone, somewhere down the line." - Brent-Alan Huffman
Dorothy Jean Hissem died on 23 October 2015. Her obituary,
"Dorothy Jean (Hissem) Sheffler, 84, of Rock Hill, S.C., formerly of Blairsville, passed away quietly Friday, Oct. 23, 2015, at her residence, surrounded by family. Born Dec. 18, 1930, in Penn Township, she was the youngest of six children, to Winfield C. Hissem and Edna May (Laughner) Hissem. She was a 1948 graduate of Derry Township High School. Dot married Paul H. Sheffler April 27, 1948. They enjoyed their 48 years together raising two daughters, camping, traveling and working in their upholstery shop until they retired to South Carolina in 1993. He preceded her in death Feb. 23, 1996. Also preceding her in death were her parents; five siblings, Clyde Hissem, Grace Klingensmith, Jay Hissem, Virginia McNaughton and Merle Hissem; son-in-law, Ken Huffman; and her canine companion, Baby Bear. Dorothy is survived by her daughters, Rhonda K. Huffman, of Rock Hill, and Kimberly Griffith (Gary), of Bowling Green, Mo.; three grandchildren, Kenny Huffman, of Fayetteville, N.C., Brent-Alan Huffman, of Cocoa, Fla., and Shannon Doak (DJ) of Blairsville; three great-grandchildren, Andrew, Cameron and Zeke Doak; her other canine companion, Scooter; several sisters-in-law; and numerous nieces and nephews. Dorothy had a variety of interests throughout her life and often took time out of her schedule to provide special care for those in need. She enjoyed cooking and visiting with family and especially looked forward to her favorite holiday, Thanksgiving. In her later years, she greatly enjoyed her pets and traveling."(25) Susanna Hissem (1892)
- from the "Greensburg Tribune Review" of 29 October to 6 November 2015
In the 1900 census of Ruffs Dale, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Susanna Hissem, 7 [December 1892]. Known as Anna. In the 1910 census of East Huntingdon township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Susannah Hissem, 17.
She married John Eslinger. They lived in Dunbar. She died in June 1958, aged 65.
(25) Harry Thomas Hissem (1895)He was born on 15 January 1895. In the 1900 census of Ruffs Dale, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Harry T. Hissem, 5 [January 1894]. In the 1910 census of East Huntingdon, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Harry Hissem, 15. He was living with his widowed mother, Mary Ann.
He registered for the draft on 5 June 1917. At the time he was living in Ruffsdale, East Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania. He was a laborer working in the Westmoreland Brick yards in Hisnefled [garbled], Pennsylvania. He was single and 22, and claimed he was the sole support of his mother, name not listed [Mary?]. He was described as of medium build and height, with gray eyes and brown hair.
In the 1920 census of East Huntingdon township as Harry T. Hissem, a 25 year old laborer on a steam railroad, living at home with his mother, Mary.
He married Margaret E. Bowser in about 1920. She was the daugther of James Irvin and Ann Mary Bowser. I think the following was our Mrs. Hissem and her sisters.
"Mrs. Harry Hissem and Misses Mae and Pearl Bowser spent Saturday in Greensburg." - from the 18 October 1926 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsyvania
In the 1930 census of East Huntingdon as Harry T. Hissem [Hissey in Ancestry.com], a 35 year old laborer in a brick yard. He owned a $3,000 house. Living with him were his wife, Margaret C., 30, and his mother, Mary A., 70. They had been married for 10 years, but I don't know of any children.
In 1931 Harry was hospitalized with diptheria.
In the 1940 census of East Huntingdon, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Harry Hissem, a 45 year old laborer in a brick yard. Living with him were his wife, Margaret, 40, his mother, Mary Ann, 80, and children, Harry B., 5, John W., 3, and Henry C., 4/12.
Harry Thomas Hissem, 47, of Ruffsdale, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania registered for the draft again on 27 April 1942. He worked at the Westmoreland Brickyard in Hunter [?], Pennsylvania. He was 5'4'' and weighed 185 pounds, with black hair and grey eyes.
"Harry Hissem
Harry Hissem, 50, a lifelong resident of Ruffsdale, died Friday morning at his home after a month's illness. He was a member and elder of the Reformed Church of Ruffsdale.
Besides his widow, Mrs. Margaret Bower [sic] Hissem, he is survived by three sons, Harry, Jr., John H., and Clay Hissem, all at home, a sister, Mrs. John Eslinger, Dunbar, and a brother, Winfield Hissem of New Alexandria." - from the 17 November 1945 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania.
Harry was buried in the Mount Lebanon United Methodist cemetery in Tarrs, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
Harry's children were,
(26) Harry Bowser Hissem Sr. (1935)
(26) John W. Hissem (1936)
(26) Henry Clay R. Hissem (1939)
"Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hissem of Alverton announce the birth of a son at Frick Memorial Hospital at Mount Pleasant yesterday morning." - from the 16 April 1935 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsyvania. His middle name was a tribute by his mother's family.
He married Glenda Loy. They are still living and he recently received honors for his 40+ years of service to the Latrobe Little League as an umpire.
Harry died on 31 January 2018. His obituary,
"Harry B. Hissem Sr., 82, of Latrobe, died Wednesday, January 31, 2018 at his home.
Born April 15, 1935 in Ruffs Dale, he was a son of the late Harry T. Hissem and Margaret (Bowser) Hissem.
Harry was a member of Bethel Lutheran Church, and prior to his retirement, he had been employed by the Latrobe Development Corporation. He was a life member of the American Slovak Society, Bradenville. Throughout his life, he enjoyed playing many sports, and in his later years he continued to bowl with the Latrobe Foundry Bowling league and golf in leagues at Ridgeview Golf Course. His love for sports led him to a 41 year tenure as an umpire for Latrobe Little League.
In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a son, Harry B. “Skip” Hissem Jr., and a brother, John W. Hissem.
Harry is survived by his wife of 64 years, Glenda L. (Hoffer) Hissem; one son, Paul T. Hissem, of Latrobe; three grandchildren, Jason, Ben, and Nathan Hissem; ten great-grandchildren; two great-great-granddaughters; a brother, Henry Clay Hissem, and his wife Polly, of Stahlstown; his sisters-in-law and brothers-in-law, Ethel Hissem, of Stahlstown, Carolyn Hackman, and her husband Roger, of Darlington, Kathy Papuga, and her husband Pat, of Derry, and Kenneth Hoffer, and his wife Carolyn, of Acme; he is also survived by several nieces and nephews."
His children were,
(27) Harry Bowser Hissem Jr. (1954)
(27) Paul Thomas Hissem (1957)
Harry Bowser Hissem Jr. was born on 27 July 1954.
"Truck Driver Hurt When Hit by Auto Chased by Police
. . . Police said Harry B. Hissem, 16, of Latrobe, being chased by Latrobe police, tried to turn onto Route 119 from a township road. Hohman, driver of an REA Experess tractor-trailer, suffered contusions and back injuries.
Latrobe police said the chase started when Hissem pulled into the Laurel Motors parking lot on North Ligonier St. which was staked out by police because it was the scene of recent burglaries." - from the 2 December 1970 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania.
Harry married Darlene Faye Haase, the daughter of Gerald Haase and Roberta Jean Long. Harry died on 27 July 1995 at the age of 41. His children were,
(28) Jason George Hissem (1973)
(28) Benjamin Wayne Hissem Sr. (1977)
The son of Harry Bowser Hissem. He was born on 22 September 1973. He married Teresa Marie Platt, of Derry. She was born on 4 October 1974. He's a motorcycle mechanic, located in Latrobe, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
(29) Shelby Jay Hissem (1993)(28) Jason George Hissem (1973)
She was born on 2 October 1993.
(29) Jason George Hissem Jr. (1997)(28) Jason George Hissem (1973)
He was born on 25 October 1997.
(29) Cara Marie Hissem (2002)(28) Jason George Hissem (1973)
She was born on 25 August 2002.
(28) Benjamin Wayne Hissem Sr. (1977)The son of Harry Bowser Hissem. He was born on 15 November 1977. He married Donna Barhart on 8 September 2001 in Twin Lakes, Unity township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. May be 'of' Latrobe, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Apparently he won $1000 in the state lottery.
(29) Benjamin Wayne Hissem Jr. (2000)(28) Benjamin Wayne Hissem Sr. (1977)
He was born on 9 February 2000.
(29) Taylor Casandra Hissem (2000)(28) Benjamin Wayne Hissem Sr. (1977)
Benjamin's twin. She married an Undzicker.
(29) Maddison Mae Hissem(28) Benjamin Wayne Hissem Sr. (1977)
(27) Paul Thomas Hissem (1957)
Of Latrobe. He was born in December 1957. A High School football and baseball player. A football coach for 25 years.
(28) Nathan Allen Hissem(27) Paul Thomas Hissem
Nate Hissem of Latrobe. A college baseball player.
(26) John W. Hissem (1936)He was born on 2 November 1936 in Ruffsdale, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. In the 1940 census of East Huntingdon, Westmoreland county as John W. Hissem, 3.
"John W. Hissem, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hissem of Ruffsdale is getting along nicely after an appendicitis operation at Frick Memorial Hospital." - from the 18 March 1944 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania.
A John Hissem of Stahlstown was admitted to the Latrobe hospital for treatment on 23 July 1952.
John W. Hissem married Ethel B. Tinkey. She was born on 15 May 1939.
In October 1960 he and his wife had a daughter. In October 1967 they had a son.
In a 2007 record, living at the same address in Stahlstown are John W. Hissem (1936), Henry C. Hissem (1937), Ethel B. Hissem (1939), Clay Hissem, Clay R. Hissem, Mark Hissem, and Ethel R. Hissem. I have another document which shows a shared address between Henry C. Hissem (1937), Clay, Mark, Randy W. (1968) and Tenna M. (1968).
I have a reference to a Teena Hissem who was a Food Service Worker (temporary) new hire on 23 March 2006 in Westmoreland county.
John W. Hissem died on 16 April 2014 in Latrobe.
"John W. Hissem, Sr. 77, of Stahlstown passed away Wednesday, April 16, 2014 in Excela Health Latrobe Hospital. He was born November 2, 1936 in Ruffsdale a son of the late Harry T. and Margaret Bowser Hissem. Prior to his retirement John worked as a Heavy Equipment Operator for Ripepi's in Monongahela. He was a member of the Stahlstown Senior Citizens and was Protestant by faith. John is survived by his loving wife of 29 years Ethel B. Tinkey Hissem, his children John Hissem and fiancee Stacie, Susan Hixson and husband David and Frances Will and husband Mark all of Ligonier, Kevin Hissem and fiancee Wanda of Acme, David Hissem and wife RoniSue of Mt. Pleasant, Karen Wemer and husband Tim of Dacula, GA., Richard Nedrow and fiancee Dawn of Indian Head, Tammy Shawley and Brian Hunt of Stahlstown, and Kimberly Eicher and husband Chris of Mt. Pleasant, his 24 grandchildren, numerous great grandchildren, his brothers Harry Hissem and wife Glenda of Latrobe and Henry Clay Hissem and wife Polly of Stahlstown, and his sister-in-law and brother-in-law Shirley and Kerm Miller of Lore City, OH."
John's children were,
(27) John O. Hissem, fiancee Stacie, of Ligonier
(27) Susan Hissem, married David Hixson, of Ligonier
(27) Frances Hissem, married Mark Will, of Ligonier
(27) Kevin M. Hissem, fiancee Wanda, of Acme
(27) David A. Hissem (c1970), married RoniSue Reese, of Mount Pleasant. They have two sons and two daughters [Kylie, Jessica].
(27) Karen Hissem, married Tim Wemer, of Dacula, Georgia
(27) Richard Nedrow [?], fiancee Dawn, of Indian Head
(27) Tammy Shawley [?], married Brian Hunt, of Stahlstown
(27) Kimberley Hissem, married Chris Eicher, of Mount Pleasant
Henry Clay Hissem, the son of Harry T. Hissem and Margaret Bowers, was born on 3 December 1939. He married Polly A. Kalp on 7 June 1968. Of Stahlstown, Pennsylvania.
Henry died on 17 May 2020.
"Henry Clay Hissem, 80, of Stahlstown, passed away unexpectedly Sun. May 17, 2020 at his home. He was born Dec. 3, 1939 in Ruffsdale a son of the late Harry T. and Margaret Bowers Hissem. Henry had started work a as a Foreman for Davidson Stone Quarry and then went to work for Coolspring Stone Company. He then worked 7 years at Lowe's in Latrobe before his retirement. He was a member of the Stahlstown United Methodist Church. He liked woodworking, spending time at his cabin in Potter County, gardening and canning vegetables.
Henry will be sadly missed but fondly remembered by his loving wife of 53 years Polly Kalp Hissem, his children Bonnie Walak and husband Richard of Latrobe and Randy Hissem and wife Rebecca of Stahlstown, his grandchildren Tara Coffman, Gregory Coffman, Jr. and wife Lindsay, Joshua Coffman and wife Susan,Kayla VanDyke, Brittney Hissem, and Cody Hissem, his great grandchildren Dilyn Myers, Hannah Thomas, Madison Coffman, and Austin Coffman, his sisters-in-law Glenda Hissem of Latrobe and Ethel Hissem of Stahlstown, and several nieces and nephews. In addition to his parents Henry was predeceased by his brothers John and Harry Hissem and Margaret Baker and her family ,who raised him."
Henry's wife, Paula, died on 15 August 2020.
His children were,
(27) Bonnie Hissem, she married Richard Walak
(27) Randy W. Hissem, he married Rebecca
- (28) Brittney Hissem
- (28) Cody Hissem
Schuyler Colfax Hissem, the son of Thomas Hissem and Susannah Magdalena Klingensmith, was born on 27 March 1868 in Salem township, Westmoreland county. In the 1870 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania is Schuyler C. Hissem, 2. In the 1880 census as Schuyler Colfax Hissem, 12. I suspect his father's politics were showing, see below.
![]() A newspaper owner who helped found the Republican Party. In 1854 he was elected to the House of Representatives and became the Speaker of the House from 1863 to 1869. Vice President of the United States during President U.S. Grant's first term. His involvement in the Credit Mobilier scandal, which was associated with the building of the Union Pacific Railroad, brought disrepute to Colfax and the Republican party. He did not serve in the second Grant administration. |
Schuyler C. Hissem, a 21 year old farmer, the son of Thomas and Susanna Hissem, married Zulia S. Shuster [Zula Schuster], 19, the daughter of John and Anna Shuster, on 3 October 1889 in Salem township, Westmoreland county. Anna was John Shuster's second wife, his first, Margaret, having died circa 1865. John Shuster provided consent for his daughter to marry. The Reverend C. L. Halloway officiated at the wedding. The 'S' in Zulia's name refers to Satiah - from the record of the birth of her children, Lloyd Sylvester and Charles Raymond Hissem. Zulie/Zulia is a rare name. Satiah was the wife of Pharoah Thutmose III. A descendant claims that she was "Zula Sitia of the Black Foot tribe."
Zulie Shuster, 2/12, was in the 1870 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, the daughter of John and Annie Shuster, of Pennsylvania. She was described as being W[hite]. The 'Mar' notation for Zulie was her month of birth. By the way, the Shusters and Hissems were near-neighbors. In 1850 John Shewster was was living in nearby Hempfield township, in Westmoreland county. In 1860 the Thomas Hissem family was on the next page of the Salem, Westmoreland county census. In 1870 they were the next previous entry to the Shusters. In 1880 the Shusters were the next family listed after the Hissems. There is a John Shuster (1821-1893) buried in the Eastview Union cemetery, Delmont, Westmoreland county. Sharing his tombstone was Anna Shuster (1838-1873), Catherine Shuster (1838-1891) and Nannie E. Shuster (1872-1900). Schuyler and Zulie Hissem are buried nearby, as are a blizzard of Shusters.
In the 1900 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county as Schuyler C. Hissem [Hiss* in Ancestry.com], a 33 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Zulie S., 30 [March 1870], and children, Cora, 8 [September 1891], Ella, 6 [July 1893], and the twins, Robert W., 3 [August 1896], and Lloyd S., 3 [August 1896]. Also living with Schuyler was his sister-in-law, Nannie Shuster, 28.
Circa 1900 S. C. Hissem of Geary, Pennsylvania had pigs of the American Duroc-Jersey breed - from the "American Duroc-Jersey Record" of 1900. In 1906 he had American Yorkshire breed pigs, per the journal of that association. In 1907 S. C. Hissem of Greensburg, Pennsylvania had Jersey cattle.
In the 1910 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Schuyler C. Hissun [sic], as 42 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Zulie S., 42, and children, Cora E., 18, Ella M., 16, Robert W., 13 [?], and Lloyd S., 13, and grandson, Charles Bennett, 4. Who was this grandson and where could he have come from? Since his last name is not Hissem, was this a child of Cora? Ella would be too young, wouldn't she?
In the 1920 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county as S.C. Hissem [Hissen in Ancestry.com], a 50 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Julia [sic, though clearly written as such], 48, and children, Cora [Corona, garbled], 23, Ella, 25, Robert, 19 [?], and Loyd, 19 [?]. I can not explain these age discrepancies. What happened to Charles?
In the 1930 census of Salem as Schyler Hissem, a 62 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Zulie, 60, and a grandson, Charles Hissem, a 24 year old farm laborer. Is this the Charles Bennett of 1910? Is this the Charles R. Hissem, below?
In the 1940 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as S.C. Hissem, a 72 year old farmer. Living with him was his wife, Zulie, 70.
Zulie died in 1943 and Schuyler died in 1945. They were buried in the Eastview Union cemetery in Delmont, Westmoreland county.
His children were,
(25) Cora E. Hissem (1891)
(25) Ella M. Hissem (1893)
(25) Robert William Hissem (1896)
(25) Lloyd Sylvester Hissem (1896-twin)
(25) Charles Raymond Hissem (1905), born 28 May 1905, the son of Schuyler C. and Zulie Satiah Hissem per a delayed birth certificate filed in 1942; not in the 1910/1920 census; a Charles Hissem was listed as a grandson in 1930; died 14 May 1990, buried Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. This may be (26) Charles R. [Bennett] Hissem (1905), below
Cora E. Hissem was born on 15 September 1891. In the 1900 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Cora Hissem [Hiss in Ancestry.com], 8 [September 1891]. In the 1910 census of Salem as Cora E. Hissem, 18.
Cora Hissem, a trained nurse, the daughter of Schuyler Hissem, a farmer, and Zulie Schuster, married Charles Enos, a painter, the son of Alexander Enos, a farmer, and Emma Schelander, deceased, on 22 April 1916 in Huntington county, Indiana. The Reverend Noah McCoy officiated at the wedding.
Cora Hissem "was wedded Saturday evening [22 April 1916] to Charles Enos, of near Centenary, at the McEntarfer home, Rev. Noah McCoy, of South Whitley, officiating. The bride, a daughter of Schuyler Hissem, of Pennsylvania, came west three years ago and after spending three years in a Chicago hospital, received a diploma as a trained nurse. She followed her work until a year ago, when she was stricken with pneumonia and went to the McEntarger home. Mr. Enos is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Enos, and is a progressive young farmer with a large acquaintance." - from the Fort Wayne, Indiana News of 27 April 1916
Charles Enos was born on 27 October 1890 in Noble county, Indiana.
In the 1920 census of Highland Park, Wayne county, Michigan in which there is a Charles H. and Cora E. Enos. This Cora was the right age and she and her parents were from Pennsylvania. Charles was from Indiana. They remained in Highland Falls at least through the 1930 census. However, there was also a daughter Cora living with Schuyler Hissem in Salem in 1920. Perhaps she was visiting.
I think the following is the illegitimate child of Cora.
(26) Charles R. [Bennett] Hissem (1905)Charles R. Hissem was born on 28 May 1905. I believe he is the Charles Bennet, 4, of the 1910 census, the grandson of Schuyler C. Hissem. I think Cora the most likely parent for Charles, the boy being born when she was just 14. There was a Charles Harvey Bennett, the son of David G. Bennett and Kate Mary Almes, who was born in 1885 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. Greensburg is in Salem township. By 1919 Charles Harvey Bennett was in New York City. Was Charles Hissem Bennet named for his errant father and did he drop the Bennett when his father dropped him?
In the 1920 census . . .
In the 1930 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county as Charles Hissem, a 24 year old farm laborer. He was living with his grandfather, Schyler Hissem, 62, and grandmother, Julie, 60. Another possibility is that Charles was adopted or was Schuyler's son through a liaison, this fact being hidden under the title of grandson.
Charles married Violet F. in 1930. She was born on 24 May 1914.
In the 1940 census . . .
Charles died on 14 May 1990. He was buried in the St. Johns Union cemetery in Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland county. He had a son, Ross.
(25) Charles R. Hissem (1905)
Ross Hissem was born on 5 November 1931.
"Three Minor Operations
Ross Hissem, 16 years old [1932], son of Charles R. Hissem of New Stanton . . . " - from the 7 June 1948 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania
In the 1940 census . . .
He enlisted in the Army on 8 February 1949.
"Recruit Ross C. Hissem, who received his basic training at Fort Knox, Ky., is spending a 10-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Hissem of New Stanton. He will attend a mechanic school at Lee Hall, Va." - from the 27 April 1949 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania.
Ross was stationed in Japan in 1950, serving 28 months in Tokyo, then transferred to Sapporo, in northern Japan. He was a truck driver for the 36th Ordnance Depot Company. He was discharged on 30 August 1952.
Ross was engaged to Doris Leeper, the daughter of Kenneth E. Leeper of Youngwood, in January 1953. In December 1954 they had a daughter.
Doris died on 30 June 2001. Her obituary:
"Doris Leeper Hissem, 68, of Greensburg, died Saturday, June 30, 2001, at her home. She born Sept. 5, 1932, in Youngwood, a daughter of Annabell Trout Leeper of Youngwood and the late Kenneth Leeper. She is survived by her husband, Ross Hissem; a daughter, Robin Hissem Lewis; a grandson, Chris Lewis and his wife, Marianne, of Crabtree; a sister, Janet Leeper Bukes and husband, Milton, of Arizona; and several aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews."
They apparently had just the one daughter, Robin. Ross died on 27 July 2003 in Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. He was buried in the St. Johns Union cemetery in Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland county.
A Robin Lynn Hissam married Sean [Lewis?] on 28 April 1984. He was born on 22 September 1964.
(25) Ella M. Hissem (1893)In the 1900 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Ella Hissem [Hiss in Ancestry.com], 6 [July 1893]. In the 1910 census of Salem as Ella M. Hissem, 16. In the 1920 census of Salem as Ella Hissem [Hassen in Ancestry.com], 25.
(25) Robert William Hissem (1896)Robert William Hissem, the son of Schuyler Colfax Hissem, was born on 23 August 1896 [his tombstone shows 1897]. In the 1900 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Robert W. Hissem [Hiss in Ancestry.com], 3 [August 1896]. In the 1910 census of Salem as Robert W. [M. in Ancestry.com] Hissem, 13.
Robert William Hissem, the son of Schuyler Colfax Hissem, registered for the draft in 1917 at the age of 21. He was of a medium height and build, his eyes were blue and his hair was dark brown. He was living at RFD No. 3, Greensburg, Pennsylvania, on the family farm. It was Robert's grandfather, Thomas, who first moved to Greensburg. Robert was employed by the Jameson Coal Company, pit no. 3, on Forbes road.
He joined the Navy on 22 July 1918 and did basic training at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center, in North Chicago, Illinois, becoming a Fireman - that is he worked in the boiler room of a ship, servicing the fire. He was discharged on 28 March 1919.
In the 1920 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Robert Hissem [Hassen in Ancestry.com], 19, living at home. He should have been 23. There is a mark-out on the census, lining out the the original age, which appears to be 29, but this is also wrong. Perhaps line-out makes the 3 look like a 9.
Robert married Goldie Marie Sams, the daughter of Benjamin and Marie Sams.
In the 1930 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Robert Hissem, a 33 year old laborer at odd jobs. Living with him were his wife, Goldie, 25, and children, Margaret, 8, and Lawrence, 5.
In the 1940 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Robert W. Hissem, a 43 year old auto mechanic. Living with him were his wife, Goldie M., 36, and children, Margaret S., an 18 year old servant to a private family, Lawrence W., 15, and Robert R., 8.
Robert died on 24 May 1940 and was buried in the Westmoreland county Memorial Park in Greensburg.
His children were,
(26) Margaret S. Hissem (1922)
(26) Lawrence William Hissem (1925)
(26) Robert Roy Hissem (1932)
Of Youngwood, Pennsylvania. She married a Steiner.
(26) Lawrence William Hissem (1925)Lawrence was born on 6 January 1925. In the 1930 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Lawrence Hissem, 5, living with his parents, Robert and Goldie Hissem,. In the 1940 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Lawrence W. Hissem, 15.
The following is from Rod Badger of Edmonds, Washington. His wife is the daughter of Lawrence William Hissem.
"Lawrence William Hissem b. 1925 became the sole support of his family upon his Father's early demise, performing any sort of work he could find for money or goods in barter. He entered service in the U.S. Navy in the early part of 1942, completed Basic Training at the Training Center (quartered in the same barracks as his Father) at Great Lakes Naval Base, North Chicago, IL and completed Fireman Training there. He attended gunnery school and was assigned to the merchant vessel SS Arlyn, which was attacked and sunk by a pair of German submarines in the Bele Isle Straights between Labrador and Nova Scotia, CA on 27 Aug 1942. After recovery, he was assigned again to another vessel, which was attacked and sunk on the convoy run to Murmansk in the spring of 1943. While serving in the South Pacific in the fall of 1944, his vessel was sunk by a Japanese submarine. Consequent to these sinkings, the majority of his military record is lost as his personnel records were aboard the vessels, which were lost to enemy attack. He was present for the Japanese surrender ceremony aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay though not assigned to that vessel. He left the Navy in 1946, married and settled in North Chicago, IL. In 1962, he remanded to the community of Duck Lake, IL with his wife and three children. He was civically active in community affairs, served as a member of the Board of Education of Grant Community HS and Board of Directors Lake County Community College (IL) for many years.
Lawrence William Hissem and his wife, Jane Francis Marks, are alive and currently reside in Florida." - from the "Journal of Recollections of Lawrence William Hissem, b. 6 Jan 1925" (unpublished).
A reporter, Joe Crankshaw, interviewed Larry in about 2005.
"The sailorLarry Hissem joined the Navy in September 1941, stretching his 16 years into 17 to fool the recruiters. He thought it would be fun. And it was, if you think it's fun being on the crew of three separate Liberty ships sunk by German submarines in the Atlantic.
A native of New Stanton, Pa., Hissem, now 80 and living in Port St. Lucie, was at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. He was assigned as a member of a Navy Armed Guard unit serving with the civilian Merchant Marine.
The baptism by fire came in a 20-ship convoy sailing to Greenland through the Belle Isle Straits on Aug. 27, 1942. "The subs were waiting," he said. "We were the first ship hit." The crew piled overboard onto a tiny raft made up of four 55-gallon oil drums and some planking. "There were 19 of us hanging on the first day," he said. As the men floated, they watched the submarines methodically sink 18 of the ships and damage the other two. There were hundreds of men in the water, swimming in the frigid waters for the nearby Canadian shore.
After two days, and the deaths of 15 of the men on the raft from exposure, a Norwegian freighter picked up the four remaining men. Hissem was sent back to the States, given 20 days leave and promptly assigned to the Armed Guard on a freighter ferrying supplies to Russia through the gauntlet of German subs, attack boats and aircraft known as the Murmansk run.
The ship didn't make it past the North Sea. After a few hours in the water, he was picked up by a British lifesaving crew.
The next ship he was assigned to was ferrying troops and materials in the Mediterranean when he got some memorable advice from a soldier he never saw again after landing him in Africa. "I came into the cabin and found a black man on his knees with his head in the lower bunk. I asked him what he was doing. "After a while, he stood up and said, 'You ought not interrupt a man at his prayers.' He then convinced me that I ought to be praying too, and I did from then on." It might have helped.
After unloading the troops in North Africa, his ship was sunk in the Mediterranean. Within hours, Hissem was picked up by another vessel in the convoy." - from Scripps Treasure Coast Newspapers
To find the recordings of Larry's interview, search www1.tcpalm.com.
He lived for a time in Ingleside, Illinois, but now appears to be of Port St. Lucie, Florida. Larry also appears to be an amateur gemologist and a member of the St. Lucie County Rock and Gem Club.
Lawrence W. Hissem died on 8 January 2012. His obituary,
"Lawrence W. Hissem, 87 of Port Saint Lucie, Florida passed away January 8, 2012 at his residence. Mr. Hissem was born in New Stanton, Pennsylvania, son of Robert William and Goldie Marie Hissem. Mr. Hissem came to Port Saint Lucie from Ingleside, Illinois in 1988. He retired after 33 years with International Harvester were he worked as Vehicle Maintenance Supervisor. Mr. Hissem was a veteran of the U.S. Navy serving in World War II; a member of the First Congregational Church of Port Saint Lucie; the American Legion Post #40 in Fort Pierce, Florida; the Port Saint Lucie Anglers Club, and the Rock and Gem Society of Port Saint Lucie. He is survived by his wife of 66 years, Jane Frances Marks Hissem; daughters, Sharon Badger (Rod) of Edmonds, Washington and Barbara Becker (Alan) of Ingleside, Illinois; son, Bill L. Hissem (Robyn) of Port Saint Lucie, Florida; four grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and a sister, Margaret Steinar of Youngwood, Pennsylvania."
Larry and Jane's children were,
(27) Sharon Ann Marie Hissem (1948)
(27) William Lawrence Hissem Jr. (1952)
(27) Barbara Hissem (1953)
She was born in 1948 in Waukegan, Lake county, Illinois. She married Rod Badger of Edmonds, Washington in April 2005 and currently resides there. Much of the information in this section was provided by Rod Badger of Edmonds, Washington.
"It is my sad duty to report the death of Sharon Ann Hissem Yeoward Badger on 21 Oct 2017 at her home." - from R. H. Badger(27) William Lawrence Hissem (1952)
William was born on 23 February 1952 in Waukegan, Lake county, Illinois. He resided in Port Saint Lucie, Florida, like his father, above. William Lawrence Hissem was married on 6 February 1988 in St. Lucie county, Florida.
William L. Hissem died on 7 May 2013. His obituary,
"William "Bill" Hissem, 61, of Port St. Lucie, died unexpectedly on May 7, 2013 at St. Lucie Medical Center.
Bill was born in Waukegan, Illinois. He has been a resident of Port St. Lucie for the past 28 years coming from Fox Lake, IL. He was a metal fabricator working for Turner Machines in Fort Pierce for 17 years. He was a Naval Reservist that served four years active duty during Vietnam. Bill enjoyed fishing, boating, and was especially good at fixing and building anything.
Bill is survived by his wife of 25 years Robbyn Flint; son Brian Hissem of Illinois; grandson Joe Hissem; mother Jane Hissem of Port St. Lucie; and sisters Sharon Badger and her husband Rod of Edmonds, WA, and Barbara Becker and her husband Alan of Ingleside, IL.
He was preceded in death by his father Lawrence Hissem."
His children were,
(28) Brian J. Hissem (c1986)
Of Downers Grove, Illinois. He attended Johnsburg High School and Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. He is married to LeAnn Evans. He is a sales rep for the ProGro company.
"Brian has been in the green industry for over 20 years. He graduated from Southern Illinois University with a Bachelors Degree in Plant and Soil Science. His experience ranges from managing landscape maintenance divisions, to heading up IDOT/Tollway seeding projects, to managing a distribution sales territory for 18 years. Brian will be a sales representative for ProGro in the Chicagoland area."
His son is,
- (29) Joe Hissem (c2002)
She was born in 1953 in Waukegan, Lake county, Illinois. She married Alan Becker of Ingleside, Illinois.
(26) Robert Roy Hissem (1932)Robert Roy Hissem was born on 25 February 1932. In the 1940 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Robert R. Hissem, 8, living with his parents, Robert W. and Goldie M. Hissem.
Robert R. Hissem of Youngwood was called before the Westmoreland county draft board for his pre-induction physical on 20 November 1952.
Robert died on 7 May 2009. His obituary.
"Robert R. Hissem, 77 of 114 Sechan Drive, Portersville, [western Pennsylvania] passed away on Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 1:56 PM in Butler Memorial Hospital.
Robert was born on February 25, 1932 in New Stanton, PA to the late Robert W. and Goldie Sams Hissem. A 1951 Youngwood High School graduate, Robert was a Veteran of the Korean War, serving in the US Army. He was the manager of Beneficial Finance in Ellwood City for 30 years and retired as a manager from the First Seneca Bank Dealer's Center in 1988. He worked part time during his retirement as a dealer chauffeur at the Butler Auto Auction. He was an active member of the Moraine Preservation Society and served as Captain of the Nautical Nature boat at Moraine State Park for the past 14 years.
He is survived by his wife, the former Patricia Laird, whom he married January 26, 1952, 2 sons, Douglas and Terry Hissem, both of Portersville, his grandchildren, Sonya and Scott Rau of Butler, Schuyler Hissem of New Castle, a step-granddaughter, Mikayla Davis of New Castle, 3 great-grandchildren, Elijah, Isaiah and Jonah Rau, a sister, Margaret Steiner of Youngwood, PA, a brother and sister-in-law, Larry and Jane Hissem of Port St. Lucie, FL, and several nieces and nephews."
Patricia's obituary.
Della Patricia Hissem, 82 of Portersville passed away at her residence on Thursday, April 3, 2014 at 6:50 PM.
Born in Greensburg, PA on April 19, 1931, Della was the daughter of the late Thomas and Bessie Olive Greenwalt Laird. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert R. Hissem on May 7, 2009. They were married on January 26, 1952. She was a former member of the Ellwood City Lioness Club and a member of the Youngwood High School Class of 1951.
Surviving are her 2 sons and their fiances, Douglas Hissem and Mary Jo Weir and Terry Hissem and Monika Seegler all of Portersville, Grandchildren, Sonya and Scott Rau of Buckeye, AZ, Schuyler Hissem of New Castle, a step-granddaughter, Mikayle Davis of New Castle and 3 great grandchildren, Elijah, Isaiah and Jonah Rau and a niece, Patty Crossland of Greensburg.
Besides her parents and husband Della was preceded in death by 2 sisters, Jean Laird and Betty Haun and a brother, Bill Laird.
His children were,
(27) Douglas Ray Hissem (1955)
(27) Terry R. Hissem (1960)
Douglas Ray Hissem was born on 15 June 1955. Ellwood City and Portersville, Pennsylvania. He must have a previous marriage [Diana Lee?]. As of 2014 his fiance was Mary Jo Weir.
- (28) Sonya Hissem, married Scott Rau, of Buckeye, Arizona
-- (29) Elijah, Isaiah and Jonah Rau
- (28) Schuyler Hissem (2000), of New Castle, went to Shenango High School
Terry R. Hissem was born on 28 November 1960. Of Portersville, Pennsylvania. Terry Hissem was in the 1979 graduating class of Ewing Park Elementary School in Ellwood city, Pennsylvania. He attended from 1975 to 1979. I believe he now lives in Pittsburgh. His fiancee is Monika Seegler.
"Terry R. Hissem, 55, of Sechan Drive, Portersville, passed away unexpectedly in his residence on Monday, February 22, 2016
Born in Greensburg, PA, on November 28, 1960, Terry was the son of the late Robert and Della Laird Hissem. He was a 1979 graduate of Lincoln High School in Ellwood City. Terry was a sports fanatic and he enjoyed bowling and golfing.
Terry is survived by his fiancee, Monika Seegler, at home; a brother, Douglas Hissem and his fiancee, Mary Jo Weir, of Portersville; a niece, Sonya (Scott) Rau of Buckeye, AZ, and a nephew, Schuyler Hissem of New Castle. Terry also leaves behind his three dogs, Einie, Chipper and Sammy, and his cat, Moe." - from the "Ellwood City Ledger" of 24 February 2016
Terry had no children.
(25) Lloyd Sylvester Hissem (1896)Robert William's twin brother. He was born on 23 August 1896. In the 1900 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Lloyd S. Hissem [Hiss in Ancestry.com], 3 [August 1896]. In the 1910 census of Salem as Lloyd S. Hissem, 13, living at home with his parents, Schuyler C. and Julie S. Hissem.
Lloyd married Mary Verna Holtzer on 27 November 1917 in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
Lloyd Sylvester Hissem registered for the draft on 5 June 1918 at the age of 21. He was living at RFD No. 3, Greensburg, Pennsylvania with his father, Schuyler, on the family farm. While Robert William worked in the mines, Lloyd worked on his father's farm. His wife was listed as Mary Verna Hissem. His description says only that he had blue eyes and dark brown hair.
In the 1920 City Directory of Greensburg, Pennsylvania as "Hissem Lloyd, chauf Mrs. Alice Rohrbacher." The couple appear to have separated soon after.
In the 1920 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Loyd Hissem [Hassen in Ancestry.com], 1 [?], living on his father's farm. His age should have been 23. His twin brother showed up at 19 years old. Did they somehow forget to write the 9 for Lloyd? Where are Mary Verna and Paul?
In the 1930 census of Salem township, Westmoreland county, Pennsyvlania as Loyd Hissem, a 33 year old janitor in a Public School. Living with him was his second wife, Muriel, 39. They had been married 3 years previous. Lawrence's wife, Mary, 30, and children, Erma, 11, and Paul Hissem, 8, were living with Catharine Holtzer, 54, his mother-in-law, in Hempfield townnship.
In the Canton, Ohio City Directory of 1932 as "Hissem Lloyd S [Edith] barber 418 Waynesburg rd S E h 458 same." Below is a barber shop of the period. Lloyd's son, Earl, was born in Canton, Stark county, Ohio in 1934.
I have a Lloyd S. Hissem, a barber, living in Canton, Ohio in 1936, with his wife Edith E. He and Edith were still in Canton in 1938 & 1939.
In the 1940 census of Hillsborough, Florida as Lloyd S. Hissem, a 43 year old barber. Living with him were his wife, Edith, 40, and children, Donald, 16, and Earl, 6.
In the 1945 state census of Hillsborough, Florida as L.S. Hissem, a 48 year old P. Farm[er], of Pennsylvania. He had a high school education. Living with him were his wife, Edith E., a 45 year old H Wife, and son, Earl, 11, in the 5th grade, both of Ohio. By 1950 they were living in Lakeland, Polk county, Florida, residing at "730 College av."
Edith Elizabeth Hissem died in February 1959 in Polk county, Florida.
Lawrence then married, for a fourth time, Ella M. in July 1960 in Lake county, Florida. He divorced her in March 1963 in Lake county, Florida. He married again in January 1965.
Lloyd died in June 1968 in Leesburg, Lake county, Florida.
The children of Lloyd and Mary Verna Holtzer,
(26) Erma Hissem (1919)
(26) Paul Lloyd Hissem (1921)
The children of Lloyd and Muriel,
(26) Donald Hissem (1924)
The children of Lloyd and Edith,
(26) Earl A. Hissem (1934)
In the 1920 census . . . In the 1930 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Erma Hissem, 11, living with her mother, Mary, and grandmother, Catharine Holtzer. In the 1940 census . . .
Irma Miriam Hissem, the daughter of Lloyd S. Hissem and Mary V. Holtzer, married Delmar E. Treon, 23, the son of Wm. E. Treon and Bertha M. Cooper, on 18 April 1942 in Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania.
(26) Paul Lloyd Hissem (1921)Paul Lloyd Hissem, the son of Lloyd Sylvester Hissem and Mary Verna Holtzer, was born on 12 June 1920 (per a Pennsylvania Burial Card) or 1921 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania per his marriage certifiate. In the 1930 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Paul Hissem, 8. He was living with his mother, Mary, and sister, Erma, in the house of his grandmother, Catherine Holtzer. In the 1940 census . . .
He was in the Army in WWII from 9 October 1942 to 11 December 1945, a PFC.
Paul Lloyd Hissem, 26, a laborer, born in Hempfield township, Pennsylvania, the son of Lloyd Hissem and Mary Holtzer, married Genevieve Conte, 25, a Physician's assistant, born on 31 July 1921, in Freeport, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Pasquale C. Conte and Philemena Nozzolilla, on 9 August 1947 in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. The Reverend Robert H. Little officiated at the wedding. Note that Paul was unsure of his father's place of birth or occupation reflecting the separation between his parents.
Paul died on 1 February 1991 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and was buried in the Sunset View cemetery.
"Paul L Hissem, 69, of Oakmont died of heart failure yesterday at St. Margaret Memorial Hospital. Mr. Hissem was a buyer for the Fred B. Heiser Co., a food supplier for the work trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad from 1970 to 1985. Before . . ." - from the "Pittsburgh Post-Gazette" of 2 February 1991
Genevieve Hissem, 96, died on 18 December 2016.
"Hissem Genevieve C. "Aunt Gen"(26) Donald Hissem (1924)
On Sunday, December 18, 2016, at age 96, of Oakmont. Beloved wife of the late Paul Hissem. She resided in Oakmont with her nephew, Bill Jacka, along with his wife, Donna, and their daughters, Jessica and Charlene, where she filled the role as their grandmother. She was survived by many nieces and nephews and was referred by many as Aunt Gen. Also preceded in death by her eight siblings. Mrs. Hissem was a 50-year member of the Eastern Star, worked with the Rainbow Girls and served many years as Worthy Matron. She was an active member of the Oakmont United Methodist Church and the United Methodist Women."
In the 1930 census . . . In the 1940 census of Hillsborough, Florida as Donald Hissem, 16. He was living with his parents, Lloyd S. Hissem, a 43 year old barber, and step-mother? Edith, 40, and brother Earl, 6. This is the only evidence I have for Donald's existence.
(26) Earl A. Hissem (1934)Earl A. Hissem, the son of Lloyd Sylvester Hissem and Muriel?, was born on 6 April 1934 in Canton, Stark county, Ohio. In the 1940 census of Hillsborough, Florida as Earl Hissem, 6. He was living with his parents, Lloyd S. Hissem, a 43 year old barber, and Edith, 40, and his brother, Donald, 16. In the 1945 State census of Hillsborough as Earl, 11, living with his parents, L.S. and Edith E. His brother, Donald, was not there.
Earl A. Hissem died on 21 May 2012 in Florida. His obituary,
"LAKELAND - Earl A. Hissem, 78, of Lakeland, passed away May 21, 2012 from injuries sustained in an auto accident. Earl was born in Canton, OH, moved to Lakeland as a child, and has been a resident for over 70 years. Earl retired in the mid 1990s after 45 years with FMC, a citrus equipment company. He was a member of Grace Lutheran Church, the Optimist Club, and enjoyed spending time in his workshop. He is survived by his loving wife of 58 years Jacqueline, a son Kevin and wife Maria, a daughter Karen DeMichael and husband Carmine, five grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren."
Jacqueline Wood Hissem, who was born on 26 January 1936, died on 7 June 2012.
"Jacqueline Wood Hissem, 76, of Lakeland, passed away June 7, 2012 due to complications of a stroke. Mrs. Hissem was born in Haines City Jan. 25, 1936, and was married to Earl Hissem on June 12, 1954. She started working as a school nurse in Leesburg and finished her career as a school secretary at the Rochelle School of the Arts. She retired from the Polk County School Board in 1994 where she found so many loving friends in the 23 years she worked there. She was a member of Grace Lutheran Church, Lakeland. She was a wonderful wife, mother, and grandmother. She was a very talented seamstress; she never found anything she could not make. She was an avid gardener, and the neighbors always said she had the prettiest yard in the neighborhood. There wasn't a plant she could not save. She enjoyed making crafts for her family, and making cakes for Kevin's and Karen's birthdays.(27) Kevin Hissem (c1958)
Mrs. Hissem was preceded in death by her husband of 58 years, Earl in May of this year, and is survived by her children Kevin and wife Maria, Karen DeMichael and husband Carmine; 5 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren."
He married Maria. Of Lakeland, Florida. Previously of Central Florida Poly-Recyclers and Vice-President of Specialty Maintenance & Construction Inc.
(27) Karen HissemShe married Carmine DeMichael.
(24) Charles Ira Hissem (1870)The youngest son of Thomas, known more often as Ira. Charles Ira Hissem, the son of Thomas Hissem and Susan Klingensmith, was born in July 1870 in Salem township, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. In the 1880 census of Salem township as Charles Ira Hissem, 10, living with his parents, Thomas and Susan Hissem.
Ira C. Hissem, a liveryman, married Laura Kaylor, the daughter of Joseph Kaylor and Sarah Walton, on 6 October 1897 in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Sarah was born on 4 May 1873, the sister of Jesse Franklin Walton, the husband of Charles' elder sister, Anna Maria. Charles was so much younger than Anna Maria that it perhaps makes sense that he married into the next generation. According to the Walton family website,
"Laura d by 1935 m Ira Hissem and had two children:
1 Charles Ira married and in 1935 lived in California
2 Sarah m Wilbur Howell"
In the 1900 census of Greensburg township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Ira C. Hissom, a 29 year old [July 1870] liveryman, of Pennsylvania. Living with him were his wife, Laura, 30 [May 1870] and son, Charles F., 1. Charles was Laura's only child, living or dead.
In the 1910 census of Greensburg township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Ira Hissem [Ora in Ancestry.com], a 41 year old proprietor of a livery stable. Living with him was Laura, 37, and children, Charles, 11, and Sarah, 6. Ira and Laura had been married for 13 years. Laura had two children, both surviving.
Laura Ellen Kaylor Hissem died on 15 January 1913 and was buried in the Saint Clair cemetery in Greensburg, Pennsylvania.
Charles then married Elizabeth C. Kramer. Elizabeth was the daughter of Joseph V. and Salome Kramer, of Jefferson, Pennsylvania. Jefferson was about 30 miles southeast of Greensburg.
Charles died in 1918 and was buried in the Saint Clair cemetery in Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
In the 1920 census of Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Elizabeth Hissem, a 28 year old widow. Living with her were her son, Ira, 5, and step-daughter, Sarah E., 15. In the 1920 City Directory of Greensburg as "Hissem Elizabeth (wid Ira), res 709 Mace."
In the 1930 census of Southwest Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Elizabeth Hissem, a 38 year old widow. She was the daughter of the head of the household, Salome Kramer, a 62 year old widow. Also living there was grandson, Ira Hissem, 16. Salome was the widow of Jospeh V. Kramer, last seen in the 1910 census of Jefferson, Somerset county, Pennsylvania.
Ira and Laura had two children,
(25) Charles Francis Hissem (1899)
(25) Sarah Hissem (1904)
Ira and Elizabeth had one child,
(25) Ira Charles Hissem (1914)
Charles Francis Hissem, the son of Ira C. Hissem and Laura Kaylor, was born on 26 April 1899 in Greensburg, Pennsylvania. In the 1900 census of Greensburg township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Charles F. Hissom, 1, of Pennsylvania. In the 1910 census of Greensburg Ward 4, Westmoreland county as Charles F. Hissem, 11. Charles with living at home with his parents, Ira and Laura, and sister, Sarah.
Charles Francis Hissem registered for the draft on 12 September 1918 in Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. He was born on 26 April 1899. He was 19 years old at the time, a student living at 556 South Main, Greensburg, Pennsylvania with Sara E. Hissem, his sister. He was described as short, with a medium build, with blue eyes and red hair.
In the 1920 census of Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Charles F. Hissem, a 21 year old tire repairer at an auto shop. Both he and his parents were from Pennsylvania. Living with him was his wife, Mabel, 18. In the 1920 City Directory of Greensburg as,
"Hissem Charles F, Proprietor Hissem Tire & Repair Shop 119 S Penna av, r 224 E Pittsburg."
By 1924 Charles was living in Long Beach, California.
"Long Beach City Precinct No. 30
Name - Occupation - Address - Party
Hissem, Chas F, mngr auto tire str, 938 Appleton st, R" - from California Voter Registration 1924
"Long Beach City Precinct No. 119
Name - Address - Occupation - Party
Hissem, Charles F. 938 Appleton st, mgr, R" - from California Voter Registration 1926
Appleton street is just north of the marina in downtown Long Beach. The address is a charming Spanish-style apartment complex built in 1923.
I don't know what happened to Mabel, but Charles married Belle Johnson in 1928. Belle was born in Sheridan, Arkansas on 30 November 1901, the daughter of Charles Johnson, of Leesburg, Missouri, and Mary Ann Elizabeth Delilah Donham, of Grant county, Arkansas. Charles was her second of three husbands, the others being Roy Heard, whom she divorced, and James Fitzgerald.
"-m-2nd. 1928 Charles [Francis] Hissem, d. 1936
-m-3rd. 1937 James Fitzgerald, d. 1970
C3122311 - Kendall Hissem, b.8/15/1931 Southgate, California
-m-1st. (div) Garden Grove, Calif., Shirley Shaffer (age 16) (2 children)
-m-2nd. 1960 (div) Judy Knox Cage (age 21) (1 child)
-m-3rd. 1965 [1975?] Fresno, Calif., June (had 3 ch. by 1st. hus)(1 child)
C3* 223111 - Lou Ann Hissem, b.abt. 1955 Rhode Island
C3' 223112 - Pamela Hissem, b.abt. 1957 Los Angeles, Calif.
C3' 223H3 - Charles Ira Hissem, b.7/21/1961 Calif.
C3' 223111+ - Kendall Ira Hissem, b 1/17/1966"
- from "The Cleggs of Old Chatham"
Southgate is in southeastern Los Angeles county. Much of this information is inaccurate, as you'll see below.
In the 1930 census of South Gate City, Los Angeles county, California as Charles F. Hissem [Kissem in Ancestry.com], 31, of Pennsylvania. His occupation was originally entered as "auto tire salesman," then lined out and "none" substituted. He was not a veteran. Living with him was his wife, Winifred, 25, of Arkansas. Belle and Winifred must be the same woman [note that both were from Arkansas], with Belle the preferred nickname.
A son, Kendall Ira, was born in 1931 while the family was still living in Southgate. The middle name is in honor of his grandfather, Charles Ira Hissem.
In 1932 he was living in Palmdale, California. This is near Edwards Air Force Base.
"Palmdale Precinct No. 1
Name - Address - Party
Hissem, Charles F, Sec 2, T6N, R13W, R"
I think he was already living in Lancaster based on the address; Lancaster has an odd address system. Just below Charles is Mrs. Winifred Hissem, at the same address.
In 1936 a Charles F. Hissem, disabled, of Avenue M, a registered Republican was living with Mrs. Winifred B. Hissem in Palmdale, California - from the Voter Registrations.
Charles died on 26 November 1936 in Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania.
"Greensburg. Nov. 27.--Charles F. Hissem, captain of the Greensburg High School football team in 1918, died in Lancaster, California, Thursday." - from the 27 November 1936 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania.
He would have been about 37 years old. His son, Kendall, was only 5 and probably did not remember his father. His only son was,
(26) Kendall Ira Hissem (1931)
Kendall Ira Hissem, the son of Charles Francis Hissem and Winifred "Belle" Johnson, was born on 15 August 1931 in Los Angles county, California. Per "The Cleggs of Old Chatham," he was born in the suburb of Southgate. In the 1940 census of Township 11, Kern county, California as Kendall Hissem, 8. He was living with his mother, Winifred, 35, and her new husband, James Fitzgerald, 30, a gold miner.
Kendall served in the U.S. Army in Korea.
Kendall Ira Hissem, 20, the son of Charles F. Hissem and Winifred Bell Winsor [?], married Shirley Marie Schaffer, 17, the daughter of Victor R. Schaffer and Lillie L. White, on 5 July 1952 in Los Angeles, Califoria. They divorced.
Kendall I. Hissem married Judith Jane Knox, aged 21, in Clark county, Nevada on 31 October 1959. This must have been her second marriage because I also show her name to be Judy Knox Cage. They also divorced after having 1 child, presumably Kendall Jr., below. The divorced.
Kendall I. Hissem then married Thelma R. Warren in Mineral county, Nevada, in a civil ceremony, on 21 June 1975. Kendall divorced Thelma on 22 May 1981. He lived in Fresno, Visalia, and Santa Maria, California.
Kendall Ira Hissem died on 24 October 1990 in Fresno, California and was buried in the Conejo Mountain Memorial cemetery, in Camarillo, California. He was only 59.
The children of Kendall and Shirley Shaffer,
(27) Lou Ann Hissem (c1955), born in Rhode Island [?]
(27) Pamela Ann Hissem (1955), born on 9 September 1955 in Los Angeles, mother's maiden name Schaffer. She may have married David W. Bourgoine on 22 September 1973 in Orange, California
The children of Kendall and Judith Jane Knox,
(27) Charles Ira Hissem (1960), I show that he was born on 22 July 1960 in Los Angles. Mother's maiden name Knox.
(27) Kendall Ira Hissem Jr. (1967)
The children of Kendall and unknown Benham (was this Thelma Warren's maiden name?),
(27) Scott Ira Hissem (1975)
Kendall I. Hissem was born on 17 January 1967 in Fresno, California. His mother was a Kiefer [should be Knox]. This should be Judith Jane Knox, but his mother may be the unknown wife, married in 1965. Kendall Hissem graduated from Redwood High School, in Visalia, California in 1985.
There is a Kendall I. Hissem (1967), 37, and Diane C. Hissem (1972), 32, living in Exeter [or Modesto, or Clovis?], Tulare county, California in the central valley, near Visalia. I believe they have a daughter, Kristen Sierra, born on 27 July 1990 in Tulare county, who attends the Green Acres Middle School in Visalia.
There is also a Kendall I. Hissem Jr. who was born on 1 September 1960. He lived in Clovis, California. I don't know who this is. The Kendall born in 1967 lived in Fresno, where Kendall Sr. lived for a period. This Kendall may have lived in Tacoma, Washington. However, I have a 50 year old Kendall who lived in Clovis, Modesto, Morro Bay, Visalia and Gardnerville, California on different occassions. His relatives included Launa Marie, Diane C., and Kendra. A Launa Marie Canning Hissem, born on 1 September 1956, was living in Visalia in 1984-1995. A wife? A Diane Hissem, born on 1 September 1950, was living in Visalia, Clovis and Exeter in 1996-2002. Another wife?
(28) Kendall Ira Hissem III (1992)
(28) Kendra Nicole Hissem (1988)
Kendra Nicole Hissem was born on 11 July 1988 in Tulare county, California. Her mother's maiden name was Dinkel. I believe Kendra married a man named Cotter and has a firm, called "It's Sew Adorable," in Visalia. A blog entry says she is the "oldest child of 7"!
(28) Kendall Ira Hissem III (1992)I have another Kendall Ira Hissem who was born on 6 April 1992 in Tulare county, California. His mother was a Betrue.
(27) Scott Ira Hissem (1975)Scott I. Hissem was born on 9 June 1975 in Fresno, California. His mother's name was Benham. He moved to Tacoma, Washington. I received the following from Scott Hissem.
"My name is Scott Hissem I'm 33 and I live in Tacoma Wa. I was born in Fresno Ca to Kendall Ira Hissem. I'm wondering if there is any relation. I don't know too much about my father's family history. Being intrigued by having a ship named after the Hissem name got me interested. Any help would be great."
A "Weekly Volcano" blog spot calls Scott a "local artist trying to have fun. Started art collective known as "Visualize Tacoma."" I don't think Scott is married, nor does he have any children I can find.
(25) Sarah Hissem (1904)She married Wilbur Howell.
(25) Ira Charles Hissem (1914)Ira Charles Hissem was born 17 July 1914, the son of Charles Ira Hissem and Elizabeth C. Kramer. In the 1920 census of Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Ira, aged 5, living with his widowed mother, Elizabeth.
In the 1930 census of Southwest Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Ira Hissem, 16. He was living with his mother, Elizabeth, a 38 year old widow, in the house of his grandmother, Salome Kramer, a 62 year old widow. Salome was the widow of Jospeh V. Kramer.
Charles apparently was living in Nevada when he got his SSN card, i.e. circa 1932. On 23 October 1937 a court action was filed for a divorce in Reno, Nevada for Ira C. Hissem, of Reno, Nevada, vs Hazel Viola Hissem, of Rosamond, Kern County, California, on the grounds of cruelty. Yes, Ira was the plaintiff. The decree was granted on 25 January 1938 - from the "Reno Gazette-Journal."
Living in Reno, Nevada in 1939-1940, a gardener. His [second] wife was Lucyann. However, by 1940 he was back in Greensburg, where he remained until at least 1948.
In the 1940 census of Greensburg, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Ira C. Hissem, a 25 year old who own a private business, in body and fender repair. Living with him was his wife, Anne, 24.
Ira Charles Hissem died on 15 July 1978 in Miami, Dade county, Florida, at the age of 63. He was brought home and buried in the Saint Clair cemetery in Greensburg, Westmorland county, Pennsylvania.
Note there does appear to be another Ira C. Hissem, of Monessen, Pennsylvania, some years older than our man [shown on a city directory as early as 1922]. Ira's father, Charles Ira, died before 1920. I don't know of any children.
Or Jessie. Jesse Hissem, the son of Abner Hissem and Mary Welker, was born on 24 January 1827, per the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania," in Pennsylvania. In November 1841 Samuel Hissem, Jesse's older brother, was appointed as his guardian. Note that Jesse's father had died in 1837. I suspect that his mother, Mary, who was 59 years old in 1841, had gone to live with her son William. This appointment was terminated by a partition in April 1850. In legal terms, a partition is a process by which a joint status is put to an end.
In the 1850 census of Hempfield township, Westmoreland county as Jesse Hissom [sic], a 23 year old [1827] laborer. He was living with his older brother, Samuel. At some point after 1850 he moved to Stark county, Ohio. Note that his brothers, William and Abner, moved to Ashland county, Ohio, which is further to the west. Samuel remained in Westmoreland county.
After arriving in Stark county, Ohio, "Mr. Jesse Hissam" married Catherine Howenstein [Howenstine?] on 20 January 1853 - per "Some Howenstein Families," by Mary Emma Burt and "Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2013." George Hammer officiated at the wedding. Catherine was born in Ohio in January 1833 and died in July 1916.
13 July 1916. "Hissem, Mrs. Jessie (Catherine Howenstine)Mrs. Catherine Hissem, one of the pioneer residents of Whitley county, passed away at 6 o'clock Sunday morning at her home in this city. She had been suffering for several months from cancer of the stomach. At the time of her death she had reached the age of 83 years, 5 months and 26 days.
Catherine Howenstine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Howenstine, deceased, was born in Stark county, Ohio, and was married when a young woman to Jesse Hissom. They resided several years in Ashland county, Ohio. 52 years ago they moved to a farm 5 miles south of this place, where their family was reared to maturity. 30 years ago Mr. Hissem died and 4 years later Mrs. Hissem moved to South Whitley where she resided until her death. Of 7 children born to them, the following survive: William Hissem of Cleveland township, Lewis of Ossian, Edward of Canton, Ohio, and Mrs. David McEntarffer of Huntington county. 2 brothers, Samuel and Marion Howenstine, of Sparta, Ohio, also survive. Deceased was a member of the United Brethren church . . ." - from "Obituaries from the South Whitley Area, 1885-1930" by Dr. Manasseh Cutler Chaper
Her father was George Howenstine, who had been born in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania in 1809, and died on 29 November 1895. Her mother was Christina Sickafoose. Her parents were numbered among the early settlers of Pike township. See the wedding of Eliza Jane Hissem to George Howenstine, born in 1812, a cousin of the George Howenstine already mentioned, in 1859 in Stark county.
Jesse's first son, William Marcus Hissem, was born in Stark county in 1854. Sometime after he moved west to Ashland county where he finally joined his brothers. Jesse's relationship to the Hissems that remained in Stark county, see below, is uncertain.
In the 1860 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as Jesse Hissem, a 32 year old farmer. Nearby lived his older brother, William Hissem. Living with Jesse were his wife, Catherine, 26 , sons William M., 6, and George L. [Lemon], 4, and daughter, Ann M., 2. Jesse's wife and children were all born in Ohio. Living with them was a Catherine Howenstine, 23, born in Pennsylvania. It is not clear who she was; perhaps she was a cousin of Jesse's wife.
Jesse moved his family to South Whitley, Indiana in about 1863.
South Whitley, Indiana
A small town in northern Indiana on the Wabash river, near Fort Wayne. |
Jesse witnessed the will of a Sickafoose relative in 1864.
"Elizabeth Sickafoose, wife of Jacob Sickafoose of Whitley Co., Ind.
To hus. Jacob Sickafoose all goods and monies, coming "to me from my son Dinnies, dec., and all legacies of any hereafter appear."
Ex. Non. Jacob Sickafoose (hus.).
Signed 3 Oct. 1864.
Wits.: Jesse Hissum, Martin Fetro
S. & S. 23 Oct. 1864, Elizabeth Sickafoose (no seal)
Proved 23 Oct. 1864 Attest, James B. Edwards, Clerk" - from "Whitley County Wills," Book 4, transcribed by Donald Gradeless
In the 1870 census of Cleveland township, Whitley county, Indiana as Jesse Hissem, a 42 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Catherine, 36, and children, William M., 16, Sarah Ann, 5, and Eddie E., 2. William was born in Ohio while Sarah and Eddie were born in Indiana. George L. and Ann M., from the 1870 census, had died, see below.
In the 1880 census of Cleveland, Whitley county, Indiana as Jesse Hissem, a 62 [should be 52] year old farmer. Oddly, his father was listed as a Scot and his mother a German. Living with him were his wife, Catherine, 46, and children, Sarah, 16, Eddie, 13, and Llewellyn, 8.
Jesse's Will was dated 2 June 1881 at South Whitley, Indiana.
"To Catharine Hissem (wife) but if she marries to take her third, after the youngest child is of age. The remaining part to his heirs: William Hissem, Sarah A. Hissem, Eddie E. Hissem, Lewellyn Hissem.
Signed. (no signature).
Witnesses: John D. Sickafoose, Uriah Sickafoose [they lived "next-door to Jesse in 1880, as did 4 other Sickafoose families].
The witnesses declared etc. Sworn & subscribed on 22 May 1882.
James M. Harrison, Clerk."
Jesse died on 16 April 1882 and was buried in the South Whitley cemetery.
From the 1889 Plat Map of Whitley county, Indiana:
Hissem, J. - - Section 26 - - Cleveland T30N R8E (80 acres) [Who is this? Could this be the land of Jesse, who died in 1882, as now held by his wife? Or was this Jason, below?]
See J. Hissem [Jesse], with an 80-acre farm, and W.M. Hissem [William Marcus], with a 155-acre farm, in the southeastern corner of the plat-map below. Note the Sickafoose and Yerger [Yarger] families farming around them.
In the 1900 census of South Whitley was Catherine Hissem, a 67 year old widow living alone [January 1833]. It indicated that she had 9 children, of which 8 [garbled] were still living.
In the 1910 census of South Whitley as Catharine Hissem, a 77 year old widow, still living alone. It now indicated that she had 8 children, 4 of whom were still living.
Catherine died on 9 July 1916.
"Mrs. Catherine Hissem, widow of the late Jesse Hissem, who passed away thirty years ago, died Sunday morning at 6 o'clock In her home in South Whitley, . . ." - from "The Fort Wayne News" of 12 July 1916.
"L. B. [Llewellyn B., Catherine's youngest son] Hissem received a message Sunday telling of the death of his mother, Mrs. Catherine Hissem, of South Whitley. Mr. and Mrs. Hissem left today for South Whitley to attend the funeral." - from "Ossian News" from the "Fort Wayne Sentinel" 11 July 1916
Both Jesse and Catherine were buried in the South Whitley cemetary.
Her obituary was carried in the Fort Wayne, Indiana Journal Gazette of 11 July 1916,
Hissem Death Occurs at South Whitley
Columbia City, July 10 - Mrs. Catherine Hissem, a pioneer lady of Whitley county, who had been suffering for several months from cancer of the stomach, passed away Sunday morning at 6 o'clock at her home in South Whitley, at the age of 83 years, 5 months and 26 days. Catherine Howenstine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Howenstine, deceased, was born in Starke county, O., and was married there when a young woman to Jesse Hissem. They resided several years in Ashland county, O. and fifty-two years ago moved to a farm five miles south of South Whitley where their family was reared to maturity. Thirty years ago Mr. Hissem died and four years later Mrs. Hissem moved to South Whitley, where she resided alone until her death. Of seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. Hissem, the following survive: William Hissem, Cleveland township; Lewis of Ossian, Edward, Canton, O., and Mrs. David McEntarfer, Huntington county. Two brothers, Samuel and Marion [Jacob Marion] Howenstine of Sparta, O. also survive. The deceased was a member of the U.B. church and also held membership several years in the Rebekah and Eastern Star orders. The funeral occurs Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the U.B. church in South Whitley, Rev. Noah McCoy officiating, and internment will occur in the South Whitley cemetery.
Their children were,
(24) William Marcus Hissem (1854)
(24) George Lemon Hissem (1856)
(24) Anna Mary Hissem (1861), twins
(24) Christiann Hissem (1861), twins
(24) Sarah Ann Hissem (1864)
(24) Edward E. Hissem (1867)
(24) Llewellyn B. Hissem (1871)
William Marcus Hissem, the son of Jesse Hissem and Catherine Howenstine, was born on 10 February 1854 in Stark county, Ohio. In the 1860 census of Green township, Ashland county, Ohio as William M. Hissem, 6, born in Ohio. Three years later the family moved to Indiana. In the 1870 census of Cleveland township, Whitley county, Indiana as William M. Hissem, 16.
A Farmer. William married Mary E. Sickafoose on 27 September 1877, as officiated by A. J. Douglas, M.G. She was born on 16 June 1859 in Indiana, the daughter of Jacob Sickafoose and Elizabeth Dimons. The Sickafoose family was numerous in the area and next-door neighbors of the Hissem's. Note that William's father, Jesse, witnessed the will of Jacob Sickafoose's wife, Elizabeth, in 1864.
In the 1880 census of Cleveland township, Whitley county, Indiana as William Hissem, a 26 year old farmer. His parents were from Pennsylvania and Ohio. Living with him were his wife, Mary, 21, and children, Adda, 1, and Nellie, 6/12.
From the 1889 Plat Map of Whitley county, Indiana:
Hissem, W. M. - - Section 36 - - Cleveland T30N R8E (155.54 acres)
See the plat-map above.
In the 1900 census of Cleveland township as William M. Hissem, a 46 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Mary, 40 [June 1860], and children, Nellie I., 20 [November 1879], Jessie, 13 [September 1886], Clark, 9 [July 1890], and Day, 1 [April 1899]. Mary had 7 children, of whom 5 were still living.
William M. Hissem, of Luther, Indiana, was known as a breeder of American Shorthorn cattle circa 1900.
"William M. Hissem, secretary of the Howenstine family reunion, writing from South Whitley, asks the Herald to announce that the family reunion will be held in . . ." - from "The Huntington Herald" of 11 September 1908.
In the 1910 census of Cleveland township as William M. Hissem, a 56 year old farmer. Living with him were his wife, Mary E., 42, and children, Nellie, 31, Jessie, a 23 year old saleslady in a drygoods store, Clark, a 19 year old clerk in a drug store, and Dae, 10.
William died on 29 [27] October 1918 in South Whitley.
"Columbia City, Ind, Oct. 30 -- William Marcus Hissem, age sixty-four died Tuesday morning at his home near South Whitley at 9 o'clock from complications. He was born in Stark county, Ohio to Jesse and Catherine Hissem, deceased. He came to this county with his parents at the age of 9 years, and has since made his home here. He was married September 27, 1877 to Miss Mary Sickafoos [sic], who survives with three children, Mrs. O A Bellingers [Adda Bollinger], of South Whitley, Mrs. Floyd Brow [Jessie Brower] of Spokane, Wish Dan [William Dae?] at home. There are two brothers, Ed Hissem, of Canton, O, and Lewis, of Ossian, Ind, and one sister Mrs David McEnterfer of near Luther. The funeral will occur Thursday afternoon." - from "The Fort Wayne News and Sentinel" of 30 October 1918
Another biography, from Find-A-Grave,
Hissem, William M. October 31, 1918"William M. Hissem died at his home in South Whitley Tuesday morning following an illness of 5 weeks from a complication of diseases.
William Marcus Hissem was born in Stark county, Ohio February 10, 1854, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hissem. At the age of 10 years he came to Indiana with his parents, locating on the southern border of Whitley county, near Luther.
In 1877 he was united in marriage with Miss Mary Sickafoose, and to this union were born 7 children, 4 of whom have passed to the Great Beyond.
Mr. Hissem was one of Whitley county's most progressive farmers, and owing to his illness had arranged for an auction sale to dispose of his personal property, to have been held on the date of his death.
Some years aggo he became identified with the United Brethren church and since has been a faithful member.
Surviving the deceased are his wife and 1 son, William D. Hissem, 2 daughters, Mrs. O.A. Bollinger, of South Whitley, and Mrs. Floyd Brower of Spokane, Washington, all of whom were at his side when he passed away. Other remaining relatives are, 2 brothers, E.E. of Canton, Ohio and Lewis of Ossian, Indianan, and a sister, Mrs. David McEntarffer of Luther.
In the 1920 census of Spokane, Washington as Mary Hissem, 60, living with her daughter Jessie, 33, and her husband, Floyd Brower. Also living with the Brower's was Dae Hissem, a 20 year old auto mechanic.
Mary died in 1929. Both William and his wife were buried in the South Whitley cemetary. Confusing the matter, I have, from Whitley County, Indiana Index to Guardianships, 1844-1925, William M. Hissem, case date 1921, case number 0729. What was this about?
The tombstone below is for William Marcus, Mary E., Clark, Nellie, and Clara. Reiley is on the other endpiece.
In the DAR's "A Roster of Revolutionary Ancestors of the Indiana Daughters of the American Revolution" is a citation for George Howenstine, who was born in 1761 in Manheim, Pennsylvania. Undoubtedly meant as an ancestor of William's mother, Catherine Howenstein, one of the references cited was "Public Library Fort Wayne, Ind, Record of Howenstein Family by William Hissum." I assume that was our William.
William had the following children,
(25) Adda M. Hissem (1878)
(25) Nellie I. Hissem (1880)
(25) Reiley Hissem (1881)
(25) Clara Hissem (1883)
(25) Jessie Hissem (1886)
(25) Clark Hissem (1890)
(25) William Dae Hissem (1899)
She was born on 11 April 1878 in South Whitley, Indiana. In the 1880 census of Cleveland township, Whitley county, Indiana as Adda Hissem, 1, the daughter of William and Mary.
Addie M. Hissom, 21, married Orva [A.] Bollinger, 21, the son of Jacob Bollinger and Hulda Wilson, on 15 April 1899 in Whitley county, Indiana. J.W. Riley officiated at the wedding. Orva was born on 8 September 1878.
In the 1900 census of Cleveland township, Whitley county, Indiana as Addie M. Bollinger, living with her husband, Orva. They had two children, Virgil M. Bollinger (1902) and an unknown female child.
Addie Hissem Bollinger died in 1963. Orva A. Bollinger died in December 1968. Both were buried in the South Whitley cemetery.
(25) Nellie I. Hissem (1879)She was born in November 1879. In the 1880 census of Cleveland township, Whitley county, Indiana as Nellie Hissem, 6/12, the daughter of William and Mary. In the 1900 census of Cleveland township as Nellie I. Hissem, 20 [November 1879]. In the 1910 census of Cleveland township as Nellie Hissem, 31, and still living at home.
She died on 27 February 1913 and was buried in the South Whitley cemetary.
(25) Reiley Hissem (1881)He was born on 1 November 1881 and died on 26 June 1882. He was buried in the South Whitley cemetary.
(25) Clara Hissem (1883)She was born on 24 March 1883 and died on 20 April 1898. She was buried in the South Whitley cemetary.
(25) Jessie Hissem (1886)She was born in September 1886. In the 1900 census of Cleveland township as Jessie Hissem, 13 [September 1886]. In the 1910 census of Cleveland township as Jessie Hissem, a 23 year old saleslady in a drygoods store.
Essie Hissim married Floyd Brower. He was born on 31 July 1884 in Michigan. In the 1920 census of Spokane, Washington as Jessie Brower, 33, living with her husband, Floyd. Also living with her were her mother, Mary Hissem, 60, and her brother, Dae Hissem, a 20 year old auto mechanic.
Floyd and Jessie had a daughter, Mary, born in 1923 in Spokane, Washington.
(25) Clark Hissem (1890)He was born in July 1890. In the 1900 census of Cleveland township as Clark Hissem, 9 [July 1890]. In the 1910 census of Cleveland township as Clark Hissem, a 19 year old clerk in a drug store. He died on 28 July 1911 and was buried in the South Whitley cemetary.
(25) William Dae Hissem (1899)Known as Dae. William D. Hissem was born on 19 April 1899 in Indiana. In the 1900 census of Cleveland township as Day Hissem, 1 [April 1899]. In the 1910 census of Cleveland township as Dae Hissem, 10.
He registered for the draft on 12 September 1918. At the time he was living at RFD 1, South Whitley, Whitley county, Indiana. He was a laborer working for his father, William M. Hissem, with whom he also lived. He was described as having brown eyes and black hair.
William's father died in 1918.
In the 1920 census of Spokane, Washington as Dae Hissem, a 20 year old auto mechanic. He was living with his older sister, Jessie, and her husband, Floyd Brower, in Spokane Washington. Also living with them was Dae's mother, Mary Hissem, 60.
William Dae Hissem returned to Whitley county, Indiana where he married Laura May Daniels in Whitley county, Indiana on 2 September 1924. She was born on 21 July 1901. J.E. Jensen offficiated at the wedding.
Sometime before 1930 Dae moved back to Washington state.
In the 1930 census of Spokane, Washington [?] as . . .
In the 1940 census of Great Falls, Cascade county, Montana as W. Dae Hissam [sic], a 40 year old manager [of Truck Brands?] of the Harvester Company, of Indiana. Living with him were his wife, Laura, 37, and son, Frank T., 8, of Washington. In 1935 they had been living in Spokane, Washington. There was an International Harvester plant in Great Falls.
William was issued a Social Security card in Washington state sometime before 1951. When were the first cards released? It couldn't have been before 1930. That implies that he moved back to Washington after his marriage. However, his son Frank Thomas attended high school in Park Ridge, Illinois.
William died in October 1979 in Fort Wayne, Allen county, Indiana.
"Hissem William D "Dae", 80, of 1920 E. Pettit Ave., a retired employee of International Harvester Co., Fort Wayne, died Oct. 2 in Lutheran Hospital, Fort Wayne. He worked 12 years for Hendrickson Manufacturing Co. in Lyons, Ill., after retiring from Harvester after 28 years' service. Surviving are his wife, Laura M. Daniels Hissem; a son, F. Thomas, Avilla, and two grandsons, William Dae II, Leadville, Colo. and John Thomas, Golden, Colo. He was a member of Christ United Methodist Church, Park Ridge, Ill., Lodge F&AM, Avilla Chapter OES, and a member of the American Society of Automotive Engineers. Services Friday in Klaehnes South Anthony Chapel."
Laura followed in February 1983 in Avilla, Noble county, Indiana.
"Hissem Laura M, 81, formerly of Fort Wayne, died Sunday at the Kendallville Nursing Home. She was born in South Whitley July 24, 1901, the daughter of Thomas and Naomi (Cummins) Daniel. She married William D. Hissem September 2, 1927. He died October 2, 1979. She was a member of Calvary United Methodist Church, OES No. 155, Avilla, Mary Penrose Wayne Chapter DAR and other civic organizations. Surviving are a son, Tom, with whom she lived the past three years in Avilla; two grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Services Wednesday at Brazzell Funeral Home in Avilla. Burial, South Whitley Cemetery."
Both were buried in the South Whitley cemetary.
Their children were,
(26) William Dae Hissem Jr. (1930-twin), died on 18 May 1930 in Spokane, Washington. This is confusing, however, because the document says he was the son of William D. Hissem and Mary E. Sickafoose. But Mary was his grandmother, the wife of William M. Hissem.
(26) Frank Thomas Hissem (1930)
Frank Thomas Hissem, the son of William Dae Hissem and Laura May Daniel, was born on 18 May 1930 in Spokane, Washington - from the "Sons of the American Revolution" application, by the subject, of 1952. In the 1940 census of Great Falls, Cascade county, Montana as Frank T. Hissam [sic], 8, of Washington. He was living with his parents, W. Dae and Laura Hissam. Frank later lived in Park Ridge, Illinois as a teenager. He was a student at Iowa State University.
Iowa State University, Bomb Yearbook, Class of 1952: "Iowa State's company of Pershing Rifle's is the second largest of ninety-seven in the United States. Famed for their snappy drill and intricate movements, members of Company G-2 participated in many drill meets around the country. In fact, the group sponsored an all-college drill [garbled] under the leadership of Frank Hissem."
Frank married Nancy Clare Heline on 23 March 1951 - from the "Sons of the American Revolution" application, by the subject, of 1952. He was still a student at the time at the Iowa State College. Nancy was born on 20 May 1930.
Frank served in the Air Force from 22 September 1952 to 1 March 1964. He was living in Riverside, California in 1953; perhaps he was stationed at March Air Force Base. Since the dates in the biographical data below imply that Frank was living back in Indiana during much of this time, I assume he was in the Air Guard or Reserves.
Nancy Clare died and Frank then married Evelyn Nyffler. Evelyn also died and he then married Jeanne L. Padgitt on 1 March 1969.
"F. Thomas Hissem, son of William D. and Laura Daniels Hissem (both deceased), was born May 18, 1930. Married to Evelyn Nyffler Hissem (deceased) and Jeanne Padgitt Hissem, he is the father of Jean (deceased), W. Dae Hissem and John T. Hissem. His academic background includes a Bachelor of Science in Farm Operations from lowa State University (1952); Professional Training School, Boy Scouts of America (1955); lntermediate Training Program, BSA (1958); How to Develop and Administer a Strong Finance Program, BSA (1957). . . .
Living and working at 236 Van Scoyoc, Avilla, lndiana U.S.A., Mr. Hissem is president of Hissem's Photographic Services, lncorporated and general manager of Ft. Wayne lnternational Convention and Exhibit of Photographers. Previously a farmer of twelve hundred acres with cattle and turkey feeding in Western lowa (part of a family operation 1954-55), Mr. Hissem has served his community as District Scout Executive of the Prairie Gold Council at Fort Dodge, lowa (1955-57), Assistant Scout Executive at Fort Dodge, Iowa (1958-60). He was a Relations Manager for Better Business Bureau (1960-61); and Manager of Marathon Service Center in Ft. Wayne (1962-69). In conjunction with his career as a photographer, Mr. Hissem is a member of Professional Photographers of America Incorporated and Fort Wayne Area ProfessionalPhotographers Incorporated. Although already [?] in Boy Scouts of America work in every possible capacity, Mr. Hissem is also a life member of the Air Force Association and a member of the Sons of the American Revolution, Advisor to the Finance Committee; American Military Heritage lnc.; F&AM Mason, Avilla Lodge, Scottish Rite, Fort Wayne Valley, MlZPAH Shrine, and a sustaining member of the Republican Party. He served his country as first lieutenant in the United States Air Force (still photo officer) from 1954-60. A Methodist, Mr. Hissem served as a Sunday school teacher (1955-60); Methodist Youth Adviser (1955-60); and on church boards from . . ." - from the "International Book of Honor"
According to his wife, Jeanne L. Hissem, "Tom went through a lot of tragedy in his life, losing two wives and a set of twins."
His obituary,
"Hissem Frank T "Tom", 74, died April 28, 2005 at Parkview Noble Hospital. He was born May 18, 1930 in Spokane, Wash., the son of William Dae and Laura M. (Daniel) Hissem. He married Jeanne L. Padgitt on March 1, 1969 at the Calvary Methodist Church in Avilla. He was the owner and operator of Hissem's Photographic Services; a member of Calvary Methodist Church, F&AM Lodge 460, American Legion Post 240, OES, all in Avilla; Fort Wayne Scottish Rite and Mizpah Temple Shrine. He graduated from Maine Twp High School in Park Ridge, Il., and from Iowa State University with a bachelor's degree of Science. Surviving are his wife; 2 sons, William (Debbie) of Neenah, Wis., and John (Becky) of Castle Rock, Col.; 6 grandchildren, Matthew, Rebecca, Paul, David, Jessica and Anna Hissem; and brother-in-law, Everitt Padgitt of Avilla. He was preceded in death by a daughter, Estella; son, Christopher, and twin brother, William. Services May 2 at Calvary Methodist Church. Burial, Avilla Cemetery."
Frank was buried in the South Whitley cemetary, R-35-6, with no date of death - though I have a tombstone for him in Avilla, Noble county, Indiana. I suspect the spot in South Whitley is a family gravesite and not the actual location of his body. Along side him in South Whitley was his wife, Evelyn J. [Nyffler], at R-35-6-3. She was born in 1933 and died in 1968 at the same time as their son, Chrisopher T., who was buried between them, at R-35-6-2. Note that his father, William Dae, R-35-7, and mother, Laura M., R-35-7-2, were buried next to them. The elder of the line, Jesse and William M. Hissem, and the rest of their progeny are in another section of the cemetary, in W-6.
The children of Frank Hissem and Nancy Clare Heline were,
(27) William Dae Hissem II (1953)
(27) John Thomas Hissem (1956)
The children of Frank Hissem and Evelyn Joyce Nyffler were,
(27) Estella Jean "Jeannie" Hissem (1968)
(27) Christopher T. Hissem (1968), deceased
Of Neenah, Wisconsin. William Dae Hissem was born on 5 September 1953 in Riverside county, California. What were his parents doing there? His mother's maiden name was Heline. He married Deborah Ann Bousman, born circa 1955. He lived in Rowlett, Texas; Rex, Georgia; and Elko, Nevada.
William D. Hissem
This could be the William D. Hissem Sr. of Sandvik Mining & Construction - though I begin to doubt this. He is an Applications Engineer in the quarry drilling field. Product manager for Tamrock top-hammer crawler and DrillTech down-the-hole hammer and rotary drill lines of Sandvik Mining and Construction.
His children were,
(28) Matthew James Hissem (c1981), of Menasha, Wisconsin
(28) Rebecca Marie Hissem (1984)
(28) Amy Michelle Hissem
Josh Dennis Hissem (1979)
Joshua Dennis Hissem was born on 15 April 1979 in Denton, Texas. I thought he might be William's son, but I think I'm wrong. He went to Decatur High School. He studied jazz at the University of North Texas. A drummer in a band called Carb, then later in one called Advent, then Submersed. A graphic/web designer. Josh Hissem (c1960)There is another Josh Hissem in Moorestown New Jersey, noted to be from a military family. Also of Delran and Cherry Hill New Jersey.He married Patricia F. Fiore. They appear to be the parents of Zachary, below, and Daniel H. Hissem. Zachary N. Hissem (c1990)![]() Josh Hissem Zachary is in the Air Force, a Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Journeyman, living in Goldsboro, North Carolina. He has lived in Riverside, Williamstown and Moorestown, New Jersey. |
She was born on 27 April 1984 in Texas, the daughter of Deborah Ann Bousman and William Dae Hissem. Of Littleton, Colorado. A teacher in the Littleton Public schools.
(27) John Thomas Hissem (1956)Of Golden, Castle Rock, & Highland Ranch, Colorado. Of the Foothills Flying club. He married Rebecca "Becky" Sue. I think Rebecca is the Mrs. Hissem who teaches 7th grade Math and Science at the Newton Middle School in Centennial, Colorado. From the school's website:
Years Teaching: This is my 10th year teaching.
Years at Newton: This is my 9th year at Newton.
I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Geological Engineering and entered the teaching profession through the Alternative Licensing program here in Littleton in 2001.
Spending time with my family and pets is my favorite activity. We love to fly, hike, bike and camp together. We also love to eat together (without the pets), especially if it involves Mexican food. I enjoy horseback riding and instruct a group of teenage girls in horsemanship and drill maneuvers. I love to ride myself as well, particularly if I have friends and family to ride with. On cold days, I like to read, play board games or get out and play fetch with my dogs.
Here's an extract from a Marcus, Iowa blog about this family.
"John and Rebecca Hissem, have identical twin daughters, Anna and Jessica, who ride with the Westernaires. Dad John has never forgotten the many youthful summers spent on the farm of his grandparents, Oscar and Polly Heline, the farm on which his mother, Nancy Hier now lives. Therein, lies the connection. It is going to take a lot of "Westernaire-style" volunteering on the part of the Fair Board and many others to bring this breath-taking treat to Cherokee County. But John's fond memories will be paying off for all of us, come August 7-10."
Note the reference under John's brother, William Dae, above, "His mother's maiden name was Heline." John and Rebecca's children were,
(28) Anna Hissem
(28) Jessica Hissem
and maybe,
(28) Ashley N. Hissem
(28) David M. Hissem (1986), born on 28 April 1986, possibly of Wheat Ridge or Littleton, Colorado, attended Colorado State University. I believe he majored in Construction Management. [I also see a Professor David Hissem teaching mathematics at CSU. Who is this?]
(28) Paul Hissem (1985), possibly of Castle Rock, Colorado, attended University of Colorado at Boulder, graduating in 2012. I believe he majored in Chemical [?] Engineering
15 Jun 1976. "Hissem Estella Jean was born August 26, 1968 in Fort Wayne [Indiana] to Tom and Jeanne Hissem. She died June 15 [1976] in a one-car accident near Montrose, Colo. while vacationing with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Dae Hissem from Fort Wayne. Also surviving are her parents, and maternal grandmothers, Mrs. Louis Nyffeler, Fort Wayne, and Mrs. Jessie Padgitt, Avilla. Services Saturday in Calvary United Methodist Church. Burial, South Whitley Cemetery."
(24) George Lemon Hissem (1856)Or Limon, He was born in 1856 in Ohio. He died on 16 September 1862, "Son of J.&C., aged 6 y 10m 23d," and was buried in the McKay cemetary. His tombstone is to the right, and that of his sisters, Anna Mary and Chistiann.
(24) Anna Mary Hissem (1861)(24) Christiann Hissem (1861)
Twins born in 1861 in Ohio. They died in 1862 at the age of 1 year, 1 month, 24 days, and were buried in the McKay cemetary. Some contagious disease must have been present to carry off these three children in the same year.
(24) Sarah Ann Hissem (1864)The daughter of Jesse and Catherine (Hownestine) Hissem. She was born on 31 August 1864 in South Whitley, Indiana. She married David McEntarffer, a telephone lineman, on 23 March August 1883. He was born in Huntingdon county, Indiana on 12 December 1860. They lived in Bippus, Indiana. David died in 1923. Sarah died on 17 June 1947 in Luther, Huntingdon county, Indiana. - from the "Scholl, Sholl, Shull Genealogy" by John William Scholl.
(24) Edward E. Hissem (1867)Edward E. Hissem, the son of Jesse Hissem and Catherine Howenstine, was born in Indiana on 22 November 1867. In the 1870 census of Cleveland township, Whitley county, Indiana as Eddie E. Hissem, 2, born in Indiana. In the 1880 census of Cleveland, Whitely county, Indiana as Eddie Hissem, 13.
On 4 August 1897 Edward E. Hissem was appointed a postmaster in South Whitley, Whitley county, Indiana. He was re-appointed on 19 July 1898.
Edward E. Hissem married Nina Steinmetz, the daughter of George Steinmetz and Mary Ann Apley. She was born in 1874.
In the 1900 census of South Whitley as Edward Hissem, a 32 year old postmaster. Living with him were his wife, Nina, 25 [June 1874], and daughter, Ruth, 1 [January 1899].
Edward moved to Ohio. In the 1906 and 1907 city directories of Canton, Ohio as Edward E., grocer, and Nannie Hissem, residing at 1337 woodland Avenue. His business was at 415 Raff. His wife, Nina, died sometime after 1908. Edward E. Hissem was nominated to be postmaster of South Whitley - from "Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States" of 1909. In the 1910 directory as Hissem & Bierly (EE Hissem, J Bierly jr) at 415 Raff. Edward resided alone at 1337 Woodland Avenue.
In the 1910 census of Canton township, Stark county, Ohio as Edward E. Hissem, a 42 year old retail grocery merchant, and a widower. Living with him were his daugthers, Ruth, 12, and Jeanette, 2. Below is a photograph of the interior of a typical grocery store in 1910.
In the Canton Directory of 1913 as Edward E. Hissem of the Hissem & Bierly grocers. The Directory of 1914, page 437. lists,
Hissem & Bierly (EE Hissem, J Bierly jr), grocers, 415 13th N W
Hissem Edward E (Hissem & Bierly), res 1337 Woodland ave N W Gregory C. Henley "purchased an interest in Hissem-Byers & Company, implement dealers, and after purchasing the interest of Mr. Hissem the firm continued by Byers & Henley until 1908. - from the "History of North Central Ohio."
Also in the directories of 1915 to 1924. He was mentioned in the obituary of his brother, William Marcus, in 1918.
In the 1920 census of Canton are both Edward and John Bierly, a grocer of Canton. Like Edward, he had been born in 1867 and he also lived on Woodland road at 1319. Edward E. Hissem [Hissen in Ancestry.com] was a 51 year old grocer, still living at 1337 Woodland Avenue. Living with him were his daughters, Ruth, 21, and Jeanette H., 12.
In the 1929 city directory of Canton, Ohio as Edward E. Hissem, a clerk at Elsaesser's Inc. H. Jeannette and N. Ruth Hissem were also clerks, living with Edward E. Hissem on Woodland avenue. There was also a Leslie K. Hissom, a clerk at EO Gas company, living at 321 9th NW. Leslie was the son of Manford Hissom, of the David of David Hissom family, a chance crossing. In 1930 Edward was still a clerk at Elsaesser's, but Jeannette was a teacher and Ruth was a Manager at Union News company.
In the 1930 census John Bierly still lived close-by on Woodland. However, instead of running a grocery store, he was a clerk in a dry goods store. Edward Hissem too had a change in prospects. He was a 62 year old clerk at a grocery store, but he still owned his $10,000 home at the old Woodland avenue address. Living with him were his daughters, Ruth, a 31 year old saleslady at a U. Depot [?], and Jeanette, a 22 year old school teacher.
Nina Steinmetz Hissem died in 1908. Edward E. Hissem died on 13 April 1931 and was buried in the West Lawn cemetery in Canton, Stark county, Ohio.
Edward's children were,
(25) Nina Ruth Hissem (1899)
(25) Jeanette H. Hissem (1908)
Nina Ruth Hissem was born in Indiana. She married George W. Burch.
(25) Jeanette H. Hissem (1908)She was born in Ohio. Jeannet Hissem, a teacher, was living in Canton, Ohio in 1936.
(24) Llewellyn Beecher Hissem (1871)Known as Louis/Lewis/Lew/Welellyn. Llewellyn Beecher Hissem, the son of Jesse Hissem and Catherine Howenstine, was born in Indiana on 4 August 1871. In the 1880 census of Cleveland, Whitley county, Indiana as Llewellyn Hissem, 8, the son of Jesse and Cath Hissem.
Louis B. Hissem married Icel Pearl Oberholtzer on 12 November 1898 in Whitley county, Indiana. Pearl was born on 16 February 1879 in Indiana. She was more often known as Pearl. Her first name is sometimes shown as Ica.
In the 1900 census . . .
In the 1910 census of Jefferson township, Wells county, Indiana as Louis B. Hissem, 37. His occupations reads as "Driller [?], well." Could this have something to do with oil wells? Living with him were his wife, Pearl, 30, and children, Garald R. [sic], 9, and Charles F., 2. Louis and Pearl had been married for 12 years. Pearl had 3 children, 2 of whom were still living.
A Fort Wayne newspaper article of 1913 noted that "Mrs. Lewis B. Hissem and children went to Pierceton for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Wade Howenstine. On Sunday Mrs. Hissem went to South Whitley to spend a week with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Overholtzer." They lived on Lefever street.
He was mentioned, as Lewis, in the obituary of his brother, William Marcus, in 1918.
In the 1920 census of Ossian Town, Jefferson township, Wells county, Indiana as Louis Hissem [Lewis Hissom in Ancestry.com], a 48 year old life insurance salesman. Living with him were his wife, Pearl, 41, and children, Rufus G., a 19 year old general gitney [?, as in driving a car for hire?], Charles, 11, Jessie, 8, and William E., 6/12.
Louis died in a train accident on 25 April 1925, as did his son, Jesse, below, at the age of 53 years, 8 months, and 12 days. He was buried at the Oak Lawn cemetary in Ossian. The following is from an email by Thomas Gerald Hissem's daughter, Pamela Hissem James, about the train wreck in which Llewellyn and Jesse died.
"Supposedly, in was night and I guess Louis and Jesse were in the back seat of the car. Somebody else was driving, but it seems like I was told that there were three people in the front seat. There was a brood of those Hissem boys. Anyway, the car stalled on the track as a train was very, very near. They probably shouldn't even have been crossing the track. Maybe they didn't hear the train. Anyway, for some reason, everybody got out of the car except Louis and Jesse. I don't know if one of them was asleep and the other was waking him, or if somebody was unable to move for some reason. But those two died in the wreck."
In the 1930 census of Ossian, Wells county, Indiana as Pearl A. Hissem, a 51 year old widow with no occupation. Her children were Charles F., 22, a truck driver attending a prep school [!], and William E., 10. They were living on Sefner [?, or could this be Lefever?] street. Pearl owned her own home, probably a legacy of her husband's, which was valued at $1,600. They also had a radio.
In the 1940 census of Ossian, Wells county, Indiana as Pearl Hissem, a 61 year old widow. She was living alone.
Pearl died on 11 June 1965 at the age of 86. She was buried next to Llewellyn at the Oak Lawn cemetary in Ossian. Their children were,
(25) Rufus Gerald Hissem (1901)
(25) Margaret Hissem (1906)
(25) Charles Frederick Hissem (1908)
(25) Jesse E. Hissem (1911)
(25) William Edwin Hissem (1919)
Rufus Gerald Hissem, the son of Llewllyn B. Hissem and Pearl Oberholtzer, was born on 16 February 1901 in South Whitley, Indiana. In the 1910 census of Jefferson township, Wells county, Indiana as Garald R. Hissem, 9. In the 1920 census of Ossian Town, Jefferson township, Wells county, Indiana as Rufus G. Hissem, a 19 year old "gitney," living with his parents, Lewis and Pearl Hissem.
![]() Definition: American English slang, 1903. Variation: Jitney, 1914. (1) A small motor vehicle, such as a bus or van, that transports passengers on a route for a small fare. (2) Archaic term for a nickel. The first definition may arise from the buses' fare, which was a nickel, or a gitney. This slang term for a coin may come from the French jeton, "coin-sized metal disk, slug, counter," from the Old French jeter "to calculate," literally "to throw." The jitney industry took off in 1914 but soon drew the ire of streetcar operators, who successfully lobbied the government to regulate their lower-priced competitors out of business by the mid-1920s. |
The following seems to fit here. In the case of Hissem vs. Guran (112 Ohio St. 59, 146 NE 808, 1925), a carrier, the owner of a motor vehicle, was serving all the members of a milk producer's association on a certain route and was held a private carrier. The issue was to distinguish common from private carriers for regulatory purposes. "It is fundamental in the law of common carriage that no carrier is "common" who does not offer his services indiscrimately to the public at large, up to the limit of his capacity." One Guran had a contract with a milk producers' association whereby he and a partner were employed for hire to collect and transport milk and cream of the members of the said association, and no one else, to the . . . " Apparently Hissem objected to this arrangement, hence Hissem v. Guran.
Rufus Gearld [sic] Hissem, 24, a laborer, the son of LLewllyn B. Hissem and Pearl Oberholtzer, married Carrie May Hamilton, 20, the daughter of Edward Hamilton and Jessie May Dinkins, on 20 June 1925 in Wells, Indiana. Carrie was born on 1 September 1905 in Mellville, Indiana.
In the 1928 city directory of New Castle, Indiana as R. Gerald Hissem, a laborer, living at 1405 South 19th street with Carrie M. In the 1930 directory of the same place, Gerald, a gluer [?], was living at 2329 South 14th street. His brother, Fred Hissem, a millworker at Jesse French & Sons, lived with him.
In the 1930 census . . .
They moved to Ohio. In the 1935 and 1938 city directories of Hamilton, Ohio as Gerald, a watchman, and Carrie M. Hissem, rooming at 423 North 6th, then at 528 Heaton. A Gerald Hissem, a watchman, and his wife Carrie M., lived at 528 Heaton in Hamilton, Ohio in 1939. I also see him referred to a R. Gerald. Perhaps he was having identity issues.
In the 1940 census of Hamilton, Butler county, Ohio as Rufus G. Hissem, a 32 year old watchman for the railroad, of Indiana. Living with him were his wife, Carrie, 34, and children, Thomas G., 13, both of Indiana, and Norman L., 3, of Ohio.
Rufus G. Hissem, a watchman, and wife Carrie M., lived at 426 N. 6th in Hamilton, Ohio - from the City Directory of 1942. In 1944 he was a "lab Wente Elec Co.," but still residing at the same address. However, in 1946 Rufus, still at the same job, lived with his wife and son, Thos. G., at 932 1/2 Heaton. Then, in 1947, Rufus was a laborer with "Penna RR." In 1949-1951 he was back to being a watchman. Perhaps he was all along at each of these different companies. In 1953 & 1954 a "signal opr PRR," living at 175 Beckett.
In the 1955 and 1957 City Directory, Rufus was a signal operator with the PRR [Pennsylvania Railroad], but in 1958 Rufus was back to being a watchman. In the 1959 City Directory of Hamilton, Ohio as "Hissem Rufus towerman P RR h460 S 3d." What's a towerman?
Carrie May Dinkins Hissem died on 14 February 1956. Rufus Hissem died on 25 November 1968 in Hamilton, Butler county, Ohio, at the age of 67. They were both buried in the Greenwood cemetery in Hamilton, Butler county, Ohio.
Rufus' children were,
(26) Thomas Gerald Hissem (1926)
(26) Norman L. Hissem (1936)
Thomas G. Hissem was born on 9 May 1926 in Ossian, Wells county, Indiana, "on the banks of the Wasbash river." He was premature and weighed only about two pounds. The family moved to Ohio and Thomas grew up with baseball star Joe Nuxhall.
Joe Nuxhall
The youngest player of the 20th century to reach the majors, he was not yet 16 when he began to play for the Cincinnati Reds. After pitching a single inning, however, he was sent down to the minors for the next seven years. He won a career-high 17 games in 1955, leading the league with five shutouts, and pitching 3-1/3 scoreless innings in the All-Star Game. |
In the 1940 census of Hamilton, Butler county, Ohio as Thomas G. Hissem, 13, living with his parents, Rufus G. and Carrie Hissem.
On 31 March 1945 Seaman 2nd Class Thomas Gerald Hissem mustered onboard the LST 961. He had enlisted on 2 August 1944 and checked aboard the LST 961 on 6 December 1944. He must have been about 18 years old. By January 1945 he was a Seaman 1st Class.
Tank Landing Ship - LST 961
This ship was commissioned in December 1944 so Thomas must have been a plank-owner. During World War II, LST-961 was assigned to the Asiatic-Pacific theater and participated in the Palawan Island landings in March 1945 and the assault and occupation of Okinawa Gunto in May and June 1945. Following the war, she performed occupation duty in the Far East and saw service in China until mid-April 1946. She returned to the United States and was decommissioned on 23 July 1946. An LST is a ship designed to run itself onto the beach, then open bow doors that allow vehicles to drive themselves off the ship. |
In 1951 he was a "clk Variety Flower Shop" - from the City Directory of Hamilton, Ohio. In 1953 he was a "sta atndt Hamilton Oil Co."
Thomas Gerald Hissem, the son of Rufus Gerald Hissem and Carrie Mae Hamilton, married Rosa Jane Jackson, the daughter of Shelby Jackson and Lena River Howell, on 18 May 1956 in Hamilton, Ohio. Rosa was born on 25 March 1928 in Benham, Harlan county, Kentucky. Hamilton is located in the center of today's Cincinnati/Dayton metroplex.
He was a city fireman in Hamilton until his death. They had one child, Pamela.
I also have a Tom Hissem who may be this man, "To the North Tom Hissem, Motorman at Brighton, is spending a month at the northern tip of Michigan, . . ." - from "The News" of the Cincinnati Transit Company. Motorman, of course, sounds more like a trolley operator than a fireman. Was motorman a position on the fire engine?
Thomas G. Hissom, born in 1926, died on 23 September 1967 in Hamilton, Ohio. He was buried in the Greenwood cemetary. He was only 41 years old. "Ohio Deaths, 1958-2000" shows his last name as Hissom. His obituary,
"Born to Rufus and Carrie Hissem on the banks of the Wabash River, prematurely and weighing only about two pounds. Moved to Ohio; grew up with baseball star Joe Nuxhall. Married Rosa Jane Jackson on May, 18, 1956 in Hamilton, Ohio. Was a city fireman there until his death. Had one child, Pamela."
Rosa died on 28 October 1997 in Hamilton and was buried next to her husband. Her obituary,
"Moved to Dorchester, Virginia just after birth, where she lived until adulthood. Spent a brief time with her sister, Betty Chambers, in Hamilton, Ohio, and then in Houston, Texas. Moved back to Hamilton and married Thomas Gerald Hissem on May 18, 1954. Widowed on September 23, 1967, she lived in Hamilton until her death. Worked at Ameristop Food Mart from 1974 until her death. Had one child, Pamela. She was the most wonderful person in the world and the best mother. She loved to do crossword puzzles and laugh at silly things. Had three siblings: Betty Jackson Chamber, Shelby Jackson, Jr., and Pauline Jackson Jeter. With the passing of Betty on November 13, 1999, all siblings are now deceased."
His daughter is,
(27) Pamela Hissem (c1955)
Pamela Hissem, the daughter of Thomas Hissem and Rosa Jackson, married Timothy Michael James, the son of Elmer James and Beverly Pappas, on 17 August 1979. Tim was born on 18 November 1956 and died on 14 October 2012.
(26) Norman L. Hissem (1936)Norman L. Hissem was born on 6 September 1936 in Ohio. In the 1940 census of Hamilton, Butler county, Ohio as Norman L. Hissem, 3, of Ohio, living with his parents, Rufus G. and Carrie Hissem.
In the 1955 & 1957 City Directory of Hamilton, Ohio as "Hissem Norman L r 175 Beckett." The latter was the address of his father, Rufus.
Norman L. Hissem, a machinist, the son of Rufus G. Hissem, of the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and Carrie May Hamilton, married Edith Mae Clanton, a key punch operator, the daughter of Richard Clanton, of Firestone, and Dorothy May Tooley, on 10 Marach 1958 in Noblesville, Hamilton county, Indiana. Edith was born on 1 August 1937 in Indiana.
Norman married Marilyn Pavey on 19 April 1968 in Marion, Indiana.
There is a Norman L. Hissem who died on 12 February 1977 in Eton, Murray county, Georgia. The record of his death implies he was only 31 years old, which is 9 years off our Norman. However, since Pamea Hissem James provided this information I find it hard to argue with.
I don't know of any children.
(25) Margaret Hissem (1906)Maragaret Hissem was born on 15 December 1906 and died 15 days later on 30 December. She was buried in the Hoverstock cemetary of Ossian - from Wells county Cemetary Index.
(25) Charles Frederick Hissem (1908)Charles Frederick Hissem, the son of Llewellyn Beecher Hissem and Ica Pearl Oberholtzer, was born in Ossian, Indiana on 2 February 1908. In the 1910 census of Jefferson township, Wells county, Indiana as Charles F. Hissem, 2. In the 1920 census of Ossian Town, Jefferson township, Wells county, Indiana as Charles Hissem, 11. In the 1930 census of Ossian he was a 22 year old truck driver attending a prep school, living at home with his widowed mother, Pearl Hissem.
In the 1930 directory of New Castle, Indiana as Fred Hissem, a millworker at Jesse French & Sons, living with his brother, Gerald, a gluer [?], at 2329 South 14th street.
Charles Frederick Hissem, 22, who drove the "school hack," of Ossian, the son of Llewllyn Beecher Hissem and Ica Pearl Oberholtzer, married Crystal Laverne Stewart, 20, of Ossian, the daughter of John Alonzo Stewart and Alberta Ellen Armstrong, on 4 October 1930 in Wells, Indiana. Crystal was born on 21 March 1910.
Crystal died in 1930 - from the record of Charles' subsequent marriage. Crystal Steward Hissem was buried in the Oak Lawn cemetery in Ossian. There is no indication of what caused her to die so soon after her wedding.
Charles F. Hissem, a 26 year old mechanic, the son of Lewis Hissem and Pearl Oberholtzer, married Hildreth L. McLain, a 24 year old clerk, the daughter of J.C. McLain and Dora Metzer, on 28 February 1934 in Wells, Indiana. She was born on 3 June 1910. Charles had been married before. By this time Charles had entered the understaking business in Ossian. They had no children - from "A history of the Nickey family in America 1700 A.D. - 1940 A.D."
Hildreth died on 13 February 1994 in Wells county, Indiana. Charles died on 17 December 2000, at the age of 92. His last residence was Cookeville, Putnam county, Tennessee. He was buried at the Oak Lawn cemetary next to Hildreth. His obituary:
"Former Ossian State Bank president and former president of the Ossian Town Board, died Sunday at Caylor-Nickel Medical Center in Bluffton. Mr. Hissem was formerly owner of the Ossian Tin Shop. He served as president of the Ossian State Bank from 1972 to 1980 and as president of the Town Board for eight years. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church at Ossian, 50-year member of the Ossian K of P Lodge, Ossian Masonic Lodge 297 and charter and 50-year member of the Ossian Lions Club and the Fort Wayne Valley of the Scottish Rite. Mr. Hissem was an avid golfer, fisherman and bowler. Buried at the Oak Lawn cemetary within the Ossian city limits in Jefferson Township, Wells County, Indiana."
He was born in 1911. In the 1920 census of Ossian Town, Jefferson township, Wells county, Indiana as Jessie Hissem, 8. He died in a train accident on 25 April 1925, at the age of 13. The accident involved his father as well. He was buried at the Oak Lawn cemetary and has a marker that indicates he lived from 1911 to 1925.
(25) William Edwin Hissem (1919)William Edwin Hissem, the son of Llewelyn B. Hissem and Pearl Oberholtzer, was born on 20 July 1919. In the 1920 census of Ossian Town, Jefferson township, Wells county, Indiana as William E. Hissem, 6/12. In the 1930 census of Ossian, Indiana as William E. Hissem, a 10 year old boy, living at home with his widowed mother, Pearl I., and older brother, Charles F.
William Edwin Hissem, 20, a sheetmetal worker, the son of Llewelyn B. Hissem and Pearl Oberholtzer, married Betty Marcella Platt, 20, the daughter of Roscoe C. Platt and Voylet R. Jackson, on 20 July 1939 in Wells, Indiana. Betty was born on 29 Marh 1919 in Union township, Wells county, Indiana.
In the 1940 census . . .
William served in the military from 11 August 1943 to 30 November 1945.
William married Joyce L., who was born in 1928.
William died on 24 August 1972 and was buried at the Oak Lawn cemetary, like his brother, Charles F. Hissem.
There is a note, "AmL," attached to William's cemetary records. What does that mean? American Legion perhaps? Apparently he served in World War II as a Marine. Joyce L. Hissem, who was born on 15 September 1928, died on 15 November 2007 in Ossian, Indiana.
His son may have been,
(26) David L. Hissem (1955)
David Lew [short for Llewellyn?] Hissem was born on 15 June 1955 in Ossian, Wells county, Indiana. I'm guessing that our David is the owner of D.L. Hissem, Inc., Industrial Contractors & Engineers in Ossian, Indiana. There is also a DL Hissem Trucking company. Debora L. Hissem, born on 14 Janaury 1955, lives in Ossian. This might be David's wife.
(23) Emily Hissem (1829)Emily Hissem, the daughter of Abner Hissem and Mary Welker, was born on 24 August 1829 and died at the age of 5 years [in 1834], per the "Biographical and Historical Cyclopedia of Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania."
The John E. Hissom Line of the Family - of Fayette & Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania
(25) John Elmer Hissom (1869)
John was born on 25 September 1869 in Ohio, or in 1870 per his tombstone. He should not be confused with Elmer Hissom who was also born in 1869 in Ohio, but in Monroe county to John Hissam and Rachel Hall. An oil field worker, he died in Tulsa, Oklahoma on 12 October 1953. John Elmer Hissom was born in 1870, per his tombstone. A miner in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, he died on 14 January 1956. John Elmer's parents were born in Ohio and Pennsylvania, or both in Ohio, depending on which census you look at. Who might his father have been?
The earliest census I have for John has him in Rostraver township, in Westmoreland county in 1910. Westmoreland county sounds like the family of Abner Hissem, but Rostrover township aligns with Joab Hissam Jr., the grandson of my ancestor, David Heysham/Hissam.
In the 1870 census . . .
In the 1880 census . . .
In the 1900 census . . .
John E. Hissom, a miner, born on 25 September 1869 in Ohio, then residing in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, married Nellie G. Reed [Nealy, Nell, Nellie, Neale], then residing in West Newton, Pennsylvania, on 8 January 1902 in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. Consent for the marriage was provided by Charles D. Reed, presumably her father - from Pennsylvania County Marriages, 1885-1950. Nellie, the daughter of Charles D. Reed and Margaret B. Lynn, was born on 18 October 1884 in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. In the 1900 census of Rostraver township as Nelie G. Reed, 15 [October 1884], of Pennsylvania. She was living with her parents, Charles and Margaret Reed, both of Pennsylvania. Charles was a railroad watchman.
In the 1910 census of Belle Vernon road, Rostraver township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as John E. Hisson, a 39 year old engineer in the coal mines, of Ohio. His parents were from Ohio and Pennsylvania. Living with him were his wife, Nealy G., 25, and children Martha J., 8, Stella M., 5, Elmer E., 3, and Margaret, 5/12, all of Pennsylvania. John and Nealy had been married for 8 years, making Martha's age questionable. Nealy had 5 children, 4 of whom were still living.
Nealy G. Reed Hissom died on 6 November 1918 in Fayette county, Pennsylvania.
In the 1920 census of Rostraver township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as John E. Hissom, a 48 year old widower, of Ohio. Both of his parents were from Ohio. He was a watchman in a coal mine. Living with him were his children, Martha J., 17, Stella M., 15, Elmer J. [sic], 12, Margaret E., 10, Albert C., 8, Edna F., 4 5/12, and James L., 2 4/12, all of Pennsylvania.
In the 1930 census of Perry township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania as John Hissom, of Ohio, a 57 year old watchman in the coal mines. His parents were born in Ohio and Pennsylvania. He was a widower. Living with him were his children, Elmer, a 23 year old laborer in the glass factory, Albert, 18, Edna, 14, and Louis [Lewis], 12. All of the children were born in Pennsylvania and their mother was from Pennsylvania. Perry township is on the border with Westmoreland county, just opposite to Rostraver.
In the 1940 census of Perry township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania as John E. Hissom, 69, unemployed, of Pennsylvania [sic]. Living with him were his son-in-law, Roy Rodgers, a 41 year old coal miner, and his wife, Martha [Hissom Rodgers], 37, and their numerous family.
John Elmer Hissom died on 14 January 1956 and was buried in the Olive Branch cemetery in North Belle Vernon, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. His obituary,
"John E. Hissom, 85, of Belle Vernon, R.D. 3 (Wick Haven), died at his home at 10:45a.m. Friday. Surviving are six children, Mrs. Martha Rodgers of Belle Vernon, R.D. 2, Mrs. Stella Hamilton of Monongahela, Elmer J. of Belle Vernon, R.D. 3, Mrs. Margaret Anderson of Belle Vernon, R.D. 1, Albert C. of Whitsett, and James L. of Belle Vernon, R.D. 3; . . . He was predeceased by a daughter, Mrs. Kenneth Anderson." - from the 14 January 1956 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania
Belle Vernon is Fayette county, northwest of Perry township, on the Monongahela river.
Another researcher, Chuch Shaughnessy, wrote in a post of 19 December 2012,
"Looking for the parents of John E. Hissom (1869-1956). John and his parents were allegedly born in Ohio. There were many settlers with the name Hissom or variations such as Hissem or Haysham in east central Ohio (Monroe, Washington), southwest Pennsylvania (Allegheny, Westmoreland, Fayette), and northwest West Virginia (Wetzel, Tyler, Pleasants, Wood, Jackson) going back to 1800 and earlier. Most were farmers. Some worked in the coal mines or on steamboats on the Ohio River.
There was a John Hissim in Westmoreland County by 1800. A John Hessom / Hesiam from Northampton county was awarded a military pension in 1818 for service during the American Revolution. Also from Northampton County, William Hissom and Abner Hissom were privates in Captain Timothy Jayne's Company, mustering at Brunswick on July 27, 1776. There was an Isaac Hisen who migrated from Northampton County to Allegheny County before 1810 and a John Hesham and a David Hesham in Lawrenceville, Pitt Township in 1810.
John E. Hissom and much of his family are buried in Olive Branch Cemetery in Belle Vernon, PA. Below are the children of John E. Hissom and Nellie G. Reed. Year of birth (y.o.b.) and spouse's names are shown.
John E. Hissom (25 SEP 1869 Ohio - JAN 1956 Pennsylvania)
& Nealy-Nellie G. Reed (18 OCT 1883 Westmoreland Co., PA - 6 NOV 1918 PA)
Child y.o.b. Spouse
Martha Jane 1902 Robert Roy Rodgers
Stella Mildred 1904 Alden Hamilton
Elmer J. 1907 Ella Winters
Margaret Eleanor 1909 Bernard Anderson
Albert C. 1911 Alice Winters
Edna Frances 1914
James Louis 1916 Eleanor Askey
Any leads would be appreciated. Thank you in advance."
His children were,
(26) Martha Jane Hissom (1902)
(26) Stella Mildred Hissom (1904)
(26) Elmer John Hissom (1907)
(26) Margaret Eleanor Hissom (1909)
(26) Albert Charles Hissom (1911)
(26) Edna Frances Hissom (1914)
(26) James Lewis Hissom (1917)
She was born on 10 June 1902 in Pennsylvania. Of Belle Vernon. She married Robert Roy Rodgers.
"Mrs. Martha Rodgers, 77, of 10802 Parkhurst Dr., Cleveland, O., formerly of Rostraver Township, died Wednesday, Jan. 30, 1980, in the home of her daughter, Margaret Branthoover, in Kirtland, O. Mrs. Rodgers was born June 10, 1902, and was a daughter of the late John E. and Neiley Reed Hissom. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Rodgers, and a daughter, Barbara Hudock. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Jean Branthoover, and Mrs. Margaret Branthoover, both of Kirtland, O.; three sons, Jack Rodgers and Delano Rodgers, both of Cleveland, O., and Marion Rodgers of Monongahela; and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren."(26) Stella Mildred Hissom (1904)
She was born on 10 August 1904. Of Fayette City. She married Alden Hamilton.
"Stella M. Hamilton, 84, of Daisytown R.D. 1, died Sunday, April 9, 1989, at 2:50 a.m. in Washinton Hospital, following a lengthy illness. Born Aug. 10, 1904, in Rostraver Twp., she was the daughter of the late John E. and Neale Reed Hissom. Mrs. Hamilton was a memberof the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of Brownstown,Fayette City R.D. 1. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Alden (County) Hamilton, in 1967; Melvin Anderson, whom she raised; one grandson, Jay Hamilton; two brothers and two sisters. Surviving are three sons, James Hamilton, of Washington Heights, Belle Vernon, Alden C. Hamilton II of Norwalk, Calif., and Donnie Hamilton of Daisytown; one daughter, Mrs.James (Sandra) Walsh of Donora; 17 grandchildren; 20 great-grandchildren; one brother, Albert Hissom of North Benton, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Margaret Anderson of Belle Vernon; and several nieces and nephews."(26) Elmer John Hissom (1907)
Or John Elmer. Of Belle Vernon. Elmer J. Hissom was born on 5 April 1907. In the 1910 and 1920 census of Rostraver township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as Elmer J. Hissom, 3 and 13 respectively. In the 1930 census of Perry township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania as Elmer Hissom, a 23 year old laborer in the glass factory. He was living at home with his widowed father, John Hissom.
He married Ruth Ella Winters. Ruth was born on 23 November 1913.
In the 1940 census of Washington township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania as Elmer J. Hissom, a 33 year old shipper [?] in a glass factory, of Pennsylvania. Living with him were his wife, Ruth E., 26, and children, Maxine M., 8, Elmer K., 7, Clara M., 5, and George M., 2.
Elmer died on 2 February 1970. He was buried in the Olive Branch cemetary of South Huntingdon township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. South Huntingdon township was near the Monongahela river. This river joins the Ohio and Allegheny rivers at Pittsburgh, to the west.
His children included,
(27) Maxine "Olive" M. Hissom (1931), she was born on 7 June 1931, she married Joseph Roy Vivio, the son of August and Jennie Rose Vivio, on 14 April 1951. Joseph died on 26 May 1996
(27) Elmer Kenneth Hissom (1932), known as Kenneth, he was born on 22 September 1932 in Belle Vernon, Fayette county, Pennsylvania. Elmer Kenneth Hissom, 24, the son of Elmer J. Hissom and Ruth Ella Winter, married Evelyn Carolyn Martin [1935-1999], 21, the daughter of Frank J. Martin and Bessie M. White, on 17 May 1957 in Winchester, Frederick county, Virginia. He was a laborer. She was born 4 August 1935 in Donora, Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. Elmer died on 16 December 2002 in Forsyth, Rosebud county, Montana.
"Hissom, Elmer Kenneth, Forsyth, M, W, Widowed, September 22, 1932, 70, Electrician, Fayette City, Pennsylvania, Hissom, John Elmer, Winter, Ruth Ann.' - from Death Index, Rosebud, Montanan. Legend: Name, Street Number, Sex, Color, Status, Date of Death, Age, Occupation, Birthplace, Name of Father, Name of Mother.
His obituary,
"Rosebud Creek - Elmer "Kenneth" Hissom, 70, of the Rosebud Creek area, died Dec. 16, 2002 at his home.
Ken was born Sept. 22, 1932, in Fayette City, Pa., the son of John Elmer and Ruth Ann (Winter) Hissom. He grew up in Pennsylvania with his family, and following his high school graduation, he became a licensed electrician, which he continued until his retirement in 1988.
On May 17, 1957, Ken married Evelyn Martin in Winchester, Va. In 1960, they moved to Great Falls, where they raised their four children. Ken and Evelyn moved to the Colstrip area in 1971, calling Rosebud Creek their home. His love for the state of Montana was as great as the Big Sky Country itself. He enjoyed hunting and fishing, and has been all through out the state doing the sports that gave him the greatest enjoyment, and most of all, the peace of mind he found being in the great outdoors.
To those that new him well, soon realized that his rough exterior was just a front for the gentle man he was. He will be missed dearly by many and our loss will not be forgotten.
He is survived by his mother, Ruth Blair of Pennsylvania; his son, R. Kenneth (Kris) Hissom of Worden; two daughters, Roxanne Harley of Lillington, N.C., Patty Hearn of Great Falls; three sisters, Claire Smith, Olive Vivio and Georgia Wisyanski, all of Pennsylvania; his brother-in-law and best friend, Bill Smith of Alaska; 10 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren. Ken was preceded in death by his beloved father, Elmer Hissom, in 1970; and his wife Evelyn in 1999." - from the "Billings Gazette"
His children,
- (28) Richard Kenneth Hissom (c1954), of Worden, Montana. He appears to be a farmer. Relatd to Britanni Lorraine Hissom, Kristine Delia Hissom, and Steve K. Hissom (c1982), related to Casie Dawn Hissom
- (28) Patty J. Hissom Hearn, of Great Falls, Montana
- (28) Roxanne Hissom Harley, of Idebell, Oklahoma, of Lillington, North Carolina
- (28) Jack L. Martin, step-son, has died
(27) Clara M. Hissom (1935), she married Bill Smith
(27) Georgia M. Hissom (1938), [the 1940 census shows her as a male] she was born on 1 February 1938, married Warner J. "Spider" Wisyanski. He was born on 7 July 1937. She died on 24 February 2009
She was born on 20 December 1909. Of Belle Vernon. Margaret Hissom, 21, married Bernard Anderson, 29, on 9 November 1929 in Wellsburg, Brooke county, West Virginia. The Reverend Milton M. Allison officiated at the wedding. Margaret Elanore Hissom Anderson died in 1996.
(26) Albert Charles Hissom (1911)Of Brownsville, and Paris, Ohio. Albert Charles Hissom was born on 12 October 1911. He married Alice Winters on 21 March 1931. Was this the sister of Ruth Ella Winters, above?
In the 1940 census of Washington township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania as Albert Hissom, a 28 year old miner in a coal mine. Living with him were his wife, Alice, 25, and Shirley, 9, and Darlene, 5. All were of Pennsylvania.
Albert Charles Hissom died on 12 September 1993 in Belle Vernon, Fayette county, Pennsylvania.
Albert's children were,
(27) Shirley Anne Hissom (1931)
(27) Darlene Dion Hissom (1934)
(27) Beverly [Mildred?] Hissom (c1941), she may have been born on 11 October 1941
(27) Alice Hissom (c1945), deceased
(27) Loura Lee Hissom (1949-twin)
(27) Linda Lou Hissom (1949-twin)
Shirley was born on 30 June 1931. In the Class of '49 at Perryopolis High School. She married Fred T. Dzara, probably circa 1951. She was a real estate agent.
"Dr. Dzara was a member of the Phi Delta Kappa and Kappa Delta Pi, honor societies. His dissertations for his doctorate was "An Investigation of Certain Aspects of the Chemistry . . . He is a former Star Junction resident and is married to the former Shirley Hissom. The couple has four sons. Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Hissom and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dzara, the couples' parents, visited them and attended Dr. Dzara's graduation." - from "The Daily Courier" of 19 June 1963.(27) Darlene Dion Hissom (1934)
"Dr. Dzara formerly taught in Charters-Housten High School and West Newton High School. He is married to the former Shirley Hissom. They have four sons." - from "The Morning Herald" of 18 July 1963.
". . . and is now teachingg at Wisconsin State University." - from "The Evening Standard" of 27 January 1965
Darlene was born on 12 December 1934. She married Arthur Saxon. She died on 5 July 2007. Her obituary,
"Darlene Dione Hissom Saxon, age 72, of Belle Vernon, Pennsylvania, passed away Thursday, July 5, 2007. She was born December 12, 1934, in Brownstown, Fayette County, Pa. Darlene was the daughter of Albert C. Hissom and Alice Winters Hissom. Darlene was a member of The Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She retired from K-Mart. She was preceded in death by her parents as well as her loving husband, Arthur Saxon in 2003, and sons, Arthur Saxon Jr. and Albert Saxon. Darlene was devoted to her family, cherished by all who knew her, loved her Lord and is now reunited with her loving husband and sons. Darlene is survived and dearly loved by a daughter, Robin Gribble and her husband, Tim, of Belle Vernon, Pa., and a son, Walter J. Saxon and his wife, Janine, of Brownsville, Pa. She was a proud grandmother to one granddaughter, Apryle Dione Herczeg and her husband, Alfred, also four grandsons, Timothy J. Gribble, Albert C. Saxon Jr., Jesse J. Saxon and Noah G. Saxon, and one great-grandson, Oliver J. Herczeg, who will dearly miss his great MaMa. Darlene is also survived by three sisters: Shirley Dzara, Beverly Hissom and Linda Watson."(27) Loura Lee Hissom (1949-twin)
Loura was born on 24 March 1949. She died 18 December 2003 in Stark county, Ohio. Her tombstone is inscribed, "Beloved Mother and Sister," so I assume she married. Her husband might be Earl William Stevenson. Her obituary,
"Loura Lee Hissom, 54, of Alliance, died on Thurs. Dec. 18, 2003, at McCrea Manor. Born in Perryopolis . . . [password protected}" - from "The Alliance Review"(27) Linda Lou Hissom (1949-twin)
Linda was born on 24 March 1949, Minerva, Ohio High School Class of '67, she married Kenneth Watson. Her obituary,
"Linda Lou Watson was born on March 24, 1949 and passed away at the age of 66 on April 13, 2015. Visitation: 6 to 8pm on Wednesday, April 15th at Laurel Oaks Funeral Home in Mesquite. Funeral: 2pm on Thursday at the funeral home. Linda was preceded in death by her parents, Albert C. and Alice M. Hissom; sisters, Alice Hissom, twin Loura Hissom and Darlene Saxon. She is survived by her husband, Kenneth Watson, Jr.; daughter, Alice Lacy and husband, David; sons, Kenneth Watson, III and McClain Watson and wife, Aliea; grandson, Eric Watson; granddaughters, Chastity Turner and husband, John, Amber Watson and husband, Ryan Burgess, Alexis Watson, Elizabeth Stark and husband, James; and great-grandkids, Kamryn Turner, Bentley Burgess, Shauna Jeane and James Peyton Stark. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, but love leaves a memory that no one can steal." - from the "Fourney Messenger" of 15 April 2015(26) Edna Frances Hissom (1914)
She was born on 25 July 1914. Of Belle Vernon. She married Kenneth Anderson. She died in July 1941 in Wick Haven, Pennsylvania.
(26) James Lewis Hissom (1917)Of Belle Vernon. James Lewis Hissom was born on 1 July 1916 [1917]. In the 1920 census of Rostraver township, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania as James L. Hissom, 2 4/12, the son of John E. and Martha J. Hissom. In the 1930 census of Perry township, Fayette county, Pennsylvania as Louis Hissom, 12. Perry township is on the border with Westmoreland county, just opposite to Rostraver.
James graduated cum laude from Marietta College.
In the 1940 census . . .
He married Eleanor Askey. She was born on 28 September 1916, the daughter of George and Mary Stoffa Askey.
The West Virginia Division of Culture and History [there's a joke here that I will resist making] has, in Wheeling, a scrapbook of clippings pasted into a copy of "Landmarks of Old Wheeling," 1936-53, donated by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hissom, of Benwood.
James had a bad accident in 1948.
"James L. Hissom, 31, Belle Vernon, R.D., suffered chest injuries and his car was completely demolished when he apparently fell asleep while driving ten miles south of Elizabeth on Route 51 yesterday, according to the State Police." - from the 29 December 1948 Monessen Daily Independent of Monessen, Pennsylvania
Probably as a result, his driver's licence was suspended in July 1949.
A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Hissom of Belle Vernon in November 1949. However, a 15 November 1949 article says that their son died on the day of his birth. The child's name appears to have been James Jr.
James Hissom of Perryopolis, RD 1, died on 7 May 1972. His obituary,
"James (Wick) Hissom, 54, of Perryopolis, R.D. 1, died at 4:30p.m. Sunday. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Raymond (Lila Rae) Keffer of Perryopolis, R.D. 1; three sons, Robert of Chardon, Ohio, Bruce of Star Junction and Richard of Perryopolis, R.D. 1; 12 grand-children; one brother, Albert of Paris, Ohio, and three sisters, Mrs. Roy (Martha) Rodgers of Cleveland, Ohio, and Mrs. Alden (Stella) Hamilton and Mrs. Bernard (Margaret) Anderson of Belle Vernon." - from the 8 May 1972 Daily Courier of Connellsville, Pennsylvania
James was buried in North Belle Vernon, Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania. Eleanor then married John Nichols. She died on 19 July 1985.
Their children were,
(27) Robert Hissom, of Chardon, Ohio
(27) Bruce M. Hissom (1942) of Star Junction, Pennsylvania. Born 20 June 1942. His wife may be Barbara.
- (28) Bruce McClain Hissem II (c1973), of Wylie, Texas
- (28) Sonja Hissom (c1975)
(27) James Hissom Jr. (1949), born and died in 1949
(27) Lila Rae Hissom, she married Raymond Keffer of Perryopolis
(27) Richard Hissom (c1957) of Perryopolis, R.D. 1
- (28) Richard Hissom Jr. (c1977), married Terese Williams on 25 May 1997, born in Perryopolis, lives in Athens, Georgia
The Hism Family of Appanoose County, Iowa
This family is interesting because on a couple of occasions their name was spelled Hissem and the second named below was born in Monroe county, Ohio where so many of our family lived.
(23) William Hysm (c1810-20)William Hysm married Martha Dickson on 17 March 1839 in Muskingum [county], Ohio - from "Ohio Marriages, 1800-1958."
(24) Doc Harvey Hism/Hissem (1843)(23) William Hysm (c1810-20) ?
As J.H. Hism per 1910 census [the J is very clear in the original]. D. Harvey Hism was born on 31 December 1843 in Antioch, Monroe county, Ohio - from FindAGrave.com. His first name appears to have been Doctor. He may be the son of William Hysm and Martha Dickson.
He served in Company D Second Regiment Missouri State Militia Cavalry (their main duty was to combat Confederate Partisan's and Recruiting Parties in the State) during the Civil War. Company D was recruited from Alexandria, Clark county, Missouri and commanded by Captain Ignatius Burns. In his pension records shown as "Doctor H Hism alias Harvey Hism."
D.H. Hism married Mary Jane [Jennie] Adamson, 20, on 4 January 1876 in Appanoose county, Iowa. She was the daughter of Benjamin Adamson (1820) and Mary Campbell.
"Directory of Appanoose County: Caldwell Township
. . .
Hissem, D.H., far., S. 30; P.O. Exline." - from "The History of Appanoose County, Iowa" of 1878. There is a Hism [sic] cemetery in the county.
This is the Dock H. Hism of the 1885 state census of Caldwell township, Appanoose county, Iowa and the Doctor H. Hism of the 1895 census of the same place. He is also the Harvey Hism who was John A. Hism's father.
Mary J. died in 1905. Doc next married Nancy H. Adamson, Mary's younger sister. This was probably a marriage of convenience, that is mutual support. Nancy subsequently received his military pension.
In the 1910 census of Tularosa, Otero county, New Mexico as J.H. Hism, 66, a Farmer "working out." He was living with his daughters [Martha] Nellie Hism and [Mary] Inez Hurges. His father was of Ohio and his mother of Pennsylvania.
Harvey died on 17 April 1917 in Tularosa, Otero county, New Mexico.
His six children were,
(25) Ella Belle Hism (c1877)
(25) Charles Benjamin Hism (1882)
(25) Mary Inez Hism (1884)
(25) John Adamson Hism (1885)
(25) Marion Niel Hism (1892)
(25) Martha Nell Hism (1892)
(24) Doc Harvey Hism (1843)
More often as Hism or Hissm. In the 1900 census of Exline town, Caldwell township, Appanoose county, Iowa as John A. Hism, 15 [May 1885]. He was the son of Harvy Hism, 57 [December 1843], of Ohio, and Mary J. Hism [February 1854]. Harvey's father was from Virginia and mother from Pennsylvania.
John A. Hism, the son of Harvey Hism and Mary Adamson, married Maude Hendershot, the daughter of Charles Henderson and Anna Mitchell on 28 November 1906 in Appanoose county, Iowa.
In the 1920 census of Exline town, Caldwell township, Appanoose county, Iowa as John A. Hissem, a 34 year old Mechanic in an Auto Garage, of Iowa. His father was of Ohio and his mother of Iowa. Living with him were his wife, Maud, 34, and daughter, Mareta R. [Marietta Ruth], 8.
In the 1925 state census of Appanoose county, Iowa as Jack Hisam. Living with him was his wife, Maud. I suspect this confirms that the name was pronounced /hiss-am/ or /hiss-em/.
Some Strays:
Thomas Hissim (1607)
"Mathew Thompson of the Island of Mevis alias Dulcina, planter, 30 years, 3 Feb., 1629. That he saw two hhds. [hogsheads] tobacco on the lands of Luke Stoakes marked to be brought into England and delivered to Luke Rawson. The tobacco was not grown on the lands of Mr. George Sandes. Thomas Hissim, 22 years, planter on the same Island [Mevis/Nevis], makes like statement, as did John Emerson planter 32 years." - from "The Genealogical Magazine" of 1907.
"At Parris Island, S. C, 1920, Marine Joe Hissem won the middleweight championship of the Marine Corps from Battling Marine Curley. Hissem later fought the lightweight champion of Cuba at Camaguey in 1921. He won the decision but there was no title at stake." - from "The Leatherneck" volume 12.